Post pics of why canada is the most cucked country on earth
Canadian hate thread
You got blown out on your other dumb thread.
Just stop it. Go play some video games.
le 56%
pretty sure that didn't happen
There are two many niggers in america but atleast american niggers speak english not shitskin languages
Have fun with this one, anybody good with editing photos?
That was my thread, a lot of people hate you
Most? No, but we're definitely top 5. I think the Swedes and Germans still have us beat because we haven't started literally kicking people out of their homes to make room for more rapefugees. We're only 73% white but most of the 27% is Chinese people who aren't white but are still better than Muslims. We also don't count hispanics or arabs as white so 73% actually means 73%(we do count Native Americans as white for some reason I can't begin to understand but I subtracted that out).
Still though, the cuckening is real. The only reason we aren't drowning in arabs is geography.
USA should nuke you cucks for having your leader cry in public over a fucking singer
If current year man gets re elected your Syrian refugees (i.e. LARPing Africans) numbers will be on par with Germanys
recent polls show Weedman slipping below Conservatron mk2 but just barely, there is still hope for the return of our robot masters
Jesus... don't make me google the US version of this OK. This was your initiative originally, I think the major difference was pink pumps rather than red.
Or maybe it was those clear stripper shoes, I can't recall exactly.
oh christ and im supposed to immigrate into this country of fucking faggots.
Jesus Canada what happened
Your military is still meme tier trash, like a cunt hair above Germany and below France
Canada isn't even a real nation.
Let me know when you arrive I'll rip your face off
anybody getting tired?
unchecked liberalism
The conservative party of Canada were a bunch of bumblefuck idiots for decades. Each time they would get in, do something fucking retarded, and get swamped in the next election. Meanwhile the liberals fucked the country but did it so slowly that nobody noticed until their 3rd terms.
Stephen Harper, a political android constructed in secret by tory roboticists to turn the tide in their endless battle against cuckery, was the first Conservative PM in a hundred years to not commit some major fuckup and get BTFO and managed to hang on for a while, but the power of Weedman was too strong.
I'm getting sleepy
>We count native Americans as white
god willing, that will not happen
murica fuk yeah
50% white
Based Harper. Never forget, he was betrayed by numales, women and minorities
>only one solution. a final solution
shart thinks his government is not controlled by mega banks and his billionaire president cares about him .
yeah I dunno either man
They're listed under "non-minority" with Caucasians. Everyone else gets listed under "minority". Don't know why.
Canada hasn't had a real conservative party since 2002 DESU, Harper was a traitor and did such things as end the life long pensions for your wounded service members and introduced slavery into the Canadian prison system. Fun fact: Canada has more prisoners than ever before, and your "speedy trial" if you are charged (yes, you can now be charged without proof) is 1-3 years where unlike on bail in the US, your rights are severly restricted (no alcohal, curfues, weapons bans, limited places you can go/ live etc)
I can't argue with this thread.
Because their prime minister spends time there.
I guess you shouldn't be a nigger breaking the law then
After eight years of Obama, this image is so refreshing.
Enjoy your hatians, frostback
Canada hasn't had a real Conservative party since John A. Macdonald died.
Google Guerthy V Elliot, you clueless fuck. Jesus I can't stand how none of you faggots have any self awareness; bongistan is like 5 years away from Orwells 1984 and you probably have 15 years, if that
here you are, found your pic
There are a shitload of fat people in Canada you oblivious fuck, its cold most of the year there and everybody who lives in leaf land is a poorfag
>Posting pics of southern Canada and Quebec pretending they're considered parts of Canada
My fucking sides.
t. faggot that's never been outside his basement
we won't end up at 1984, that's not where Canada's going. We're definitely a Harrison Bergeron country. Or Brave New World if we're lucky.
>Statistics Canada, a sub-organization of the government of Canada, reports that 14,222,521 Canadians (54% of the population) over the age of 18 self-reported as overweight or obese in 2014
Meanwhile in Canada
Behold the master Aryan race
>a sub-organization
I don't care what the Jew says, nigger boy
>ywn be a contemporary barbarian
>two many niggers
>user complains about the proper usage of language
Northern Blood
Winter Strong
You faggots are just greater New York, you have less niggers because you have less people
Why is the god emperor talking to the SG-1?
post source, leaf
this has to be fake. please in the name of George Washington, let this be fake
She claims it was consensual.
>this logic
Holy shit, go to school
Dumb cunts ontario doesnt equal All of canada. They can choke themselves with all the refugees they want. No refugee is going to move into fucking chilliwack or fort saskatchewan. Read a fucking atlas
I bet he's in high school, with niggers and criminals
No nigger here boss
Cultus lake user?
Plz no bully. Plz just annex.
Fucking help us.
Finn Beales my man
>legal weed country wide
You just don't get it cause you're not on a cerebral, Justin Trudeau, type high. You need some good sativa dude
Gorgeous i gotta check it out someday
get a load of this one, no photoshop
he just takes pictures like that
The first pic is in northern Alberta
See that Flag
Fear the Leaf
Holy we drove out all the US cucks, eh
my work is done here
know your place soyboi
>shit ass nigga bitch
None of that is true.
I'm not trying to kill your mood here, but whilst overweight and that trashy shit is terrible, I think having a PM who's a literal SJW might be worse.
canada, why u are disgusting and degenerate?
Every yankee deserves to the rope.
We've kicked our military off of bases to house refugees. Open your fucking eyes
Canadians are only degenerate cucks in Toronto, Vancouver and Montreal. Outside of those wretched pits of faggotry Canadians are total bros.
checked and praise
>taking the bait
*sips pee*
It shall come from beyond the skies
Omg this thread.... So many buthurt Canadians they literally allowed the government take the children of parents who do t agree with LGBT agenda ....
Good job OP now even the lurkers and newfags can see how pathetic Canadians really are
Pathetic nation of cucks and fags
the literal fag police