This is not a joke.

Keith Olbermann appeared on The View today and said that Trump has done more harm to the United State of American than Osama Bin Laden and was dead serious.

How do people take him seriously? Why does such a respected political news outlet such as GQ let him spew his nonsense.

Did you know he lived in Trump owned condo before he went off the rails? Is he what ESPN needs right now? Am I gay?

Other urls found in this thread:

He's just a puppet like Colbert and those other brain damaged TV hosts.

Their lives are very sad.

It's ok to be white





>How do people take him seriously?
Subcomandante Olbermann will lead the Resistance to victory, inshallah.

Didn't bin laden kill like 3000 people? That's pretty much nothing, Bush killed more Americans, didn't he

For now, Trump is failing to take under control an artificial confrontation with Russia which is fake evidence goes the same way it did in Iraq will probably kill even more people one way or another

How many people has trump killed?

>respected political news outlet

>Didn't bin laden kill like 3000 people? That's pretty much nothing, Bush killed more Americans, didn't he

Yeah, but he's saying Trump is worse than Osama and not that Bush was. if we count non American deaths both Obama and Bush have way higher kill counts than Osama. Trump is only in his first year still so he has time to catch up but at this point death is lower under Trump.

Isn't it sad that he is apart of such a dividing organization targeted only towards men during a time where it was AND STILL IS A WOMANS TURN TO BE PRESIDENT?

Gentleman's Quarterly doesnt even come out on a quarterly fucking basis. It's f*cking crazy

Trump literally dropped a bomb and killed nobody

He's still assblasted about Katy Turkey and Trump.


The ESPN anchor guy that wears a flag as a cape like the superhero he isnt

jesus christ

Exactly and somehow the bomb was still significant enough to be news for over a week

He has actually.
I know you don't like to go outside you're echo chamber and say anything that doesn't fall within your own pre-conceived notions as fake news but American power has been SEVERELY diminished within the Last 9 months all due to Trump and his retarded policies.

And actual empirical data

Where China has a slight net positivity rating compared to the US.

But at least you triggered some lefties, good going OP


>In his wildest dreams
How unimaginative do they think osama was?


This dude runs a mad-nuttjobby conspiracy theory broadcast styled after Alex Jones with -100% of the facts and less quality interpretation.

AJ at least is a nuttjob with 80% facts and 50% quality interpretation.

Worse than that this guy definitely is a pedo, when can we prove it? He needs to go down.