"Life in a free-market capitalist society strips people of their agency by prioritizing monetary profit above all else"
What do you guys think about this?
"Life in a free-market capitalist society strips people of their agency by prioritizing monetary profit above all else"
What do you guys think about this?
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but i dont prioritize monetary profit above all else. if you decide to do that, it is on you.
Hahahahahhaahahaahahhahahaha, nigger what the fuck is money?
I trade in time and value...hahahahahahahahhaahahahahhahahahhaha
"Agency"? What the fuck is that supposed to mean? Sounds like a spook to me.
you don't feel pressure to value money before most other things?
In a free market that puts you at a disadvantage against those who do.
Eventually everyone not prioritizing money gets outcompeted.
Agency is one'a ability to make a choice
this is pretty informative:
oh poor me. guess ill have to enjoy my life with what little i have.
Oh, I thought it was one of those special communist definitions like "exploitation" or something.
Well, in response to the original question, yes, capitalism does reduce agency somewhat by requiring that you work for a living. However, any system that doesn't require that its population work for a living is doomed to failed.
Daddy government doesn't step in to protect you from the market if it's truly free. What you have will be taken or destroyed if you don't play ball with the capitalists
i dont even know what you are saying man. do you disapprove of my lifestyle choice? would it make you happy if i earned more money?
Communism is a retarded ideology, created by retarded intellectual Jews, that havn't worked a day in their lives.
You retard.
It is not true. England in the early 1700s was a capitalist society, but the culture was not dominated by an obsession with money above all else. It was mostly concerned with religious, scientific, philosophical, and artistic pursuits.
The reason our society is obsessed with money is because we gave a voice to the masses. The average human is a worthless piece of shit, if you allow them to steer your society(ie. democracy) you end with a fucking worthless society.
By your own logic it has to be profitable to impose upon "me". Or the "real capitalist" will not have any incentive to do so, or even, does so at his peril.
You people are sooo cute. ^_^
Marxism strips people of their agency by throwing them in labor camps, performing medical experiments on them and finally putting a bullet in the back of their skull.
I had to pick a flag and thought that this was the most relevant one. It does not necessarily reflect my political views. May I suggest reading the statement for what it says, not looking at a symbol and immediately dismissing the argument proposed by this thesis?
Try using you brain. You retard.
>do you disapprove of my lifestyle choice?
nobody can just go off on their own and not worry about the rest of their society. what about your children, and grandchildren?
Regardless of my beliefs on the subject, that sentence is retarded. There is no demonstrable link between loss of agency and excessive idolization of profit anywhere in that statement; you need an intermediary premise before you reach that conclusion. It may appear self-evident to you, but if you're attempting to make an argument, then it will not be as obvious to your audience.
I appreciate your input, thank you
i never said i did any of that. man you fucking retard where did you get any of that information from?
>implying it's not profitable for them to impose upon you
who are you? you're either one of them yourself or you have delusions of grandeur if you think they'd be at peril to fuck you over
It's true. Even relationships are reduced to monetary exchanges.
>What can I profit from this relationship
Capitalism has completely stripped any deeper meaning from these basic things.
checked and welcomed.
No, no, no...
Picking on little old me ISN'T profitable, therefore if they did so, they'd be in danger for ever doing an act that wasn't motivated by profit alone; your words.
What did you mean then?
You won't be allowed to just enjoy your life unless you're making someone money
I agree. And I love it.
Cummie tribute time!!!!
Here we have the Sup Forumsyp in it's natural habitat.
good job
If that where true then people wouldn't engage in unprofitable activities.
People wouldn't have families - not proffitable
People wouldn't take jobs they enjoy vs. what pays the best - not profitable.
People wouldn't give to charity with no expectation of repriciprosity - not proffitable
>Picking on little old me ISN'T profitable
But that's not true. It doesn't have to be multi-millionaires, just anybody that's playing the game. You're profitable to someone.
>Doesn't even understand esoteric memeism
In a society that's been completely taken over by capitalism, that's what it would look like.
Also the same for communism, just swap "unprofitable" with "unproductive"
>says that capitalism makes people greedy
>wants to take other people's production
Hypocrites. South America has had enough of you first-world socialists and communists. Fuck off
What would you say about people who are forced to postpone family plans in favor of their "career goals"
Nothing? it supports the point
Agency and monetary profit are not mutually exclusive. Done.