God created them to protect the KARA BOGA in Africa from the wh*toid scum . Turks are the attack force of the BLACK race. This is why TÜRKS conquered Europe around the same time the BLACK KANGZ were attacked in Afrika. They destroyed the wh7te capital of CONSTANTINOPLE and replaced it with ISTANBULL, to honour our BLACK BULL (KARA BOGA) nature.
When the African KANGZDOMS were destroyed TÜRKIYE was the last KARA BOGA country on earth. The wh#te subhumans attempted to take it down in order to permanently end the KANGZ and nearly suceeded. Luckily the biggest KARA BOGA of them all, Mustafa JAMAL, fought of the wh1te beasts and created a BLACK utopia in TÜRKIYE. However the nefarious schemes of the wh'tes continued, attempting to bring the KARA BOGA TÜRKS into the E.U. where they would be overwhelmed by gayreek WH9TE immigrants.
Luckily from the furthest we can get from Europe in Turkey, the north east GEORGIAN BLACK territory, a new KARA BOGA rose for the first time since Mustafa JAMAL. RECEP TAYIPP ERDOGAN (REIS) destroyed all wh8te LAICITE devils and restored himself as the KANGZ of TÜRKIYE. Now the BLACK KARA BOGA TÜRKS must struggle against the wh6tes to end that accursed race once and for all.
Turks are KARA BOGA. This is why wh*te people fear them
Other urls found in this thread:
Turks will beheaded by real Muslims.
Bosniaks are wh*TES who later became Africanised by the Ottomans.
OP at his keyboard
butthurt wh*TE scum detected.
Throughout 6,000 years of recorded history, the White European Aryan has invented nothing. Not a written language, weaved cloth, a calendar, a plow, a road, a bridge, a railway, a ship, a system of measurement, or even the wheel. (Note: This is in reference to the pure-blooded Aryan.) He is not known to have ever cultivated a single crop or domesticated a single animal for his own use (although many powerful and docile beasts abounded around him.) His only known means of transporting goods was on the top of his hard burry head. For shelter he never progressed beyond the common mud hut, the construction of which a beaver or muskrat is capable.
The BLACK race has crossed seas, harnessed rivers, carved mountains, tamed deserts, and colonized the most barren icefields. It has been responsible for the invention of the printing press, cement, the harnessing of electricity, flight, rocketry, astronomy, the telescope, space travel, firearms, the transistor, radio, television, the telephone, the lightbulb, photography, motion pictures, the phonograph, the electric battery, the automobile, the steam engine, railroad transportation, the microscope, computers, and millions of other technological miracles. It has discovered countless medical advances, incredible applications, scientific progress, etc. Its members have included such greats as Socrates, Aristotle, Plato, Homer, Tacitus, Julius Ceaser, Napoleon, William the Conqueror, Marco Polo, Washington, Jefferson, Hitler, Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Magellan, Columbus, Cabot, Edison, GrahamBell, Pasteur, Leeuwenhoek, Mendel, Darwin, Newton, Galileo, Watt, Ford, Luther, Devinci, Poe, Tennyson, and thousands upon thousands of other notable achievers.
and the lesson to be learnt here? "The greatest inequality is the equal treatment of unequals"
ISIS is getting BTFO by true Islamic leader ERDOGAN (R.A)
Whites will become Muslims and make Islam great again you turks cannot even stop us.
God bless the Turks and their black leaders.
Responds with a few words
Responds with a paragraph about how butthurt Is.
fake news, his real name was MUSTAFA JAMAL. damn wh*TES always oppressing us KANGZ.
fuck off turk stink
>The Muslim empire had the largest number of black African slaves the world has ever seen.
>Then why aren't there many blacks in Middle East today? Because the Muslims castrated their black slaves.
>The Muslim has been the greatest slaver and greatest abuser of black people in history.
oh yey another butthurt muslim. Btw you turks should get a leech on your women. They are easy.
Turkanons is it always the same turk making these threads?
well duh, you're not a smelly brown manlet
kek, we raped you wh*TES for years
I imagine myself in Europe, leading my Ottoman Platoon. Our mission is to stop wh*Te dogs from advancing. We mow down wh*Te dogs but they keep coming. I shoot wh*Te dogs but I run out of ammo so I draw my sword and begin slaughtering wh*Tes, since wh*Tes are way more psychically inferior to me, I slay them by dozens. Then I get shot, but I didn't fall, I kept fighting. Then shot again and again. wh9Tes were shooting me from a distance like a cowards they are. I lie down, facing up to sky and I see KARA BOĞA (Allah) smiles at me, I smile back... Then I woke up, in africa, my homeland. My BLACK brethren gave me a warm welcome to heaven. I finally made it, I finally made it into heaven..
When wh*TES tried to get revenge they failed
>kara boga
You misspelled ooga booga.
ruling part of Turkey is AFRICAN KANGZ PARTI
This one is made by a Brazilian monkey
That's nice, Hakan, now wake up from your sleep. That goat ain't gonna fuck itself.
and then the polish cav raped you with horse penis?
Brazil user isn't in today retard.
nice google translate wh*TEOID
By 2500 there will be only 1.1 million wh*tes left on the planet Earth. No wh*te shall live past the age of 50. All of you will live in a reservation space 500 x 500 miles in size in the heart of Africa. All your women will be assigned as concubines to each and every black man, rotated out at our convenience. All white bois from Western Europe and America will be forcibly fed estrogens and turned into sissies, and they will guard the harems as well as provide their tight boipuccis on demand whenever a black man grows tired of pussy. The strongest, most aggressive breed of the white bois, Slavs, will have their masculinity intact and will be forced to fight as gladiators in massive arenas for our amusement. The strongest of these gladiators will be used as slaves for our growing empire, and they will be forcefully bred with Black Queens to ensure the healthiest mestizo spawn.
We will remove all your heritage and claims of ancestry and destroy all records of your achievements. We will rewrite the very language you speak, so that in 2500, all whites will only speak White Pidgin, which is different from Black Pidgin in that every sentence spoken by a white boi to a black man must always begin with a honorific, so that your entire way of thinking is submissive toward black men, down to your language.
>beat us in one battle 400 years ago
>still celebrate it to this day
kek, poles are fucking stupid. Even the polish prostitutes in Istanbul boast about it, before realising they are working in the nation their ancestors fought against.
What's the correct spelling brother?
That's some next level fanfic right there.
not going to help a white
that's lame m8.
Reminder that NATIVE British people are 100 per cent BLACK BULLS. In fact Africans are a little mixed with whites due to the fact they have a land border with the wh*tes whereas we are detached from Eurasia so we kept our 100 per cent BLACK BULL bloodline
This is why we voted Brexit. We have too many white immigrants from the EU. It would be ideal if we had no immigration to keep the BLACK bloodline pure, but that is economically impossible. African Blacks who are at least 70 per cent BLACK like are more similar to a pure Anglo Saxon who is 100 per cent BLACK, than a 0 per cent BLACK white pole. They are therefore easier to integrate into our society. This is also why we conquered Africa instead of Europe. We don't want white subhumans in our country, even the mixed BLACKS of Africa are ok compared to them. So that is why the Commonwealth is almost all non-white countries who are mostly but not PURE BLACK like Canada and New Zealand. So we voted Brexit to kick out the wh*tes so we could import more BLACK BULLS.
Now is Brexit making sense?
The BLACK man is the epitome of male dominance and masculinity. Let's start by looking at his body. His body is large. His domineering size makes his presence known without him even needing to point himself out. He is muscular, as a result of his high levels of testosterone. This gives him the appearance of health and strength. He is then covered by his dark skin. This dark skin reminds us of his ruggedness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the scorching sun of africa, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The dark skin reminds us of our dark, deep desires that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The BLACK man's demeanor is one of alphaness. He is dominant, assertive, and can be explosively aggressive. His behaviour strikes fear into the more timid, cowardly races of man(ʷʰᵀᵉ dogs) The summit of expression of his masculinity on his body is his penis. The BLACK penis is largest of all the races. As the penis is the penultimate symbol of manhood, this alone would suffice to make the BLACK man the most masculine of men. This large penis is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of women, being able to more than fill all the recesses of the vagina. Its length ensures that when it ejaculates, the potent african seed will immediately enter the womb of the woman the BLACK man impregnates.
In total, the BLACK man expresses this masculinity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he unleashes the entirety of his lusts and desires upon his partner without any restraint.
I think you should make anti white threads rather than turks are black threads on /pol cuz /pol is easily triggered by anti white threads not threads like this
The truth is that BLACK men are gods of the sexual market. See the reasons:
Every BLACK man is automatically assumed to be an alpha male.
A wh*Teboi, to be accepted as an alpha, have to change his entire personality to something more aggressive and violent, he must demonstrate dominance through verbal and non-verbal means, he must assume a overconfident, no-shits-given pose and constantly show his high status and hierarchical position.
A BLACK man to be accepted as alpha just needs to exist. Even the police thinks that, you know they assume all BLACK men are thugs? Now, have you ever seen a virgin thug? A thug with no harem of women at his disposal? Society will always consider you a alpha male by merely existing, if you only keep your mouth shut you can proceed to harem building without speaking a word.
BLACK men have access to every type of girl
When a wh*Te wants to become a Chad, there are several paths he may choose and these paths led to different kind of girls. A whiTe fratboy Chad will fuck sorority sluts, but he won't bang cute liberal arts sluts. A whiTe hipsters Chad will bang cute liberal arts sluts, but he won't bang sorority sluts. A BLACK men will bang anything. The sorority slut because he is attracted to his alpha male allure, and the liberal arts chick because she is afraid of being considered racist if she doesn't offer herself to the pleasure of her african warrior king.
BLACK men hold cultural hegemony
What is the most popular form of music in the Western world? Hip-hop. What is the most popular dance? Twerking. What is the most popular sports? Sports that BLACK people play such as basketball and football.
What is that confers legitimacy to subcultures and political ideologies? Acceptance of and by BLACK people. BLACK men are literally gods.
There would be no reason to stop you if you became muslims.
have switched focus, kardesim. Please check the copypastas
wh*Te subhumans , how does this make you feel?
You could have a completely homogenous community of middle class wh*Tes. A nice town with almost no crime, an all round good community. However because of the weakness of the wh1Tes all it would take to destroy this community is one BLACK bull?
Just imagine, it's a nice sunny Sunday afternoon, imagine the bustle of this 100% wh#Te town until suddenly a couple of BLACK bulls walk up. Women would feel more attraction to these superior, strong bulls infinitely more than their pathetic wh9Te husbands. Every woman would be begging, grovelling to be impregnated by these overlords, the new kings of the town who earned this position with nothing but their superior presence. And these bulls wouldn't stop until every girl was carrying their children, the wh2Te women's original children would probably be neglected. Who the fuck would want to raise these inferior children? They are only going to turn out like their fathers.
The Men? The men would flee after realizing how futile their attempts at winning back their wives attraction would be. They would flee to Japan where they will try to win over FAS looking ugly Jap girls because they are the only things disgusting and lonely enough to accept them. Many would probably be rejected after the Japs hear of their shameful and dishonorable display, even they probably would have killed themselves to avoid the shame.
Back home in the once nice town, every woman will be raising their BLACK children and will be queuing up for their second or maybe even third pregnancy. They wont stop until they hit menopause, because they know deep down that their purpose is to populate the world with superior BLACK bulls who will then move on to destroy other towns. This is REAL colonization. You can't take over a place without winning the attraction or respect of the people, that method will always collapse.