Stop the press! Overwatch becomes even more diverse! New hero Moira, described in her bio as Irirsh scientist...

Stop the press! Overwatch becomes even more diverse! New hero Moira, described in her bio as Irirsh scientist, seems to also be... well not exactly her.

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DPRK character when

>Overwatch finally releases long-awaited transgender character
>not Thai ladyboy

IRiRsh? They whitewashed the eskimo and made the irish trannies lolololololololololol at least you still got your lucio main XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

And this is the reason why we are making redpilled games.


>the eskimo
what did user mean by this

She's not a tranny according to her bio.

Probably just QUALITY, but who knows these days.

I should note that her fluff basically states that she's a geneticist who wants to make ubermensch.

Sup Forums's already convinced, so regardless if that was Blizzard's original intention or not, asspained Sup Forumsirgins and Sup Forumslacks will freak out about it, mainstream gaming sites will write articles about "POSSIBLY TRANS OVERWATCH CHARACTER MAKES ALT-RIGHT FURIOUS" and Blizzard will write her transgender backstory just to spite it's toxic fanbase and reap the delicious virtue signal bux.
So really, the people who get mad about shit like this really kind of bring it on themselves.


>quality in 3D animation

That is clearly an adams apple.

>more waifus
The horror. There a couple of reasons why female warriors is permissible in games like R6:S and Overwatch, and not COD.

viral marketing
not politics

"Quick, what's the most Irish name after Seamus O'Malley?"

A tranny you say

>asspained Sup Forumsirgins and Sup Forumslacks will freak out about it
Which will cause Blizzard to alter the character, turning she into he so they'll come off as more progressive.

This, a dev probably added it for the bants and now the company will bend the knee like a little bitch claiming its to promote the mental illness.


Pick one.

It's only present when she turns her head a certain way. Probably some retard fucked up the model, neither of the previous heroes has an adam's apple. We'll see when she comes out.

>Playing video games
>Buying or playing anything by ActiBlizz
Nobody cares, go cry on Sup Forums and then buy some loot crates like a good goy.

im not even surprised. even runescape is better

>Playing the Cuck Overwatch
>not playing the superior Chad Paladins

>actually FUN
>Free to play
>tons of characters
>competitive and casual modes
>Constant updates
>Hot babes
>Masculine dudes
>weird other characters for maximum good times
>Characters ask for healing without any input from player, and thank the healer
>can spam NO at team mates
>Healers are numerous, different, and powerful
>Main whatever you want because you can use deck building to free flow customize

That's a good thing, though. Normies will never accept trannies, so the more the Left pushes it the sooner we can oven them all.

>Playing the Cuck Overwatch
>not playing the superior Chad Paladins

>having money
>being poor

hmm, that's a hard choice

Bringing LGBTQ characters into the game was unnecessary.

>not playing Endwar

>not playing TF2 Vintage
Poor lad.

Ziggy played guitar, jamming good with Weird and Gilly,
And the spiders from Mars!!!!

Paddy McGregor

>Normies will never accept niggers
>Normies will never accept homos
>Normies will never accept trannies
You are here.
>Normies will never accept replicants
>Normies will never accept AI
>Normies will never accept aliens
>Normies will never accept the Old Ones

everything that kikezzard pushes out nowadays is utter ufcking garbage.

wow used to be "okay" 10 years ago. and thats it

This is the future you chose, Sup Forums

ma nigga

The Game was das before it was released.
was actually Fun to play

>Pandering to the .001%

Yep, that's going to work out well. Good for them.

Man hands, plus look at the bone structure and the strait broad back.

I'm sure they are descended from Scottish migrants. Everyone knows Irish cannot be scientists, they fall somewhere on the evolutionary ladder between lemurs and the negro.

>implying I didn't go back to paladins after getting sick of overwatch

Have some taste my dude.

Deborah master race.
Stealthily fix that boat and get outta there before that moldy motherfucker knows whats happening.
A chad is fine too.

Are you living under a rock?
Blizzard is famous as being the FIRST game company,that employed psychiatrists and psychologists to make world of warcraft more addictive than drugs and sugar.
They were always in the degeneracy business.


What sort of retards play jewzzard games

But does it have good SFM pr0n

I just want to get the zenyatta cthulu skin and then I will stop i promise

me now that it was announced today that they are releasing legacy servers


you mean how both niggers are dumb as fuck and cant fix shit

It's a HER, even her story is telling it's a SHE. Why would you say it's a HE?

Her visual design is dogshit. I mean what the fuck is this.

Adam's apple. Chicks don't have it.

You should see her movement animation.

A battleborne character.

Id do it if female

Sorry, I don't see it. And considering what low quality pic that is I'm calling BS on it


When they finally launch the nukes and enslave all americans as is their destiny

The problem is that the record scratched right after fags.
People accepted niggers because they just wanted the left to shut the fuck up. Then they accept faggots, because they just wanted the left to shut the fuck up.
I really don't think people are going to accept trannys. People are tired to going along with the left in the hope that they will just shut up, people are waking up and realizing that you can't appease them while simultaneously being red pilled about niggers being shit and faggots being pedophiles.
It's a rough moment in history as people wake up, some are waking faster than others, some are still sleeping and others are wide awake, but at the end of the day the left is burying itself moment by moment. Soon, as the boomers die and the younger generations come of age, you'll see the backlash move from Sup Forums and the greater web into the mainstream.

She covers it with her goddamn jaw, and if you don't see it, just go here:
Snip was taken at the beginning of animation for her first skill, moment when she crush second orb in her fist.

Back then, when they accepted nigger and fags there was no risk of losing their job if they didn't. Right now mainstream media are leftist, and most of the biggest companies are run in the letter of leftist ideologies

>second transgender character
Take a wild guess whats in Zarya's mystery box nigga.



Sorry, but I checked it from a different perspectives and that "bump" doesn't appear anywhere else but there.
If she has Adam's apple, at that leverage it should be visible.

They need her and Tracer to fuck so it ends the Troubles.

>Playing Virginwatch
>Not playing Chad Fortress Two

Yes yes, good goy. Allow your dopamine systems to be hijacked by pretty lights and artificial rewards.
Stay at home.
The only difference you can make is on a screen.

That's clearly just an artifact of shadow-casting in the engine.

Sucks, I wanted to troll /polfags with it just for laffs.