So, Poles. Ukrainians are very positive towards Poland and there are hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians going to Poland as a proof.
So why are you trying to stir shit, especially about things that happened long ago!
So, Poles...
I'm a xenophobe, sorry mate
Ukraine needs a split; Russia takes east and Poland takes west.
it's a pity that you didn't so positive during the WW2
>Ukrainians are very positive towards Poland
sure buddy, that's why u taking such pride with your undercovered poleholocaust?
Restore the Commonwealth
waszczykowski is an idiot desu, he's one of the most hated ministers in this sorry cabinet. nobody respects him here in Poland nor abroad.
I don't hate Ukrainians.
Because your subhuman village retards were running around cutting up pregnant women and burning children alive and now you're putting them on pedestals because apparently you couldn't find any other role models to rally around when Russia decided to fuck you up.
Waszczykowski is a fucking moron, but you have to be an even bigger moron to worship an "army" who fought their only successful "battles" against moslty unarmed countryside civilians. Literally nigger-tier.
i love it how Poles now get to have their own version of Poles shitting up the country like they did Western Europe
Why shouldn’t Russians and Poles unite to genocide those subhuman turkroaches?
neobanderowcy prowokują Polaków i Więgrów
WTF we are culturally enriching europe now
>Implying I trust anyone anymore.
As if.
Jews do this.
They fear United Christians Europe
ukrainians probably exist only to unite our two nations
To be honest I don't want to start a fight with Ukrainians. We are neighbors after all and positive relationship would greatly benefit both of our countries. Nonetheless, your government is even more kiked than ours and some of their decisions are 100% kosher. I met a lot of decent Ukrainians but you have to remember that praising UON / UPA is like a red rag to a bull for most Poles. For a good reason nonetheless. We are getting tired of your extreme anti-Russian sentiment too. We just want to be left alone to be honest.
Ukranian government is 146% cucked, they even adopted a feminist soros law that forbids to use women "as a sexual object" in their ads. Basically a pretty womxyn on a billboard violates it.
>Christian Europe
With Jews and Turkraine gone, Russia and Poland have no reasons for conflict.
Ukrainians and the Ukrainian language should be wiped off the face of the Earth.
It should be a red flag for Ukrainians too since their UPA heroes had the same solution for the Ukrainians they didn't like as for the Poles, which was some sort of subhuman-style torture and rape, followed by death.
But apparently there is a nation on our continent even dumber than what everyone thought possible looking at the history of Poland or Russia.
>I would like to emphasize that in Ukraine there is no anti-Polish mood
Nigger what? You keep naming shit after that bald cuck who achieved nothing called bandera.
That's literally the same as Germans suddenly starting to name streets after Hitler again.
Go fuck yourself hohol, hope you die from HIV.
We need an another Operation Vistula.
And in my opinion, we should 'give' Ukrainians to Russia so you can 'put' them in their rightful clay - Siberia.
We should deport at least 80% of them
Lets use the rest as a labour force
>We are getting tired of your extreme anti-Russian sentiment too.
Why? I thought you hate them, too. And they've literally attacked our country and occupy our territory. So sorry that we didn't just roll over and accepted their "brotherly" love.
>t. ivan ivanovich ivanov
Fuck off nigger.
We rather like the ordinary Russians. Poles just feel aversion to the current Russian government. Our cuckservatives in power really hate Russians for some reason and they are doing everything they can to stir shit. If someone more sensible took power in Poland and we would be best buddies with Russians again.
>putting turkic subhumans in beautiful Siberia
Kazakhstan or grave sound like a better option given their Asian origin. Siberia is like 95% ethnic Russian -all fair looking and naturally strong rural people. Cockholes will ruin that
With nukes we have the ability to indeed genocide them, if Russia ever gets proper Nationalist government
I live in Warsaw and I saw 6 Uk*ainians sieg heiling at a bus stop. This is why you will never be liked by Poles.
Russian government is not Russian. It’s neosoviet. Most Communist Party leaders? Subhuman cockholes and kikes.
Open borders with China? Check!
Open borders with Central Asia? Check!
Open borders with Southeast Asia? Check!
Open borders with Brazil and South Africa? Check!
Supporting White Genociders like Mugabe? Check!
Thieving everything, while many ethnic Russians and native nonwhites live in poverty? Check!
Denying existence of the ethnic Russians? Check!
Enforcing even stricter anti-gun laws? Check!
Enforcing the hate speech laws? Check!
Illegal to create a nationalist party because of the article 282? Check!
From 88% ethnic Russians to 65% under his rule? Check!
Putin’ party propaganda piece
I prefer Russians to Uk*ainian nazi faggots 100%.
Russians at least are normal people and not skinheads and retards worshiping genocidal maniacs.
They acknowledge Stalin's crimes unlike Uk*ainians.
>oh, we just massacred a fuck ton of poles like a hundred years ago, right? and it's not as if we're hailing those people as heroes, isn't it?
If Poles have a reason to hate Russians, then they've got a bigger reason to hate you.
Yeah, Russians at least apologized for all the shit they've done.
Hohols didn't and they refuse to do so.
And Hungary gets a piece as well. Plus Capartho-Rusyinia gets independence.
>we would be best buddies with Russians again
you never learn do you
>putting turkic subhumans in beautiful Siberia
>Kazakhstan or grave sound like a better option given their Asian origin. Siberia is like 95% ethnic Russian -all fair looking and naturally strong rural people. Cockholes will ruin that
>praises a war criminal who killed poles as a hero
"hurr why do you hate us?"
i don't know, you tell me.
>That's literally the same as Germans suddenly starting to name streets after Hitler again
I get the idea, but not even close because Hitler actually had some serious achievements except genocide.
Bandera was a little faggot whose biggest achievement in life was being a nazi cumrag and unleashing a horde of drunk peasants upon civilians. You imagine this little shit didn't even see battle and would die forgotten in prison if it wasn't for the nazis?
You have every right to resist aggression on your clay, sure.
But if you model your army on UPA, then good fucking riddance and probably good luck because Russian army is like a couple grades above Polish peasants as an opponent.
Its because Ukraine was taken over by nazis and they dont want shitrupters coming into poland
Don’t forget subhuman cockholes were the second and then first biggest Communist party ethnicity after the Jews. Unironically ethnic Russians are the biggest victim of goymmunism
>They acknowledge Stalin's crimes unlike Uk*ainians.
But they don't...
Revisionist lie and nothing a good eugenic sterilization campaign can’t handle
Your shitty hohol lies do not work here.
There’s nithing wrong with praising Hitler or Bandera, you SJW libcuck.
>praising Hitler
yeah well
>or Bandera
literally any random African warlord had bigger accomplishments
>Its because Ukraine was taken over by nazis
Sure thing, pal. What else do they tell on RT?
What a glorious day it will be when the Polish flag once again flies over Lwów. I just wish Poland's government would stop being so antagonistic towards Russia, the cockholes would have a fucking aneurysm if Russia Poland started cooperating.
Poland and Russia were buddies in 17th century
Polish King and Russian Tsar would make plans to attack Sweden after some heavy partying.
They were basically so drunk that they decided that Sweden should be eradicated, for reasons unknown.
And they did declare a war on Sweden!
Absolute madmen!
That makes you even less likeable dumb ass animal. You mainly hated by other Slavs for being impure in race, dumb and ugly
Poles over centuries disliked Russian government for one reason or the other but were pretty friendly to Russian people. Katyń changed that but it was Jews that killed Poles so it's not Russians fault anyway. Kikes murdered a lot of Russians too. Ukrainians got hit pretty hard as well. Crimes of the Soviet Union were caused by Yids not Russians.
I generally agree with the sentiment, but NKVD > KGB > FSB and not much changed in how they operate except they only got better at their jobs, regardless of the Jews.
This is actually interesting. How is non-white assimilation over there compared to what's happening in Western Europe/Canada? Do you often see qt uzbek girls dress up like in a haram manner?
It was real in your head. The only thing Russians and other native nonwhite groups want them assimilated to is pavement
Should be noted that most Commie leaders after Stalin purges were cockholes. Turkic blood of Ukrainians roots Russia and some parts of Poland from inside. Just look at them
It's easier to trust Russians than have neighbours like Ukrainians who will attack like savages in the back. No thank you
Churkas form Caucasus are cancerous as fuck and a huge drain on Russian treasury. Those Muslim are some unholy mixture of Whites, Turks, Arabs and Tatars designed specifically to be a super subhuman. Avoid at all costs. Deport them to Turkey preferably.
>Statistics in 1926
Ukrainians again applying to the Soviet scum that created for them a nationality and a national state.
Not a drop with them. Ideally all native nonwhites of Russia should be just shipped to Kazakhstan. Worked with Circassians. I dream that one day I’ll, get to lynch armeanians and chechen goblins in Poland. Shame that you get to live with those
Those mongrels had tags like Malorussians and even Ukrainians before soviets to be fair
so the only time you see girls like pic related is when they are covered with Hijabs and Burkas?
When I was in Poland last year, all of my family there was very skeptical of Russia, mostly Putin. Do most Poles just dislike Putin? Or are a lot of Poles being brainwashed to hate Russia by the media there? They wanted me to vote for Hillary so bad because they thought Trump would have Poland be at the mercy of Russia.
Get eradicated, scum.
I did have one based uncle who is a farmer though who always made fun of Hillary, he even brought up the story about her being really sick before it got mainstream attention.
I don't know how they did it but most of those Caucasus ethnic groups are no better than niggers. Circassian, Chechens, Azerbaijanis and Dargins especially. They accomplished nothing of note throughout their whole history and chimp out constantly. There is no reason to assimilate them as they are subhuman as fuck so they need to go.
We don't hate Russians, we hate Putin. And everyone should. Read Our conservative government makes us look bad hating on Russians for whatever the fucking reason and befriending with ukrainians.
I don't hate Ukrainians, they work at every McDonald's in my city and they seem to be better at it than most Poles
That girl isn't from the Caucasus. People from the Caucasus have a much different look.
She's Kazakh actually. Check the flag.
Neither do I, most of them actually seem to know Polish on a decent level which makes them better than a lot of our domestic bydlo that left for the West.
It's the UPA niggers I have a problem with.
> Poles. Ukrainians
We just call them both fucking roaches.
I guess at least the part of the problem is exactly what Poles face when when looked at by more western countries.
The fact that people desperate enough to leave their own country to wash the dishes or change diapers of seniors because they were unable to get any decent job in their own homeland are not exactly the best and brightest the country has to offer. But they're the ones others will come to contact with and base the judgement about the entire population on them.
Bandera Nazis are why.
I guess Poles and Ukrainians are united in their fear of russia...
>Russian government is not Russian. It’s neosoviet.
Poland is a Nato country, Ukraine is not.
Sure, tomorrow the nukes might start falling and none of this would matter, but Russia will think twice before attacking Poland because there is no vital strategic interest to it and it would be much more costly than slapping Ukraine around.
tl;dr Ukraine has a real reason to fear Russian aggresion, while in Poland it's mostly used for impotent saber-rattling by politicans
Kazakhstan isn't the Caucasus.
>It's the UPA niggers I have a problem with.
This. Regular Ukrainians are fine but UPA niggers deserve to hang from trees.
Nobody likes Ukrainians, not Russians, nor Poles, nor Germans, and not burgers (trying to buddy up with Ruskies while those same Ruskies are having a good chuckle behind their backs).
Only leafs like Ukrainians because we've been here a while and there's a lot of us here).
But desu Ukrainians don't really give a rats ass because just like everyone else ukes just want to be left alone and make a decent living (and now also not die).
fyi I'm Ukrainian
>Deport them to Turkey
I have a lot of family there obviously and this is basically how they feel.
Little different there in the east...
btw we like ukranians. we like everyone!
Yea well, there are the stereo-typical drunk poles stirring up trouble, but generally they are hard workers who I can respect.
they are your brothers in faith :^)
if ukrainians are so positive towards poland why should that worry you?
there's over a million ukrainians here already and most of the society is quite positive about that (except some chauvinist morons ofc), we're just gonna deport/deny entrance to the ones that openly hate our country and/or nation, those who praise murderers of our families as national heroes
because idk if you're getting this right but that resolution only refers to those people, not regular ukrainians but chauvinist nutcases that fap to pictures of stepan bandera while shouting 'smert lachom'
i mean, right above in this thread you have a couple examples of chauvinists, they're in a minority ofc but don't try to tell me ukraine is free of those, i've been there and i know it is not
I hope they got beaten right after
THIS, Polish-Hungarian border was the best border.
You wish.. pic related
I've seen you post this same shit over and over and I honestly really want to know what kind of shit you smoke every time.. Ukrainians and Russians have very recent common ancestry and extremely closely tied history so if you're gonna flat out call every Ukrainian a Turk, then welcome to the Turkish family comrade.
chill guys, you don't know if he's one of those neonazi/banderist retards, the ukrainian state propaganda is so ever present, many ukrainians ive talked to didn't even have an idea about those crimes, not their fault they're systematically being lied to
>Ukrainians and Russians have very recent common ancestry and extremely closely tied history
No, we are not. Russians are not Slavs, they are not even Europeans.
>I live in Warsaw and I saw 6 Uk*ainians sieg heiling at a bus stop.