November 4th Sup Forums movement

Ready to defend your freedom from the antifa Sup Forums?

get your guns and baseball bats ready.
Remember we can't let the antifa get away with it!





>Do not attend Nov. 4 Rallies
>antifa WILL btfo themselves
>Your attendance at these rallies can ONLY HURT our cause

that's not possible

Hillary has a 99% chance of winning!


>cringe leftyfaggots always chimp out
>no one really gives a shit
>cringe leftyfaggots chimp out like always
>no one really gives a shit

why don't you want to defend america again?

>implying a spook would use this site

Abstract merchants


Kurt vonnegut merchant?

>oy vey goys don't be prepared for anything bin those guns ammo and supplies

fuck off faggot

Don't fall for it guys. Antifa knows there is going to be violence and want us to come out so they can shift the blame like last time. Don't let jews bait you.

Shill thread
Be smarter than this, boys



Go back to /leftypol/ and tell them you've failed. You forgot to turn off your meme flag, btw. OP needs to fuck right off as well.

Where is the rallies



at antifa

I see


I'm defending my home and that's it.
Fuck off with the "lol give antifa what they want" bullshit,

antifa doesn't want you. They're numales. Take back your streets you cuck

They are not /pol or alt-right or American or anything good or normal.
The people trying to get you riled up for Nov 4 are Antifa pussies who want you to give their bullshit "event" credibility and to get you arrested or worse, besides.
Let the Antifa faggots make themselves look like idiots, again.

Nothing is going to happen on November 4. There will be an antifa rally and the same shit will happen. It's literally nothing. Just more larping faggots getting BTFO on livestreams while the media covers for them and calls them heroes of freedom for smacking people with sticks and throwing bottles. And then the media will claim the stick smacking from the right is evil nazis and blah blah blah. Same bullshit every single time. Antifa wrecks the place, right wingers defend it. Antifa either gets BTFO and leaves or right wingers say "fuck it" leave and the town burns. Still don't get why anyone would defend those Antifa psychos. You don't defend a town by burning it down. Anyone that threatens to destroy a town obviously isn't trying to save it.

And this whole thing about Nov 4th is just a leftist shill psyop to further discredit right wingers as conspiracy theorists. Why? Because we're getting close to something. Guess what? I'll leave it at that.

Every user who lives in one of the 20 cities needs to be out there tomorrow, on the streets, to confront the communists who would love to wipe you off the face of the Earth.

Don't listen to the pied piper coward shills, telling you to stay at home and hide behind your monitor with the lights off and the door blolted.

Get out there onto your streets and defend your way of life like fucking men, or don't ever fucking post here again you weasely fucking faggots.

Will my trashcan be safe from those smelly unemployable hipsters? (I put two bags of trash in it so it will take a dozen of them to be able to move it)

Can i get aids from breathing the same air their multigender lungs exhale?

>defend your freedom from the antifa
You do realize that antifa is the exact opposite of fascism, right? They are fighting for freedom.

Oh shilly mc shareblue
if only everyone couldn't see through your weak ass ploy

enjoy getting arrested twinkles



>scared of getting arrested
I've never seen a bigger cuckold than you.
Those communists are trying to wipe you off the face of the Earth. Rise up you cuck

The fuck are both of you on about?
I'm not going to get between the national guard and their antifa boipussies when I have a home to defend and a UFC event to watch.

good bait


Trash the fasc

Yeah good goy. Stay home goy. Be a consumerist cuckold. Meanwhile the country becomes more and more non-white and communist

>Not scheduling trash pick up in middle of the week
>Trash pick up on the weekend
Fake and gay.

I don't want this anymore.

I started visiting this site because I could read about things you can't usually read. I could participate in discussions with people you normally don't get to see irl. It was so eye opening you know?

Now I'm trapped in a net of violence and political games, daily attacks on me and my beliefs and this site doesn't really advocate for anything but pain and misery.

Being on Sup Forums just hurts now, not because it's I'm blackpilled but because of you.
The only types that survive here is masochists preying on us untill we break and move on.

>Killing innocent people in the name of racism and a skewed political ideology is fighting for freedom
Freedom to be a pawn in an oppressive, tyrannical Communist society that will collapse within a month because the idiots behind it don't know shit about anything other than what their commie books tell them.

This is bait.

>Nazi afraid of opinions
Yeah. Right.
>You're breaking me! DDD':
I don't care what your politics really are. This is pathetic. You should be standing up for what you believe in - even if that is filthy commie bullshit. You don't learn anything from evading argument and bending. You learn what you really believe in by defending your views.

you cuck. You don't want to stand up for your country. You just wanna sit at home while the communist jews are taking your rights away from you.
>Hurr durr daily attacks on my views
Attacks on your views are happening tomorrow. Grab your gun and head out to those communists. Give them a piece of your mind. That's how you'll be a real man

I'm on the same plan. Staying home, loaded my rifle and will let the commies chimp out and laugh at then as the cops beat the LARP right out of them.

Life really can't get anymore entertaining.

Shut the fuck up, first of all I pirate my UFC events. Secondly, I should probably start buying them because they're American as fuck and hold all kinds of fundraisers for veterans and they respected the victims of the vegas shooting.
That in addition to their increased drug testing which outed all of their nigger champions.

Antifa isn't taking anyone's rights away you fucking shill.
No one is falling for your jewish tricks.

Every trashcan in the US is fucked.

>Killing people makes you a man
No. Sitting at home, waiting for the commies to come get you and your friends, is how you be a man. Going out starting shit isn't going to do anything but make you a psycho killer. Let the police handle it. If you want to be on the front lines, join the police or a militia.


>and they respected the victims of the vegas shooting.
Those victims were filthy liberals. It was "them". You can't be this cucked. I'm done talking to you.

antifa is advocating for white genocide. The genocide is happening as we speak. We can't have this.

>waiting for them to come and get you
Remember pearl harbour? That's what happens when you wait for the enemy to come


This. OP is an ANTIFA provocateur faggot.

>getting in the way of the right wing riot squads

why do people still reply to this spam posting? fuck off we're busy loading the popcorn


Good deflection brah, all the heat is totally off you.

fuck off kike

to stay home and watch nothing happen as mouthbreathers all across the country attempt to start a "revolution" that ends up just being 20-50 fat idiots in every city that protest for a few hours before getting tired and going home. There may be a few trashcan fatalities, but this will fizzle out before the weekend is over.

anyone else high on jenkem right now?

I don't care if you think I'm a coward. I was here for a decently long time and believe me, seeing this place for what it is is the biggest redpill. It lured me in with the promises of forbidden truths, I stayed and participated in shitposting, memes...daily.
I loved this shit. Now it wants me to go out and fight some commie in god knows where ? What am I doing here ?

you should be high on pride for the white race.

you didn't think about going all the way before joining us?
You think Sup Forums is just satire? White pride and white supremacy across the planet isn't free. You have to earn it bullets and sweat.

you underestimate them

Who is Demtrious Johnson and Tyrone Woodley

you let communists do this to YOUR country>

I don't believe it gets more abstract than this.

Stay home little conservacuck. This is about removing fascism from America, something you love and admire.

Stay home. You're too little. Weak. Ignorant.


Stay home. We're tearing apart the Republican Party and exposing the racism, hatred, evil, and oppression.

Fuck off, little faggot conservative cunts. Fuck off. America is SO done with you.

If you walk out among us in that fucking shitty red hat, your life is forfeit.

more like order papa johns and watch the idiots on the street chimp out.

that's the nose isn't it

>plebbit spacing
you dramaqueen faggot, you'll need bigger b8 than that
eat a bucket of aids and gtfo



What is this 4th November crap?!
Some kind of in joke I don’t understand

Op is the biggest faggot ever


Don't get me wrong dude.
I always knew there was a hidden agenda here...always. People pushing shady stuff... taking things really seriously, planning missions. I just always thought it was aimed against the deep state jews. I thought Sup Forums wants to make the lefties miserable. When in reality all this is done to make us, the casual visitors turned political activists miserable.
Legit questioning everything I thought about this site.

>get your guns and baseball bats ready.
dont confront them, stay home and game or watch TV or goto work. Dont want the police to think your one of them.

Must suck to be retarded and on the wrong side of history

>tfw you can see it even now


Defend your family, your home, and your possessions.
Don't go out in the streets to engage with psycho anarchists who will only make themselves look bad.
Either you will get beat up (fun), or you will beat them up, get arrested, lose everything you care about, and then to top it all off the media will blame evil right-wingers for instigating violence.

Don't be a moron, stay home on the 4th.

// == ((()))

To all of you, Sissies or not, discovering you these past years have been the most enlightening, revealing, and comforting experiences in my life.

My fathers were toxic misogynists who called me Fag, Pussy, & Sissy for not being a womanizing prick like them, killing all of my desire to be an Alpha-Male. Unfortunately in my adult youth i became sexually frustrated, fucking women like a rabbit and having a lot of sexual partners. And sure, sex felt good like it does for any hormonal young boy-shape. But after several years it just didn't fulfill me. The conquest was a false one. So after moving out of small town into a city, my eyes opened. I saw gender not constrained to the binary, but now transgender, non-binary, and androdgeny were concepts I saw daily. Eventually i began looking up porn for such things & of course came across Sissy-Culture. I found myself in love.

It's a common story, at 1st I thought i wanted to date a FtM or femboy, but then it turned into wanting to be it. All of my life of repressing my exploration in gender were finally breaking their chains. Sissy porn made me begin to get curious about being taken by a man, suck his cock, letting him penetrate me, tasting his cum, but then I began to fear that I was turning into the very thing my fathers began calling me, a fag & a sissy. However, i began meeting good, wholsome men: Kind, gentle, thoughtful. I felt a warmth in my mind and in my loins, i want to please these men. Soon enough my fiance met another man whom they too are engaged. He's good, we didn't have much in common. I lovingly sucked him off, tasted his warm cum and savored the feeling of it rolling down my throat into my tum. New year's eve we decided I will let him fuck & breed me, taking my virginity.

I love my femininity. I live to please worthy human-shapes, i will drop to my knees, i will bend over and present my pussi to their pleasure, i will keep myself loocked only unless my partner(s) desires my clit.Thank you, lovelies.

Where do you live, faggot? Post address lets meet up and talk about how to fight antifa.

>mfw you are probably sucking cock down by norrebro st.

>Obese "women" and anorexic "men" walking down the street shouting.
wew, i'm going to my bunker now before it's too late


We're hitting levels of abstraction that shouldn't even be possible.

I seriously hope antifa kill like 50 people in the riots. It would be the best thing that could happen to the US after charlotesville

A true merchant wouldn't waste money on ink.
>The vast expanse of white space at the cost of a single black pixel testifies to the oppresive nature of racist white privilege. Curiously, we note that for once it is this space which is "negative", and so we may find a window into a socioeconomic solution through asexual deconstruction of this aesthetic-neotruth construct. 5 million shekels, plox."

ready here.

>Ready to defend your freedom from the antifa Sup Forums?
Yep. They are protesting in liberal enclaves, which means damage to their home. Ill be happy to let my tax dollars liberate my freedom. Slim to no chance of them in my area, however the guns are always clean and handy.

Wish this was going to happen but most likely it will be a huge disappointment like most supposed happenings.

But what if I want to stay home and defend my property from the chimp out?

Stay home
>Stay home
Stay home
Stay home
>Stay home
Stay home
Stay home
>Stay home
Stay home
There is no positive result for anyone on the right showing up. You either get beaten by a gang, and the media says it's your own fault for showing up to incite violence. Or, you whoop ass, and the media says it's your own fault for showing up strictly to incite violence.
The only way to win tomorrow is to stay home and lose your sides laughing at live streams.
Anyone trying to convince you to go is shilling for the left/antifa/blm. They want you to go so the media can push the violent white supremacist alt-right meme. If we don't show up, it will back fire. They'll get violent/riot/loot/whatever all on their own. It will make the general public hate them even more.

If you have a business, defend it.
Same shit for your home.

AntiFa will just make fools of themselves by going smashy smashy again.


imagine the kikes try to riot and nobody shows up

Won't somebody think of the trashcans

Or the ATMs, or the Starbucks.

>mfw when dumpster rapes are going to skyrocket on Nov 4th


And the second