You have no fucking idea

We just had 18 billion dollars pumped into our veins, it's not just us, it's BLM, it's MS-13, ISIS and more, every group who need to see trump gone is going to be out in force.

We have cops, we have feds, we have spooks, we have so many fucking guns, knives, bombs, grenades, acid, bricks, clubs, swords, fists and boots all brought to bear against the fascist scum.

this ain't going to be no fuycking protest, this is the start of the true revolution, we are going to bring anarchy to the streets of 20 cities tomorrow and every day after that until trump is dragged from the Whitehouse and flayed alive on the lawn.

Other urls found in this thread:

You do realize there are only like 20 Nazis in the US

What good is money when you have people getting locked up for 10 years LOL

Cool story faggot. You won't do shit.

more like a group of 10 mystery meat trannys in each city

you admit being a paid shill and then feel moral superiority against "fascist"? what's with these braindead bait post lately? doesn't make any sense

>this ain't going to be no fuycking protest, this is the start of the true revolution, we are going to bring anarchy to the streets of 20 cities tomorrow and every day after that until trump is dragged from the Whitehouse and flayed alive on the lawn.

The handfuls of you that are dumb enough to show your bitchboi masked faces in public will be beaten by law enforcement, unmasked and laughed at here on Sup Forums for about a week, then forgotten while you rot in prison while a burly nigger molests your gaping asshole.

I'm laffin' and I continue to do so at these weak antifa cuckolds thinking they matter anymore.

If you are so rich, why don't you have a qt asian gf?

Whatever you say.

Please do. The fudds alone could slaughter any subhumans that tried this.

I am no paid shill, I'm a revolutionary

Stop LARPing.

meme flags was a mistake

You'll get your bollocks well and truly rattled, m8

>18 billion dollars donated to corpses
What a fucking waste of money.


All this because Clinton didn't win? She is a war criminal, my communist friend. Do you remember what happened when your ilk pulled the same stunts in Wehrmacht Germany? You won't win because your sponsors don't want you to win because they want to make America the home of the next Hitler and you guys are paving the way for that.

There is literally no difference between antifa and the altright. Both groups are going to destroy everything because they have no power to create anything.

Have fun storming the castle.

It will be such a shitfest, for our amusement and the commies finally get their healthcare treatment they wished for so much.

I honestly can't believe if people actually fall for this shit anymore

I wish this wasn't just some faggot LARP. I mean how do these people not get a huge chunk of Sup Forums are still accelerationists? This rhetoric doesn't piss people off, it validates them.

>We have cops, we have feds, we have spooks, we have so many fucking guns, knives, bombs, grenades, acid, bricks.....
>$18bn of bricks incoming



>this ain't going to be no fuycking protest, this is the start of the true revolution, we are going to bring anarchy to the streets of 20 cities tomorrow and every day after that until trump is dragged from the Whitehouse and flayed alive on the lawn.

Let me tell you user, if there is an attempted color revolution for America, it's going to be an utter clusterfuck for the Left which will inevitably lead to further Right-Wing resurgence. A color revolution here would be like trying to fit a square shape into a round hole. When it's over, I'll explain why with examples.

>it's not just us, it's BLM, it's MS-13, ISIS
stopped reading right there

You sure you want things to get real?

We can do any dimension you want.

That's a good idea. Nothing gets people on your side like attacking them and burning their cities down (or trashcans in your case).

>When you've been subverting an entire hemisphere for all most a century, but the final roll of the dice rests on a bunch of retards who would get trapped in a telephone box

I can't Fucking wait. Gonna grab some popcorn and watch the cops crack commie skulls

Go back to ass-fucking your twink friends and leave the real world to the adults, faggot.


an antifa sympathizer wouldn't be able to handle the mental & emotional strain of law enforcement or intelligence work. these jobs are designed to weed out you faggots

>id hug him
Hahah faggot

If Hillary can spend 2.5 billion and be as ineffective as a novelty profylactic what makes you soyboys think you can do anything but increase the amount of normie rejection you are already facing?

>Right posts peaceful signs
>Left uses physical violence

Its like youre doing all the work for us

>we are going to bring anarchy to the streets of 20 cities tomorrow
>posts under commie flag
Get a load of this guy, everyone!


>We just had 18 billion dollars
a welfare check for the most useless people in America

Finally you guys are going to go through with it!

Do it. I'm bored and need a good happening.

It is beautiful, nobody will feel any compassion when they all hang from trees.

>how do these people not get a huge chunk of Sup Forums are still accelerationists? This rhetoric doesn't piss people off, it validates them.
Indeed, that's the idea, wind a few Nazis up and goad them into walking to their deaths tomorrow.

>cringe leftyfaggots always try to chimp out
>no one really gives a shit
>cringe leftyfaggots try to chimp out like always
>no one really gives a shit

I'm pretty sure on Nov 5th I'll head down to McDonalds and get an egg mcmuffin like any other day. The only difference will be I'll get to read all the headlines about Antifa retards making fools of themselves in the streets the day before.

Why didn't you redistribute that wealth comrade?
Now I have no choice but to fight you.

>20 cities tomorrow

and this affects me how, exactly?

>18 million dollar
fake fiat currency, numbers on a computer. Spend it while you can. Economic crash soon.

>we have so many fucking guns, knives, bombs, grenades, acid, bricks, clubs, swords, fists and boots
There is something like 4 guns in America for every citizen, or some crazy shit like that. Add to this statistic the fact that the majority of gun owners lean right and you'll realize that you are threating a group of people that mostly likely have 10 or so guns for each individual... I don't think you'd be able to arm yourselves beyond what the right has already done.

I hope you antifa retards like seeing pic related killing all of you


>us gov draws out antifa with nov 4 psyops
>soyboys and stankbitches get arrested
Antifa is really this stupid.

America has enough guns to arm the entire globe.
We have been doing it for the last 100 years.

But I want one of their crews to roll up.

Don't take all the fun.


Have fun getting killed by police whilst the evil nazis sit at home and laugh at you.

we can use those for the wall.

hey, OP, can you riot at the southern border plz? kthx

You guys are going to get arrest en mass by the US Marines and the National Guard and we are all going to fucking laugh.


Please try, you forgot no nazi works on a Saturday normally. Make our fucking century

You have lost.

That is all you have, kek.

Good bye commies, the NWO is toast.

Not that many... Dave quit, man.

Then do something, nigger

people will just look at u disgustedly and walk to their job
then youll start fighting eachother because youre all fucking disgusting programmed freaks with no real identities or goals
have fun

>I shitpost for free


At this point there was so much /leftypol/ shilling for11/04 that I am now SURE that nothing will happen.

All of that 18 billion went to shills. All of it...

Yet you have no understanding of tactics or how the world works.

how do i sign up for protesting money

Enjoy party van ride to Guantanamo

Me: do realize its 2017?

You: What? NO! Its 1944, and we're in World War 2!

Me: ...You do realize this is America? (FUCK YEAH!)

You: .......Um, we're in Germany, right?



Revolution into starvation and death. Great idea.


>20 cities
City niggers voted for Hillary

wait... so they are bringing the materials to build the wall for us aren't they.

You do know the cops and feds are there to spy on you and stop shit if it gets out of hand, right? Utter idiots.


We're going to unite the right and peacefully protest the antifa thugs alongside our Ku Klux Klan brothers. Who's with me? Shadilay!!

Shh...don't spoil the fun. Let them attack every person who looks like he works for a living.

Give them a helicopter ride

Well I hope you guys also have a lot of patience cause Trump is out of town... He's visiting with his buddies in Asia right now...

i’m gonna wake up tomorrow. take my morning shit. cook up breakfast. take my moped thru the streets of nyc uninhibited to the park to play basketball. come home. shower. make a sandwich for lunch. bang my german gf. take a nap. get a few beers at night, bang my gf again and pass out. it’s gonna be like every other saturday because you’ll do nothing.

this bait isn't even bait anymore.

fuckin LOLD. Revolve on some nigger dong, faggot. You're going to get rekt

Posturing and LARPing, thats all

Erm, second american civil war?

larper detected


Lol you mean you're going to
>Jack off to Tyrone fucking his German gf on the internetz
>Open the fridge and crack open a shitty Bud-something
>Watch Tyrone play bball
>Jack off again
>Drink yourself to sleep

But you're right, nothing will probably happen

>while a burly nigger molests your gaping asshole.
Oh, but that'd be giving them exactly what they want. Remember, lefties have a black cock fetish.Wanna scare these faggots? Tell them they will get raped by the Aryan Brotherhood. An Anti-FA faggot getting raped by even someone LARPing as a Nazi would be cosmic justice

>MS-13, ISIS and more,
Military will come for you if its true

man, your toothpaste must not be working very well, as you seem to have a brain infection caused by advanced gum disease.

You will stay back home, suck Tyrone's nigger cock and cry to your wife's son about your inability to bring home the bacon

No, but if enough stupid normies go out and block the streets, a bunch of retarded cross dressing punk rockers can go vandalize some shit and steal TV's.
>Every generic punk 80's badguy
When does this nonsense start? I'll for sure need beer and popcorn.

nice try russian bot

This is going to be such a smackdown.
Sup Forums will have more salty tears than when Trump was elected.


Forgot your flag you stupid crumpet eating faggot

Bon Appetit, OP

totally forgot this shit was yesterday lol. gonna forget tomorrow too lol sry

Meh, will see. (Btw Guns are illegal here)

good luck with that, communist shitfucks. 200+ million firearms say otherwise.

sometimes I hope antifa tries something this stupid only for trump to then have an actual legit excuse to stomp their shit in (rebellion, sedition, treason whatever)


Come to B'more. Please burn down the rest of it. Then step into the suburbs. You will be shot on site. Every city in America is like this.