>tfw you realise terrorists are just ordinary people like us with similar hobbies like anime, manga, vidya, Sup Forums and music
Why do we still fight and kill each other Sup Forums?
>tfw you realise terrorists are just ordinary people like us with similar hobbies like anime, manga, vidya, Sup Forums and music
Why do we still fight and kill each other Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
good god im ded
Do you think Bin Laden ever browsed here?
You do realize that children lived in that building too, right? You think he played games?
how come Sup Forums is Sup Forums and music, vidya, anime and manga isn't Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums????
leave my weeb games alone, they are already fucked enough
>final fantasy 7
>playstation 3
who the fuck wrote this stupid article, Walter Cronkike?
poor fucker and 911 scapegoat
When was ff7 ever on ps2?
What timeline is this..
Osama was a CIA operative.
Recruited and trained by CIA.
He died in 2002. As reported at time by US media.
He always denied 9/11 .. Which is now known to be a Mossad Saudi and internal US Deep State operation.
>Article clearly says PlayStation 2
Learn to read letters you stupid fucking hieroglyph writing zipperheaded Nipponese gookbastard.
BAN FFVII I always knew it was fucking subversive and degenerate, promoting that negro Barret and terrorism.
FFVIII is best
some ps2 can play ps1 games
ps2s and ps3s both play ps1 discs.
Final fantsy 7 is a PlayStation 1 game you molested child
Open your eyes chink
>FFVIII is best
FF games always take the side of the rebels against the "evil" empire (except VII) and you wonder why people want to become terrorists.
Anime was a mistake!
You can play PS1 games on PS2. It had backwards compatibility.
He's not actually Japanese. Just a yank serviceman/teacher/expat.
isn't that megamanlet even for a japanese person
Sephiroth did nothing wrong
How the fuck did this nigger play FFVII on a PS2? Special Taliban Edition Playstation or something?
Except VIII*
the absolute state of seifer
Lel not so bad-ass now huh?
seeSo many children on Sup Forums today who never owned a PS2.
but why would they assume he had a PlayStation 2 to play them and not a PlayStation 1 which would be more likely to be found lying around the desert in a pile of old bomb parts and chunks of shrapnel and goat entrails
If he had a ps2 wouldn't his kids have newer games instead of old ass shit?
Fucking think people
That's weird though. I don't remember him being that short in the FMVs.
They have shit taste and therefore must die.
Beat me to it. Can't you fucking read or what, you stupid dribble of piss.
If we all lived in a videogame of our choosing we would all be happy.
he's the laughing stock of the ff8 world
>the virgin seifer
>the chad irvine
You seriously think ps2's were unavailable to a rich as fuck warlord who wants to play games and watch Blu-ray?
forgot p
He is 6'2 you sandnigger.
They're not even human at this point.
Because FF7 is a timeless game that people still enjoy to this day you idiot. I used to own a few old PS1 discs when I had a PS2.
What if you accidentally chose stalker?
don't ruin it bong
final fantasy is amazing
when iwas little i didnt know anything about it, i got it based solely on name, same as legend of dragoon
they both made me feel as if i was truly in another world, far away from the people who dont understand me as well as the ones that hurt me
Well no wonder he was such a massive cunt with a chip on his shoulder. Napoleon Syndrome.
You can't watch blu-ray on a PS2 you literal nigger of the narcissus, you're lucky if you can watch more than a dozen DVDs before the laser assembly decides to shit itself and pop up NO DISC errors every 5 minutes
isn't it great, now the people that want to hurt you can get ahold of you any hour of the day or night via the miracle of the internet
Ps1 games worked on ps2 you dumb fuck
yeah but thankfully over time my subconscious re-wired me so that anything of that sort just turns me on now
I think the CIA put out some bullshit for a joke. If you look at the list of books he had it all seems like a joke.
>Among tomes on law and military strategy are books claiming the US was complicit in the 9/11 attacks.
>Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier
>Handbook of International Law by Anthony Aust
>Project MKULTRA, the CIA's program of research in behavioral modification. Joint hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence
>New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11 by David Ray Griffin
its jews doing jew shit
the same thing they did to people like hitler
Meant DVD, do apologise. Before that we were on VHS. I actually replaced my PS2 laser but it lasted like 12 fucking years. My Xbox made 4 before it borked. PS2 was a fucking don of a console. Never overheats, you can take it over a mates in a backpack without it breaking, and it plays GTA vice city.
The Jews used 9/11 to frame Osama because he was against the Saudi family and said they were illegitimate. The Saudis were put into power by the Rothschilds through the British. Osama no doubt also wanted to wipe Israel off the map.
what a fucking faggot hahahaha
Everyone knows that FF8 is the best final fantasy
FF7 is a shit for normies and normies alone
The sooner western men realize we have been getting cucked by our women the better
Bin laden is cia agent tim osman. He wasnt some random terrorist. You can be sure that he isnt the mastermind behind 9/11 as it was a ritual sacrifice of the jews and the towers were build purely to let them com crashing down on that precise day 33 years later.
Of course it's a joke. He died in December of 2001.
How do you feel about the Bravely Default series.
Is it a good successor?
Why or why not
Get the fuck out?
I think they mispelled Gantz. What plebian taste.
Everything but the last sentance was retarded. The US supported osama until he started bombing our embassies.
that's not true, only the first batch of PS3 models have been able to play PS1 games
the 60GB version was the OG designe with backwards compability the others didn't play anything but PS3
Antz is better than a bugs life
am i right folks or am i right
To be fair you did play as terrorists for the first part.
Never played it
My 3rd vidya ever
Bought it once on PS1
Bought it on PS3 ( completed it on both Vita and PS3)
Bought it on Steam and got all achievements
Every Final Fantasy 7 fan deserves to be hanged on a tree.
Final fantasy 8 is the best FF and anyone who disagrees has a shit taste and should not be trusted
> 1 post by ID
> Open ended question with no personal view
> Data mining thread from a brainlet company
Sage all fields
All ps3s can play ps1. Only the first batch could play ps2.
Btw guys this reminds me...
I was like 9 or some something and my local police agency had some sort of event at our local park.
They had a couple of tables setup with SWAT gear and there SWAT officer was behind the table (to answer questions and crap).
I went up to the tables and started naming each piece of gear.
>"Wow how do you know so much about this stuff?"
"I play SWAT 2. It's a really cool game. You can play as SWAT or the terrorists"
>"But you only play as SWAT right?"
"N-no...not usually"
He stared at me until I walked away.
What's wrong with that?
Conspiracy theories that make people angry at their own Government are great to propagandize with if you hate that government.
And I'm pretty sure an international terrorist would be interested in international law
shut up you stupid mongrel slav
ff7 ff8 ff9 were the best of the series
>Final fantasy 8
The story makes absolutely no fucking sense and you know it you contrarian faggot.
he actually had the PC version of FF7, it's in the list of copyrighted materials that the govt scrubbed from his computer files before making them public
I think he browsed Sup Forums back in like 2006-2007 sure.
I wouldn't be surprised.
Do a little digging and you'll find out this bin laden release is chalk full of disinformation. Sage.
>Never played it
its literally Final Fantasy 2.0
you should play number 1 & number 2
>he breathed air
>he drank water
>he's just like you goyim
>no borders
Was he Tifa man or an Aerith man?
You're a damned fool if you think that.
The only Final Fantasy VIII is superior to is XIII.
And that's including the first three games.
>promoting terrorism
>After one successful raid(which also kills hundreds of innocent people and does virtually nothing to Shinra) AVALANCHE gets literally crushed like ants and wiped out
>the survivors break into the Shinra building and get captured and only escape because the space monster lets them out
>Cloud, the group's leader post-midgar(after everyone decides the black guy is too dumb to do it, which Barret eventually admits is true), spends most of the game being manipulated by an evil space monster to help it destroy the world
>Shinra ends up doing 80% of the actual work involved in defeating Sephiroth and saving the world
AVALANCHE are a bunch of idiots who fuck up constantly and get mostly obliterated at the start of the game, and then the remnants spend most of the rest of the game unwittingly furthering the plans of an evil space jew. Meanwhile the people they spend the whole game fucking with accomplish most of what needs to be done to save humanity(take out the WEAPONs, break the shield over the Crater, try and take out Meteor with a rocket) despite AVALANCHE constantly fucking things up. Rufus Shinra ends up being explicitly a good guy in the movie, too.
Repeat after me, you filthy protestant kraut.
It does
Basically the world of FF8 is stuck in a time-paradox, an endless loop
>Ultimecia is born
>She learns that sooner or later a legendary mercenary from the past will come to kill her
>She decides to compress the time, thereby she challenges Squall
>Squall kills her and he becomes a legend
>fast forward X centuries
>Ultimecia is born
In a nutshell
Both are fucking useless and shallow
I swear to god, everytime I replay FF7 I hate Aeris more and more
>*teleports behind you*
He still shitpost here as a americanhatingsaudi. Poor old man his hell is literally saudi arabia.
al qaeda was just final fantasy larping that got way outta hand.
excuse me. tifa isnt useless because she has them big tiddies
>Do you think Bin Laden ever browsed here?
Course he did, he named the kikes and was red pilled about US.
>and presumably a Playstation 2
Two things. FF7 was on the original Playstation. Also, it's much more likely given that they recovered a digital copy that he had a PS emulator like ePSxe to play it on. Physical system are vulnerable are are the disks. Virtual emulators and digital roms are the way to go my dudes. How do people not know all about emulators in 2017?
I wonder who will have been his wife?
>Batman : Gotham Knight
Never liked her that much
I found the Nigger and the Dog to be more useful than her
By the way, I hope they include Zack in FF7 remake
Along with Sephiroth and Genesis, he's one of the coolest ff characters
who do you think is behind the amerishart memes user?
>tfw he started the trump meme to make america fall
>tfw I could build a harem but I only want my sweetheart Aerith
>tfw Sephiroth strikes and kills my waifu
>tfw I have flashbacks to all the moments together, crossdressing, picking up flowers, riding to the sunset... All gone
>Dedicate myself to avenger her
>Suddenly, come across a post on Gamefaqs titled "How to revive Aerith"
>Level her up to lvl99
>Never get Yuffie into your party
>Get Aerith to date you in Gold Saucer
>Go back to the slums where you meet her for the first time
>Pause the game
>Tear down the Twin Towers
>"Allah you can keep your virgins, just give me back my waifu"
>one of the coolest ff characters
He grew up in Switzerland, he was born into a Western lifestyle. He wasn't a goatherder all his life you know.
I would go full degenerate for his boi pusi
A) I think he had resources considering the neighborhood he lived in.
B)Games were not exactly exported to the middle east.