Taking land from Ukraine. Sanctioning Europe. Hating on Merkel. Spying on Trump. Sending rocket people into space.
What's this guy's problem?
Forget about Ukraine - those are roaches. Putin is very much like Merkel, just not Polish
Open borders with China? Check!
Open borders with Central Asia? Check!
Open borders with Southeast Asia? Check!
Open borders with Brazil and South Africa? Check!
Supporting White Genociders like Mugabe? Check!
Thieving everything, while many ethnic Russians and native nonwhites live in poverty? Check!
Denying existence of the ethnic Russians? Check!
Enforcing even stricter anti-gun laws? Check!
Enforcing the hate speech laws? Check!
Illegal to create a nationalist party because of the article 282? Check!
From 88% ethnic Russians to 65% under his rule? Check!
His propaganda election piece
Bump so a few brain-addled Sup Forumstards can actually see this.
>Hating on Merkel.
every should hate on Merkel you fucking faggot
I have proof Putin has been meddling in the U.S. election. Give me a second. It's worth the wait
This. Even though, where did that 65% number come from? Even with all illegal immigrants, its probably above 70% I mean, outside of moscow, there are very few shitskins. I lived in Yaroslavl for 19 years. Just all white people, and its a big city (650k)
lol since when do krauts care about ukrainians?
Also, Ruskies hate the entirety of what is EU so naturally they would hate Merkel.
Look at Crimea on a fucking map.
NATO tried to form an alliance with Ukraine, which would have cut off Russia from the Mediterranean.
That' like Russia placing long distance anti-ship missiles on Cuba.
It was obviously going to happen this way. NATO deliberately triggered war in Ukraine, by pushing in a way they knew Russia had to respond to.
>sanctioning Europe
top kek
Germany has been a driving force in the islamization of Europe. If someone detonates nukes all over your cities, most of you would literally have deserved it.
Because fuck Ukraine right? It's just there and those people have no opinion of their own right?
Opposition isn't holy either
Still thinks russia is hot shit to this days.
1. He has autism
2. He murdered people to get in the position where he is
Want some sugar?
That's politics in a nutshell. Left, Right. Different sides of the same shitty coin.
I love this shit so much
Kek me too
Merkel was a Stazi officer for the USSR. It's not even covered up it's an accepted fact of history.
I agree, being such a badass should be against the law
a 13th commandment from Alalh himself even
I fucking hate krautchan but every once in a while they create some good content
Lol appealing to emotion now ey
>Believe your instincts
ftw best election propaganda ever. I thought Putin wasn't gonna run in 2018, what changed?
If you see western mainstream media (globalist cucks) bash Russia and Putin, he's doing all things right. Just how you see them bash Trump non-stop.
If you see them write good things about Russian opposition, you know on whose side this opposition is (cough Navalny).
Is not wrong.
From south of Russia, obviously. Russian birth rates are very low, churkas in Caucasus breed like niggers (which they are).
And people here are just too poor to have children. One, occasionally two is fine, but most of those have more children are fucking degenerates who can barely feed themselves but are never sober.
Remember when everything was good and everyone got along, before the bad guys got hold of the presidency of the US and fucked everything up?
>Obomber will be known as the president that restarted the cold war
So you will vote for him then I assume. Do you think there needs to be absolutely no change to current state of Russia? It's not a question to piss anyone of, I'm just geniality curious.
You'd need another revolution to unfuck Russia as it is right now
And repeated in the Middle-east the same mistakes made by democraps in Vietnam, paving the way for ISIS.
And destabilized Egypt, Libya and Syria, by instigating/backing the (((Arab spring))), causing the migrant crisis in Europe.
Merkel, Sarkozy, Killary and Obongo should all be prosecuted for crimes against western society.
Western neolibs are desperate to enforce their model before their imminent death.
Russia is just defending itself.
Well the people sure seem satisfied with it currently (I see Russians praise their government all the time) so I guess Russia will be Russia for a while.
Well desu Russia did go from being an unlivable hellhole into a barely habitable shithole, so that is an improvement in the eyes of Russian people.
>Illegal to create a nationalist party because of the article 282? Check!
Is this also the law criminalizing offending the feelings of religious Muslims among others?
I've been looking for a good source on this.
>unlivable hellhole into a barely habitable shithole
Still, it is filled with Russians.
>I guess Russia will be Russia for a while.
Nope 282
It will be Rossiyania
>Is this also the law criminalizing offending the feelings of religious Muslims among others?
Article 148. Mostly applied in favor of russian orthodox church, but works for muslims as well.
Thanks for the number.
> According to the just passed redaction of article 148 of the Russian Criminal Code, “public acts expressing manifest disrespect for society and carried out with the goal of insulting the feelings of religious believers” could bring fines of up to 300,000 rubles (over $9000) or up to a year of imprisonment, or fines of up to 500,000 rubles (over $15,000)—or up to three years in prison if the act is carried out in a place of worship or a place otherwise set aside for religious rituals or ceremonies
>Taking land from Ukraine.
>Sanctioning Europe.
>Hating on Merkel.
>Spying on Trump.
>Sending rocket people into space.
Are you retarded?