Is Sup Forums getting the new iPhone X?
only if i can use it to #RESIST DRUMPF and espouse my communist ideals
is that a man or woman
total soyim
Only if Siri learns my pronouns.
I dont see an adam's apple so I think its a woman?
Is that a guy or a girl? Wtf is wrong with fucking society god damnit.
It's the white man's phone, so yeah. Get an Android phone if you want , but I don't use hardware designed by chinks running JewOS.
the worst part is how the black part dips down and covers up some of the notification bar. so if you wanted a real notification bar you'd have to have an entire new bar taking up even more of the screen.
i wonder how much longer apple can rely on its status as a status symbol while delivering inferior and dramatically overpriced products
seriously Iphones are for normalfags and soyboys and women, everyone worth their salt in knowledge or anykind of tech know-how used an Android phone
>Nigger steals my phone
>Holds my face and points my phone at it.
>Runs away and calls my girl for a fuck that night.
No thanks.
For sure a women from the voice.
I don't want a phone that recognizes faces. I'll never buy that.
Just make a cheap $200 iphone that works and I'll buy it.
Hey, that's John Oliver and John green and every Cuck ever.
Sup Forums tier but this is Apples final nail. $1000 phone with no innovation, that not even EBT niggers with a new service contract can afford.
>10,000 sperging purple-haired commie faggots waiting in line outside an Apple Store to pay $1,000 (one thousand fucking dollars) of their parents' money for a goddamn phone with next to no major innovations from the last model just because a cult of nerds told them to
Gotta love Capitalism
And to add icing on the cake, when these same dipshits are slaving away for the next 8 months to pay for a fucking phone they'll complain that it's the "system" or some "institutional sexism" holding them back from financial freedom
My co-worker is so fucking excited about spending $1000 of "it's nothing".
they just came out with the iphone 8, now the X? and lol comments are disabled, is it because she looks like a boy?
>buying apple products
Sorry bot I'm not a bugman.
>Paying so my face can be put on a data base
Maybe next time rabbi
does it come with a discount for hiv medicine
Wtf is that lmao?
>Pic related is Apple's 1982 logo. YES. WITH A FUCKING RAINBOW.
Lemme guess.
Your coworker does the bare minimum, most likely female, talks way too much about shit nobody cares about and calls in more than most in your department, and has been wrote up numerous time about small errors that screw up everything else down the line right?
>Linking your facial bio-metrics to your bank account
>Letting the banks deny you your account based on your facial recognition
Basically mark of the beast desu. Don't buy it.
yeah for once i agree with canada, Like wtf guys...
you bought a phone that has your finger prints and now your face....
like how dumb ass are niggas
It's a brainwashed liberal.
why did they go to such great lengths to have a androgynous freakjob be the spokesperson? don't they know this will backfire?
are you out of your tick fucking skull?
wtf is wrong with that guy?
fuckin' white male fishmouth alert.
the tits sorta say female but the face leaves me guessing.
I'd have to look at the genitalia for proper conclusion
I like this one way better than soyboy
I like the design I guess.
>Just make a cheap $200 iphone that works and I'll buy it.
You mean the iPhone SE?
yeah, like other user said the iphone SE/iphone 5C are designed to be ultra cheap iphones. the 5C goes for about $100 new. it just doesn't have the storage and other shit that the higher end ones do.
Encourage all women to quit dressing up as Disney princesses. Instead we get this thing
>W-w-we're the poor, oppressed working class proles fighting the rich, capitalist, bourge pigs comrade!
> sec...gotta check my $1,000 phone I think I got a text message.
I want a phone that recognizes my dick
I should be able to slap 2 of my 8 inches on it and it will know it is me
Or I could just shove the phone down my pants if I'm in a hurry
would be cool if my phone recognized me by my smell.
aint no nigger ever going to turn it on.
Yes, friend. Spend money on a toy. It's a good toy. You need it. You are a racist unless you have it. You're not a racist are you?
>Breaking news++++millennials can't afford to buy a house and it's not fair.
No, he's a really hard work has been promoted twice and is loved by the boss. But he's Mexican so...
No, I might get the 8.
these bastards really introduced 3d touch just to strip all usable features for the iphoneX new buttonless redesign. I'm mad.
Do I appreciate that they are promoting white men again though. Thanks Apple.
>We never back up your face data to the cloud
yeah fucking right
Damn I was way off.
lets face it, the only people who hate capitalism are the people too stupid to survive in it
What the fuck would i want that for when i already have it in the form of a samsung s8+, the iphone kiss maybe slightly more powerful being newer but i have way more freedom to use my phone how i want to use it, i could never go back to Apple.