Were the dinosaurs redpilled? What REALLY happened to them?
Were the dinosaurs redpilled? What REALLY happened to them?
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Evolved into fucking reptillians left the earth 65 million years ago came back 50,000 years ago
Some hid in caves in India and were known as the Naga
They migrated into Hollow Earth where they still live today.
Why? Do they just want to be home again or do they have sinister motivations?
True story there were also advanced civllisations of people before us 50,000 to 30,000 years ago but the reptillians got pissed off and wiped them out and destroyed all evidence (except for some pyramids) that they existed
When they're finally sick of us they'll kill all of us too
The jews used their vile financial magic to crash their economies and starve them all out.
Jews killed the dinosaurs
>Were the dinosaurs redpilled?
Yes. They were redpilled from space. You can still see the crater where the red pill crashed, triggering the mass extinction event.
They became something far worse than anyone could have possibly imagined.
holy shit I remember that picture from dinosaur comics I read as a kid
They didn't get on Noah's Ark.
They knew about killary and the motive of the Vegas shooter (s).
They all died from apparently unironic suicide.
There were no Jewish dinosaurs.
(((They))) took care of them
>AltRightAsaurus Rex
pls someone photshop dicky spence on a dinosaur
I wonder...
Check these digits, niggers
the World changed and the flora was incapable of sustaining animals of their size.
I don't know, pretty sure they're sinister as fuck and are being controlled by the archons who worship the creator of the universe known as the demiurge, some evil fucked up horrible monster that feeds off suffering. The elite also worship the demiurge which is why they engage in pedophillia, rape and cannibalism because the demiurge feeds from the suffering it creates. It's also why they won't stop causing fucking wars
>They saw procreation as an instrument of an evil god, demiurge, or of Satan that imprisons the divine element in matter and thus causes the divine element to suffer.
The fallen one that alex jones mentioned on the joe rogan podcast is in fact the demiurge. Also most of the people on this planet aren't real humans, they're "fake" humans created by the demiurge. Like NPCs in a video game they're not real, they act and seem like real humans but they are in reality just hollow shells with no real soul. Most humans on this planet are false humans designed to cause even MORE suffering for the demiurge and keep you trapped here forever. When you die you're reincarnated into a new body to suffer some more, so even in death there is no escape.
This is found in the buddhist four noble truths
Even Schopenhauer reasoned god must be evil if he exists, I don't know what's beyond the demiurge or what the demiurge actually is.
That's nothing... Check these!
Dinosaurs did 9/11
They farted too much and caused climate change, some turned into birds though.
Thanks for the links I'll read all of this. I thought the height of horrifying things was centralized private banking but this is a completely new animal.
Also this is what the chief archon or the demiurge incarnate sounds like
The head archon or the demiurges lieutenant has some shit to do with saturn and we all know the elites have some weird obsession with saturn because the being they worship as god has some connection to it or some shit. This is basically the closet you'll ever get to understanding or knowing anything about the demiurge, we're basically fucked forever. Trapped in this hellish prison of never ending desire and suffering. You can choose what you do, but you can't choose what you desire. And not getting what you desire is the cause of suffering.
the dinos where killed by ET's long time ago...for shure !
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fucking leaf!
mods are fags
is this implying that if we fart often enough, we can learn to fly
Bro it doesn't get more redpilled than fighting for survival against other giant lizards.
Reptillians. I think they were supposed to be the caretakers of the dinosaurs, and when they fucked up and brought about the extinction event while they hid underground, they lost favor with their creator, who then decided to invest in different primates who he made into humanoids like the neanderthal, and the reptillians have been butthurt over it ever since.
Dinosaurs never existed
It's driven me fucking mad because I'm stuck between two scenarios
Either an evil monster created this world and fucking imprisoned my soul into a physical body and when I die my soul will go into another body of a complete stranger so I may be eternally tortured through the competition of physical desires and free will. Which is horrifying
Or this is all completely random and for some reason by sheer chance this world just so happened to be designed in a way where you must constantly suffer for no fucking reason at all, it's all just meaningless and we were born to feel endless pain and torment just cause. Which is even more horrifying because there is no reason for it, it's just how it is.
I don't know what the answers are, all I know is the universe is built to make us constantly suffer through wants and needs that can't be fulfilled and leave us frustrated and in agony. Greed, lust, sloth, wrath, envy, pride and gluttony are all connected to desire and they all cause suffering. If you're envious you're suffering, if you're greedy you're suffering. Not having what you want is horrible and causes suffering. But even when you get what you want, you want more or you want something else and the desires never end and you're never satisfied.
The ride never ends.
the jews killed them for being to redpilled
oy vey remember the holocene