What The Fuck Is This Guy's Problem?

Why is he such a Cuck? Why is he so weak? Is he literally retarded? Will looking into Hillary expose Republicans too? Is that why he's hiding under his pillow fort breathing his own farts while watching Gilligans Island reruns?

What the FUCK is his problem?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pretty sure he's been compromised. He's been in DC a long time.

he is a total bitch, huge mistake for trump to pick this clown. WTF HAS HE DONE


He's being blackmailed because he's a criminal. You don't spend decades in the Senate by being a law abiding citizen.

> Hire Le Based Jeff Sessions as head of the JUSTICE DEPARTMENT
> Literally does nothing involving JUSTICE

What does Jeff Sessions mean by this??

hes a kiddy fucker and is scared it will come out

t. scared potheads

Holy absolute shills batman!
Seriously sessions has to be preparing a case against someone. Massive shill hate on sessions all of a sudden

>be keebler elf
>try to be good murican
>get snared in dc corruption
>can't be good american
>sad keebler elf

He is a wimpy, spineless little crook. I'd pay big bitcoin to be in different timeline where emperor trump lifts him up by neck like Darth Vader during state of onion speech and flings little keebler across the room

>thinking Sesh isn't taking direct orders from Trump

also this

massive shilling operation against him in the last month

I think they have something on Sessions, something bad, like him with a 12 year old girl or a male relative with a 13 year old boy.
Incidentally, ditto for Trey Gowdy

>"Shill Hate"

Trump is basically saying the same thing I am, without saying it.

Some say that Sessions is SUCH a stand-up guy he's purposely trying to keep himself out of the news while he puts his head down and the TOTAL SHIT behind the scenes, and fully on top of all of these issues.

Problem with that theory is that there is exactly zero evidence to back it up. Looks like Sessions has recused himself of all things Russia related, all things election-related, all things past-administration related and anything that would involve investigation or prosecution of anyone that wields power in this country. But he's kicking SERIOUS ASS on M13 and presumably all cases vs. any of us pleebes. There, I'm sure Top Men are all over it. Like those dudes in the Oregon Standoff. That kind of shit will not be tollerated (but Antifa? I guess that's a state problem Sessions?)

Dude is a fucking disgrace. If he's so conflicted he's unable to do his job, then fucking resign already.

Sounds like Sessions is asleep under his desk with a phone that rings for all things MS13, but that's about it. So this Rosenstein guy is the putative head of the DOJ. That guy and McCabe (See this story that broke today: thegatewaypundit.com/2017/11/new-documents-reveal-mccabe-didnt-recuse-hillary-email-investigation-one-week-election/)

NOBODY can argue that Rosenstein and McCabe pass the smell test for recusal: "Recuse even if there is only the appearance of impropriety." It used to be an important part of our legal system because it was seen as, you know, really important that our justice system be held to that high of a standard so there can be some degree of confidence that justice will be fair and impartial.

The abrogation of this rule is the biggest sign that the corruption in D.C. and the last election is so bad that these acting DOJ guys are willing to fuck their reputations in favor of maintaining control of the process until someone acts to officially remove them from the process. Catch 22 for so long as Sessions remains in fetal position.

I liked Sessions because he is going after Illegals and MS-13...but the fucker has basically RECUSED himself from everything else.

So he's telling us that he can't do anything. I say it's time Trump kicks his ass out. He's useless now and he made himself that way.

How the fuck does this happen?

This. Anyone who thinks Trump just got bamboozled her and this isn't the exact plan is low IQ.

He was told by "swamp people" to stand down

What other human could put 30k of classified emails on a private server in their basement and walk away unscathed?

She is the best proof there are different standards for some Americans

Trump can't fire him. Not because he "can't" -- As President he absolutely can. But the Democrats and Media have Trump over a barrel on this Russia crap, so if Trump did fire Sessions it would start another 90-day cycle of media kvetching about Russian collusion ("they must be getting close!"), obstruction of justice and impeachment. That, AND there are GOP establishment types (you know all the players) that are publicly saying Trump better not fire Sessions (or Mueller).

Sessions -- to help himself, President Trump, his party, the people but MOST IMPORTANTLY the mother fucking DOJ and through the DOJ, the FBI, do their jobs. There is SO much bullshit going on around the Clintons and the last election, there should be multiple independent counsels impaneled and let loose on all of these issues with public reports and people getting charged, including people at the DOJ and the FBI. Our justice system is in a crisis right now. I have zero confidence in the impartiality of these institutions. None. I think there is wide spread corruption, fraud and criminal activity at the DOJ and FBI and for the good of the Country, it needs to be ripped out root and branch in the full daylight of public exposure.

Its a horrible sign for trumps presidency that he is not operating from a position of strength. Keebler elf is clearly weak, compromised, stupid, etc....costing the nation trillions in lost productivity due to all the corruption. King Cheeto needs to fire this fucker NOW.

Sessions apparently doesn't want to "politicize" the DoJ by taking action against a political opponent. I'm really disappointed. I thought this guy was gonna have heads roll.

This is where you are wrong. The corrupt swamp constantly bluffs - the thing they fear more than anything is open and transparent battle. Trump is playing into their strength by worrying about "looking bad".

King Cheeto could give a state of the onion address and spill all the beans on national tv. 130M people would rise up as one and the corrupt would literally appear on screens crying and begging for mercy.

Strength is always the answer. Nature didn't create it that way by accident.

>I have zero confidence in the impartiality of these institutions. None. I think there is wide spread corruption, fraud and criminal activity at the DOJ and FBI and for the good of the Country, it needs to be ripped out root and branch in the full daylight of public exposure.

Well said user.

If he actually believes that, he should resign. Federal government corruption and other crimes is the FBI's beat. FBI are cops. DOJ is their prosecutors. If Sessions isn't going to let the FBI investigate crimes that...um.... by law the FBI is supposed to investigate and the DOJ prosecute, then he's saying he won't do his job and should get the fuck out.

And it's not just "the FBI should investigate." It's an IMPARTIAL, FAIR AND THOROUGH investigation that the FBI is supposed to carry out.

There is so much evidence that Obama's DOJ and FBI politicized all of these investigations, ALL of the investigations need an independent counsel to investigate (a) the underlying scandal, and (b) in addition, whether people in the DOJ and FBI engaged in criminal conduct while supposedly investigating during the Obama years.

Fucking this. Just get in front of a camera make it improtu so the deep state doesn't have time to respond.

My guess is that Establishment folks in the House have told Trump that if he does that, there are enough RINOs in the House to join with 100% of the Dems for a majority vote on Articles of Impeachment. That's what I'm guessing is going on behind the scenes. Trump is no doubt chomping at the bit to get this Mueller investigation behind him so he can fire Sessions and put someone in at DOJ that will then take a battle ax to the leadership at DOJ and FBI.

Mueller, of course, isn't going to that. Mueller is going to drag this out for as long as possible because the investigation itself is what weakens Trump. Screen cap this: Mueller will wait until June - July 2018 before he makes any serious moves at anyone in Trumps inner circle because that will help the DNC and the Dems whip their followers into a throth for the 2018 mid-term elections. Mueller with a clown-car full of rabid partisan Democrat prosecutors? Fucking joke.

"Investigate Hillary"
You realize this has been done over and over in the last 20 years and they found nothing right? Plus she's a private citizen now it'd be pointless.

>Without saying it
So in your imagination? Fuck off shill

>State of the onion address

When does Trump use his own team of Jew Lawyers to sue the shit out of everything? I wouldn't even care if he wasted millions of dollars using his attack jews if it would at least destroy our corrupt institutions.

Death to druggies and remove sessions. He LITERALLY LET A TRAITOR GO OFF SCOT FREE

He was saying it, publicly. A couple months ago.

This. Or he's coordinating and planning a massive judicial blitzkrieg on the Democrats and the Cuckservatives, while keeping the cucks in the dark