
Why is it that soy-boys, bug-boys, and cucks tend to wear virgin glasses related, yet actually intelligent people tend to wear char glasses related?

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all glasses besides sunglasses are virgin glasses

>glasses on the left are "fool of myself"

Fuck you

>not wearing the "Turn on the gasses" glasses
Fascism glasses for the win.

Forgot my pic

The true redpill is to not wear glasses at all. Wearing glasses only accelerates the failure of your vision. And don't get me started on (((contacts)))


>tfw finally got my lasik procedure done last year

it's fucking incredible, I love not having to wear cuckgoggles anymore.

>fuck you fascist
there, fixed it for you virgin.

glasses don't accelerate the failure of your vision. it has more to do with the way the body changes, so a growing kid might have bad eyesight that keeps getting worse until they stop growing in their early 20s.
you people are dumb.

Glasses are for defected beta cucks.
An alpha is perfect in every way, he has no need for spectacles.

did it hurt?


Well, Sellner is a fascist, so your argument is disproved.

Not wearing tortoise Modo Circle...

Pedo Glasses

Can confirm LASIK is amazing. No more glasses or contact lenses. Vision is 20/15 now.

They numb your eyeballs but you can still smell the chemical reaction breaking the connection between the cells when they make the incision, and at a few points the machine presses down very hard on your eyeballs, hard enough to bruise. Eyes feel a little dry and sandy for a few days after and if you rub them too hard you can rub the cornea off so you have to be careful.

Was a 10 minute procedure. 100% worth it.

>Needing glasses
>Having shit eye genetics


I wear Square for work though.

The soyim know!

Fashion is for faggots.

Neck yourself.

Chris wore the best glasses

>implying progressives aren't crypto-fascists


I wear these and have for the last 11 years though I think communism is a joke and hate numales. The frames on the left don't suit my face, when my last pair snapped at the bridge I thought I'd change up but I couldn't find any I liked so I just tracked down another pair of my old ones on the Internet.

On ebay for a touch over 10k muricabucks. I got out bidded :(

I feel bad about it because although intelligence is inexplicably linked to people that wear glasses deep down I know in our primal state I'd be fucked because I can't see a foot in front of me clearly without glasses.
I'd be easy prey. I don't know why my eyes are so shit. No one else in the family has poor eyesight.

>tfw got military glasses because i thought they would be good quality
>they actually aren't

whatever i would look like a cuck without them anyway

Actually, it has more to do with nutrition than genetics:

He sold the classic for $26,000 I think

I wear problem glasses at work instead of safety glasses, and chad glasses at home. My gf tells me my cuck glasses make her horny because she knows I do manly stuff when I wear them

>the absolute state of modern soldiers

Well some people (everyone on Sup Forums) ruined their eyes with too much computer time when they were younger

they're not too big though, closer to familia parva figura then to familia nequam.
I assume you are intelligent since you relaise the fucked state of communism as well, but just to be sure:

What is dx/dy equivalent to?

Didn't he get blown off once he shipped the items for sale?

(Not get paid after item was shipped)

some of us are old enough to not have had a computer as a child, and no I'm not even 40

not genetics, not screens, but more to do with nutrition than anything else:

>What is dx/dy equivalent to?

I don't know.

I think he ended up getting $10,000 for the sonic totem but im not sure about the shirt.

good answer.
it was a trick question, the derivative of x over the derivative of y is not equal to anything as it is a concept rather than a number.

I seen a TMZ article about him in ATL slaying puss in the exactly that shirt and 501 cts with those shoes.

usual glasses.

It looks like the model stayed the same, they just changed his texture

dx/dy isn't equivalent to shit without context you idjit

Clark Kent is the only alpha who wears glasses, and he is fictional. Glasses are the manletism of the eyes -- and out of 100 people with glasses, how many do you see with broad shoulders and a strong jaw? Its a phenotype of the (((intellectual))), an over-analytical mandarin who specializes in clerical work and practices elitism and obfuscation to leech off the productive members of society. A true man is both intelligent and physically respectable.

>get thick rimmed glasses at walmart because the girl said I looked good in them
>immediately hipsters start wearing clear plastic glasses
>normies on Sup Forums still think black rimmed glasses are cutting edge hipsterism

its good in a way because it lets me be camouflaged, a desirable thing in the upcoming war, I won't be wearing a red coat that's so easy to spot. and 90% of men are physically weaker than me, so its fun to see the triggered look on their faces. on the other hand its annoying when some dink has no idea that my posts and memes saved western civilization from zog brainwashed suicide

Spoken like a true beta

I would challenge you to fisticuffs, but that would be ableism unless I stood still and yelled 'warmer' 'warmer' 'colder'.

>Wearing glasses only accelerates the failure of your vision.
It is opposite. Constant unsuccessful accommodation attempts stretch tendons.

for prescription glasses, rimless ones are better, as they're lighter and less of an annoyance to field of view
best still is to get an operation

I have same user. Stay based

Got damn man I can't tell if you're just committed to the meme or if you're serious

The only correct answer.

If you have to wear glasses all day, you would choose the ones with the biggest lenses as then you can see a wider picture, I've tried both types of glasses and the thinner "stylish" glasses are inferior.

Ovals are fine too.

fuck contact lenses
idk how the hell people put those things in their eyes early in the morning
shit burns

what's a good brand of spectacles

>mfw everyone i have met who weears the chad glasses is Sup Forums, /fit/lit/ and Sup Forumssci/

Small side field of view.

You call it a meme, yet I bet you put on contact lenses when you go on a first date.

isn't dy/dx just standard notation for differentiation?

Contact lens here. Fucking hate glasses.

Thanks for letting us know that your only friend is yourself.

You too senpai

You get used to them. Sounds like they're dirty if they're burning your eyes though. I wear the one day disposables because I only ever wear contacts if I'm going out somewhere there's a chance to meet women. Otherwise I just wear my glasses all the time.

you have autism

>True communism hasn't been tried yet

That's not wrong, you know.

The original concept of communism has never been successfully executed in any government because of:

1. There needs to be an excess of supplies and services in the society for it to work.

2. All communist governments have been corrupted in some way or form so that the spread isn't equal among all citizens.

3. None of the communist societies have been able to make the original concept work in the real world.

Communism in its purest form isn't a bad idea [read Looking Backwards by Edward Bellamy for an example], but it hasn't ever been executed in this manner because people tend to corrupt things with their greed, and there aren't any countries with the elements needed to make a successful communist republic.

Communism doesn't work because humans aren't robots. We are imperfect and communism is too easy to break.

"Hi. I'm Wally. Looks like I found you."

>tfw have chad glasses but black rimmed and not as thick as virgin glasses
>tfw they are transition lenses
>tfw I got them before any of this hipster glasses uniform bullshit started


>no way for me to prove that i'm telling the truth without revealing who i am and thus forfeiting anonymity(one of the blessings of god), so instead:
isn't that incredibly abelist of you? Stop friend-shaming you bigot! :^)

Can confirm. I wear normal rim glasses, am a Natsoc, and am going to one of the most prestigous law schools in Canada.

Your parents never gave you sun bathes when you were a baby.

exactly my line of reasoning.

To add, humans by nature are selfish beings, and given something nice (like power or wealth) they will desire more of it. Since the implementation of communism will inevitably lead to big gov, that will always lead to a dictatorship and as a result will always morph into fascist-Communism. Communism is unimplementable, even in a post-scarcity environment.

wider is necessary
taller is not
what I find most annoying with thinner actually is the rim
so go rimless, wear them at the appopriate height on your nose (ie higher than most people do), and enjoy the added benefit of thus lighter glasses

The chad head turn vs the virgin eye roll

I'm a europleb and I dont get what this woman is doing wrong
pls help polacks who /k/now

I don't think it was Vitamin D deficiency. I used to fucking live in our pool when I was kid and when we moved house I got a basketball hoop so I was outside a fair bit. I did play a lot of Nintendo though so that could be a contributing factor.
I tend to just think it's a bit of a genetic lucky dip and I lucked out though.

You're probably projecting.

I'm just culling the emotionally weak so they leave Sup Forums. We don't want to be reddit, do we?

"did you hear hans, waldo just found another 100 jews!"

actual communism would be stateless, ie without a government
problem is it takes a government to try and force communist ideals on people, because it goes against their very nature
qed: communism is an incoherent ideology and actually can't happen

She is pointing the (probably loaded) pistol at her vital organs. Search knife hands on youtube and it will be even funnier.

>1. There needs to be an excess of supplies and services in the society for it to work.

There will never be an excess of supplies in a system where the people working harder to create an excess see no benefit from their labour.

>2. All communist governments have been corrupted in some way or form so that the spread isn't equal among all citizens.

Power inherently corrupts people so there will always be someone looking to set up their secret police, seize power and oppress the masses.

>3. None of the communist societies have been able to make the original concept work in the real world.

Because the concept is inherently flawed because it ignores the flaws in human nature and falsely assumes all men are equal.

>am going to one of the most prestigous law schools in Canada.
which one?

i'm curious, what is it about natsoc that you find agreeable?

Hah. I always thought that was a flashlight or something.
>Search knife hands on youtube and it will be even funnier.
Will do

This is a myth. Studies that were being carried out to try and verify the phenomenon of "encourage your eyes to work harder and your vision will improve" instead found that the opposite was true, and to such a degree that the study was cut short because it was unethical to continue the research given their findings.

I’m a tall, decent looking fit 50 year old man and when I was in Mexico last year i got a pair of progressive lenses in that circle style as a joke to show my daughter...whenever i wear them people ask me about them and always ask to wear them as a selfie joke...straight be honest i like wearing them because they have the best lenses

It's actually the opposite. I specifically put on my glasses. Sure having perfect vision is better than having to wear glasses, but in terms of what girls care about I'm pretty sure vision is near the bottom of the list

>at her vital organs
Could've just said at her body but you want to make it sound worse, must be mad because women can shot and kill you all the same. HOW FUCKING RACIST AND SEXIST ARE YOU! GEEZ, Canada here I come.

in short, yes. it depends on the context tho

>wearing Glasses
>looking like a fucking Nerd
>having to rely on glass infront of your eyes to see
>not getting Chad Laser surgery

>I'm just culling the emotionally weak
good on you homo, once you're done sucking tyrones cock keep doing gods work.


>paying thousands so you don't have to wear contacts that nobody will notice

a worthy sacrifice to the meme

I fucking hate the fact I need glasses and would do anything to get rid of them but I can't wear contacts


>get cataracts in old age
>can't do shit about it because already got laser surgery in your eye
Plus, wearing glasses gives you access to expressions that just don't have the same impact otherwise. Looking over them at a person. Taking them off while talking to emphasize what you are saying.

why can't you wear contacts?

>. Looking over them at a person. Taking them off while talking to emphasize what you are saying.
and looking like a fag

>implying you're not projecting
When did you become so insecure, aquafresh?

>Do I look like a faggot to you, son?