Communism would've saved Britain.
Communism would've saved Britain.
OP's a fag.
Thread over, suck my dick everyone.
Socialism arrived but capitalism held it back.
communism is bad but kaiserreich is pretty good
Winston didn't think so. Julia was against it as well.
Communism will save Britain
It's currently destroying it, pic related would of saved you.
t. someone who doesn't know what communism is
Also if Mosley didn't openly paint himself as a fascist, sure.
It is communist
Yeah, confirmed for not knowing what communism is.
Yeah, that would be you.
Actually, you, boomerfag.
Look nigger, it's clear to me that you don't know what communism is.
Explain to me what it is then.
No u
This guy gets it
I think he's run off to cuddle his copy of Das Kapital in a corner and cry a little.
We had it in the 1970s. It was so awful that our country voted in Margaret Thatcher who permanently knackered the trade unions for virtually shutting down the entire country.
As they always do.
Communism is Soviet Russia.
>communism hasn't been truly tried the thread
t. cuck
fuck of commie, back to leftie "pol"
Oh boy.
Reclaim the birthright, kiddo.
Good one you had me there
Unironically kill yourselves.
Oh yes yes absolutely!!
*rubs Malvinas*
You're alright Carlos.
British Syndicalism would have done it, Britain has always been socialist leaning, they would not have fitted in the Soviet communist model
Yeah pick one. Do you not even understand?