>defend christianity
>yet ridicule islam
really makes those neurons run through the synapses
Defend christianity
>implying we don't ridiculize both
S to the H to the I L L, smack 'em with the spice to keep this board nice
first one takes it off nothing happens
second one takes it off (pic related)
First is a choice, second is not. Very simple.
>One is in a position of power akin to a priest who must also wear his uniform
>Both the nun and the priest don't have to wear thier uniform when not preforming their duties
>The other is literally a slave in all but the first world
Hmm. You're right. Really makes you think.
All those exploding nuns.
When was the last time you heard anyone publicly defend Christianity without taking shit for it? It's in vogue to demonize Christianity. Furthermore, no one is forcing women to be nuns and wear a habit.
What's wrong with her face?
Except most nuns don’t wear the head covering anymore. And it’s a uniform. The mudslime is slave that no one respect.
The first one is a choice and a vocation, the second is a dictate and life.
>Christian women
>dressing modestly and acting chaste is a choice
>Muslim women
>dressing modestly and acting chaste is an obligation
Really medulas my oblongata
>Posts old nun vs attractive muzzie
nothing all muzzies look like gargoyles that's why they wear that shit
Show me a single instance where anyone has ridiculed moslem nuns. Protip: you can't
Because nuns don't explode.
One is an actual member of the church, the other is a religious nut walking around like it's normal. We'd all have something to say if your average Christian started walking around like a nun.
Nuns are rare and super low probabilty they will change your culture these days.
Burka Durkas are always pregant and fucking all over the place. END THREAD.
The only thing worse (better) than being a white cis male is being a white cis Christian male.
Because the one on the right will
A- be beaten to death by a relative if she even dares to take off her garment or leaves her religion
B-blow up
1st one is a choice.
The first one isnt required to wear hers 24/7 and when she takes hers off it isnt an excuse to rape her or throw acid on her face.
islam is ridiculed because its an excuse for terrorism and the religion is filled with hate.
it has nothing to do with what fucking hat their bitches wanna wear, dipshit.
if christians strapped bombs to themselves and blew up innocent people it would be treated the same.
There is no difference, Christianity and Islam are both Jewish subversion and equally bad in their own ways.
Catholics are the cucks of Christianity. No one likes to admit this, but just look at the only Catholic US president and the current pope. Most of my family is Catholic and ignore all presidential debates and just check the "democrat" box every election.
Christianity itself is cucked. It was pushed by Jews, who created it, to weaken and destabilize Europe.
The Bible makes room for interpretation, the Qur'an and Hadiths does not.
>implying this is a good thing
There is literally nothing wrong with obligating your wives and daughters to dress modestly.
>literally the mortal enemy of the Jews and the only force actively fighting Israel and calling out the kikes on their kikery
One is a nun in a monastarey
The other is on her way to mcdonalds
That is the difference
both are shit desu
I think both of them are fucking retarded
Trumps a Catholic?
left one is white, right one is a sandnigger
No it doesn't, Christians just decided to selectively start following its rules. Muslims in the US do the same when they do things like smoke weed and drink alcohol.
Yes, Jewish. Every Abrahamic religion has the same Jewish roots. Maybe start paying attention to the fact that ISIS does not attack Israel.
nuns are just super christfags and wont represent a demographic threat to the US
One took it on when she was an adult, who were capable of making that discision. The other got it on when the first guy saw her.
Implying that jews did not corrupt both of those things.
It's not the clothes, it's the ideology.
>the only Catholic US president
Got killed for going against Israel's interests in pursuit of his country's. Bad example.
>No it doesn't, Christians just decided to selectively start following its rules. Muslims in the US do the same when they do things like smoke weed and drink alcohol.
Oh wow, you're delusional. You think Muslims are secular? Try draw a picture of Muhammad and show it to a real Muslim.
First one is a choice, you can choose to abandon christianity even if you were born into a christian family, The second one is not, you can not choose to abandon islamism if you were born into an islamic family.
>Kennedy scare (((them)))
>(((they))) kill him
how is that cuckoldry ?
Youre fucking retarded is you cant see the difference. Like you dont know if a muslim takes hers off she is likely to get raped or beaten or face some other horrible fate. Youre fucking retarded if you think its 100% choice. Nobody threatens to rape the nun or throw acid on her or beat her if she takes hers off.
It's almost like the one on the left is a member of a monastic order within a religion while the one on the right has to wear at least a head covering as a basic requirement. Also, one on the right wants to kill you
If all Christan women dressed like nuns then the comparison would start to make any sense at all.
Someone please shop a version with a Red Army soldier on the left and a Wehrmacht guy on the right.
>all nuns chose it as adults
user, I..
A nun won't be melted like an ice cube in the summer sun for taking off her habit.
If this needs to be explained there is no hope for humanity.
none of the virtue signalling cucks in my government have ever put on a nun's habit or anything christianity related
First is a choice second is not. Also they don't have to wear it at all times depending on how all in they go.
Abrahamics are shit. Christianity is the best of the bunch though.
>Maybe start paying attention to the fact that ISIS does not attack Israel.
probably because their goyim golem would anihilate them (you in case you are too supid)
>left is a choice, right is crazy desert monkey
on the left we have the a female equivalent of a monk, she took specific vows of her own free will
on the right we have someone in bondage, a literal slave, who is stoned to death for not wearing it
>being this much of a theological brainlet
Nigger, the fact that something has """"Jewish roots"""" doesn't make it "Jewish" particularly when it's been actively hostile towards Jews for most of its existence.
or, worse, on the right we have someone who wears the garb of slaves for fashion
either sucks
She tried freedom. This is what it feels like.
This is why us WASPS don't let you guys into our clubs.
Anyone who's actually learned about what exists in Islamic doctrine knows that Islam is at least 10 times worse then Christianity.
Because the first one is a choice while the other is not. Christianity isn't as barbaric and medieval as islam nor is it expansionistic.
So what's it like no being able to tell things a part? Are golf carts and cars the same thing to you because of being modes of transportation with four wheels?
>Worships a Jewish god
>Prays to Jewish "prophets"
>hurr it's not jewish lol xD
Christcucks, everyone.
Kuffar will always hate us. Not only since 9/11. We just have to evade the gas chambers somehow.
nigga this aint the middle ages anymore where you just send your uggo daughter off to the nunnery, it is 100% voluntary now
this is a jidf thread
>gay anime meme with well-written facts
This is surprising
>frog poster
It's the holy trinity of autism
I don't think I've ever seen an actual nun. Ever.
No, my fist breaking your jaw would make your neurons “tingle.”
This is a shit meme.
First one is on it's way out, second is forcing it's way in.
The worst a nun will do is hit you with a ruler or paddle fucking every Muslim woman has the potential to kill hundreds.
We were talking about Islam you literal retard.
Explain to me how you think Islam is some sort of kike trick.
It follows the same exact teachings as Judaism up to a point, where Mohammed takes over. They still revere the many Jewish prophets, including Jesus.
Nuns don't look down on christian women who don't wear the same clothes unlike muslim women who do that and many young women tend to wear hijab to be able to get married
The one on the left can take it off and not get beaten on the streets then raped.
user, the Jews today are not the Jews in the bible. They're not the Chosen People. They subverted it and took control and made everyone think they were. You really think the bible could exist wholly this long without being edited by those in power? Sure they left some truths, but also put in their own brand of shit. Get with the times, you cocksucker.
>No one has ever made fun of a nun
Are you seriously this fucking retarded?
Utter shite. I assume you're a Christcuck. You pray to a Jew. Time to accept it, buddy.
the second one wants me dead and probably has a bomb
A nun grows up normal and chooses to become a woman of God and don that uniform when she's of age, in a society where she has equal rights.
A female Muslim grows up from birth in a society where they shoot girls who try to learn to read and where all women are expected to cover themselves.
>neurons run through the synapses
I feel like you don't know how neurons or synapses work.
Saved, very based and normie friendly.
This comment makes sense
>not know wat do
>in a muslim country
>in a Christian country
When in Rome....
You'd be wrong, and that's why you're a cocksucker. Ascend to my level. Proof: christcucks don't use bad language. I just BYTFO. Kiss my ring and suck my finger while you're down there, you dirty little boy, and do it slowly 'cause I said so.
That makes Islam no more Jewish than Judaism is Zoroastrian. Ultimately what you're saying is meaningless unless you're implying that Islam was created in some big Jewish conspiracy in which case you're retarded. This kike trick apparently backfired given the fact that they're the only true enemy of Jews and Israel.
Praise the Lawd, user!
When your Catholic nuclear family has to force itself to look at red candidates policies and not just default to the red.
The fuck is this post supposed to be? What website linked you here?