>“Fundamentally, it’s reaffirmed that climate change is real, that humans are the dominant cause of warming, and that it is having an effect in the U.S. And those effects will grow more severe as long as we continue to emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,” said Bob Kopp, a climate scientist at Rutgers University and a contributor to the multi-agency report.
"Climate Change is Almost Exclusively Caused by Humans"
>Bob Kopp
Ooo veyy!! Do you smell (((anything))) oy vey goim :D
Current climate condition is sub-optimal. Need more research to confirm statistical significance.
>Confidence and likelihood levels are based on
>the expert judgment of the author team. They
>determined the appropriate level of confi-
>dence or likelihood by assessing the available
>literature, determining the quality and quan-
>tity of available evidence, and evaluating the
>level of agreement across different studies.
"Virtually Certain" is the only likelihood category that would be deemed significant by generally accepted STEM standards. Yet they fall short even on their own biased, pseudoscientific scale.
>"Climate Change is Almost Exclusively Caused by Humans"
>trying to compare natural fluctuations in climate that happen over millenia or ages with the scientifically proven well corroborated increase in global average temperature that happened in the last 20 years
fuck you perkele
you don't give a shit since your frozen swamp will actually benefit from climate change
meanwhile my country will turn into a desert hellhole, we won't even be able to grow coffee anymore
The funding is drying up so the junk science hysterics are cranking up the volume to 11.
Tough shit, Climetards. - the scam is over. Al Gore needs to find a real job.
These bunco artists just don't give up.
Humans' contribution to climate change comes from our abuse of fresh water sources and not from carbon emissions. I have no evidence to support this idea
>the earth can't change it's own climate it's always been humans
this level of delusion is beyond concerning
>humans can't change things in their environment it's always been earth
>changing climate = building a dam
Stop cutting all your trees away for short term profit then.
What is Chemistry?
Oh hey look, another shill trying to use the fundamental atmospheric research Richard Lindzen founded without understanding it. Neat!
I'll pass on this bullshit. Show me someone reputable in the atmospheric physics field spewing this trash.
nothing to do with human caused climate change
Some serious god complex going on.
says the biased not even pseudo scientist...
It's true, the myth of climate change is created and perpetuated by man.
how about you find soem reading skills and do some research, burgermuncher - the science is solid - climate change is real, and man made. now stop being part of the problem and get with humanity.
but they will be prosecuted for crimes against humanity - all of them.. Trump, Pruitt, the Koch Bors, all the deniers who have spawned lies for their short term profits, thinking their riches will save them from the hell they condemn the rest of to live in.
I guess molecules in gas phase don't trap thermal radiation. Learn something new every day!
they do but CO2 is not the major cause of climate it's water vapor
climate shifts*
I guess water isn't a chemical! Wow!
And I guess its concentration in the atmosphere is unchanging and never influenced by other gases! Wowow!
that isn't what the report says - it takes all natural causes into account - and they do not provide any good reason for the change - it is human action this time.
that is just silly now. Producing huge quantities of CO2 from fossil fuels and cutting down the majority of the earth's trees - that is a little more than building a dam
>humans cause climate change
>kill 92% of humans
you are really stretching here aren't you? why do you believe this? Seriously - why do you think this is all a hoax?
>Fundamentally, it’s reaffirmed
they call that propaganda
wrong. Although you might think that changes in water vapour levels have to be caused by something and maybe the huge impact of man on the environment could be that cause? what else would it be?
not necessary. But starting with all climate change deniers would be a good thing...
>nothing to do with human caused climate change
True, but a few spots are starting to melt in the Tundra causing huge amounts of methane. Himalaya ice caps melting, affecting trade winds and reflecting less sunlight. There are a lot more hurricanes in tropical areas, which is also an affect of global warming.
No that is called "science"
propaganda is what the oil companies pay for.
This post made me want to give billions to other countries
There retarded climate change does exist but thats because the earth is tilted on its axis towards the sun thsts why the temperature has been slowly increasing. Its just a cheap trick to get money very jewish trick indeed.
You guys know about the extinction its an event where the atmosphere was rich in CO2 then hundreds of volcanoes erupted and oxygen killed 96% of life on the planet. Though I think this is more real cause the kikes aren't shoving it down our throats
What's the temperature of the earth?
well that was certainly an elegant and finely crafted argument that totally convinced me. so you believe that climate change isn't a problem, and not man made, because you have a small brain. Ok.
makes sense
to spend on helping you survive and prosper. Good idea.
the earth has always been tilted - and if half is tilted towards the sun half is tilted away - it does not make a difference.
you are trolling yes?
I want pol to explain why oceans are acidifying faster than at ANY point in the last 300 million years
I want pol to explain why recent warming is extremely likely to have occurred in the absence of anthropogenic forcing
I want pol to explain why if the future forcing on the climate is potentially unseen in the entire Phanerozoic
I want pol to explain why human forcings have likely delayed the next glaciation by 100,000 years
please cite papers
Just because there is actual climate science going on doesn't mean that these hoaxters have any part in it. It's political organizations releasing political manifestos.
>recent warming
Fake news, climate change denier!
why do you want a bunch of basement dwelling virgins to give you their shitty ill informed opinion on science?
who cares?
Because they think they know better than informed experts, clearly, and I need to hear the latest news. Obviously checking papers isn't worth it.
Oh wow a TV show!
'Scientists predicted an ice age' is a fucking myth. go on, post a time magazine article like I know you want to.
the only honest graph of climate change you faggots have ever seen
>climate change doesn't exist
>zooming out a ridiculous amount to obscure the fact that temperature rises of 1 and 2 degrees on average have massive consequences due to the amount of energy required to heat the entire earth by this amount
nope, more dishonest denier crap.
>Because they think they know better than informed experts, clearly, and I need to hear the latest news. Obviously checking papers isn't worth it.
no. you clearly didn't pay attention.
but it's ok. we'll just strawman your argument as well, as conversation will never be had with your fossilised mindset.