(((they))) have your girlfriend's nudes
(((they))) have your girlfriend's nudes
Neat trick, I'll ask grills to borrow me their phone and type that.
joke's on them
I don't have a grillfriend
It didn’t work for me
user, I...
>(((they))) have your girlfriend's nudes
She's everybody's whore BUT mine, user.
Honestly, I think this is a good measure for protection of women against butthurt retarded virginal men who can't stop getting mad at girls for not sleeping with them. Men like this far too often spread images without consent. This revenge porn has to be stopped and the weaponized autists who do it need to be help accountable. Thank goodness we have someone like Mark Zuckerberg who can finally show some leadership on this issue.
OP is obviously an incipient sex offender. Sucks to be OP.
I raped my sister when I was 12. Just being honest here
>That pic
Damn, Murricans. You're actually taking your country back. Never believed you would have it in you, honestly.
Jokes on them, all they have are dick pics and a self-fap video i recorded just to see if my balls move when i cum
same tbqh
>using apple products
What tit pics? It's all gay men isn't it?
trusting (((them)))
As long as she consented, it's okay.
Maybe train your girlfriend into not being a nude sending whore
Apple is just very horny.
First, who would date a girl who takes nudes of herself? She, obviously, send them to the boyfriend and chads on her contact list.
Second, every girl take nudes of herself.
Unless you meet her at 11 years old she had taken nudes.
>babe office
what is this
The diversity office
Just tried it and two things showed up. A video of my wife and girlfriend fucking and a picture of them. There are probably 20 others on my phone it didn’t find. Interesting though
Abortion center
Cuck status: Wizard level
You’re lying I have tit pics on my phone and it only showed a meme.
a man of taste
Sure you do
>your girlfriend
where do you think you are, m8?
Anyone can download tit pics faggot.
Fuck whatever roastie wrote this. How will I get nudes now?
take a pic of your mom's titties and see what happens, faggot!
The jokes on them! The NSAs collection is better!
>Nude pics on mobile devices.
anyone who takes a nude pic with a fucking cellphone is a certifiable retard. not the good kind.
So that's why you're a faggot?
>women are retarded
Jokes on you I don’t have a mom I have two dads. >:^)
Don't forget to post it here
Did they move?
>only 3% of rapists spend even a day in jail
This means the overwhelming majority of reports result in no trial, non-guilty verdicts, or punishments other than jail.
So which of the above reasons is the cause for such an alarming number?
>dating a woman who would buy apple
Lmao that's literally oven-worthy
At first I thought you're trolling. This is beyond fucked up!
>lel machine learning is bad meemee
Women want the death penalty for the implied accusation alone.
Hi Lena.
Nope. it's pretty disappointing, moving balls add a little something to a cumshot
It’s a photo recognition feature, I just didn’t think brassiere would be a searchable item. I guess it’s easier to find what tit pics I forgot to delete.
Is this for android too?
Israeli women belong in Israel.
typing a letter gives you a list and that list is hilarious
And my shit pics
wooooow you fag
Android is based.
>Zuccerkike, the hero we deserve but don't need.
It doesn't work for me, it only has mine sorted by month
I typed in niggers and found out my gf was cheating on me
>dating the sort of whore that takes naked photos of herself at all, ever, for any reason
it's like you want to be cucked
if you don't delete this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight
>implying we have gfs
>implying if we did we wouldn't instantly leave them for having nudes
Bullshit OP. Didn’t happen faggot.
do you have tits? If not it's not saving them, if so, timestamp and tits or gtfo plz
>in Soviet Russia, Putin rides you
I've been married for 10 years. I wish I had a gf sending me nudes.
>(((they))) have your girlfriend's (male) nudes
my only gfs are porn stars everybody has their nudes
Brassiere is just another word for bra.
It is an algorithm that attempts to identify bra pictures in your photo album so you can search for them.
how do we acquire these nudes? like do a database of all the nudes so we can all just jack off to girls we know.
you are like 5 years too late. Missed the boat on that one
fake AF i just checked my phone with tit pics and not a single hit.
Search result is a pic of my face, does this mean Im tit man? My face is fucking tits, brah!?
This. Reminder that every girl you know has been raped at least twice in her lifetime.
what do you mean?
joke's on them my gf has no tits
Cunt. Clever cunt.
>focusing on the text amongst all those shapely mammaries
we all gay
> 3% rapist walks free means 97 % judged innocent by court
> muh feelz overrule judicial court decisions
>I am too thin-skinned to call you all 100% rapist
more like 97% accusations are false
>roastie nudes
>c.2017: The Age of Internet Whoredom
oh noes... whatever are we supposed to do...?
>be technical illiterate
>take nudes for whoring
>forgot that she is a whore
>finds them by picture recognition keyword
Oh no I am not like that. they are spying on me.
>they have your girlfriends nudes
Which one?
Putin riding JLaw. kek.
your future wife
>implying I have a gf
>implying I've ever seen any girl naked irl
>implying women aren't naturally repulsed by my demeanor
If you meet her when she was 11 her uncle took the nudes.
What girlfriend?
but they have a picture of your hand
hang yourself of your mother will die in her sleep tonight
Fuck you
>(((they))) have your girlfriend's nudes
I have a girlfriend??? Cool.
none of these are my gf
i got fucking tons of her
she did send me those porn shots tho, things to do list