Have you started procreating yet?

Daily reminder that the white race needs strong white men to get off their asses and mate with young white females.

White children must have a secure future.

No. Fuck off shill

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children

You're the shill.

Obvious bait thread but let me tell you pal i am trying

I might not get along well with anyone let alone the degenerate womyn i am surrounded by

If you are serious what do you think is better

>easy mode
Preggo as many slags as possible

Find qt pure revolt against modernity aryan gf

hardmode and start a family like it should b

I like this thread. Remember, make sure they're young, or your children will be genetically defective.
>ages 3-5: innocent children
>ages 6-8: cute
>ages 9-11: reaching their prime
>ages 12-14: prime femininity
>ages 15-17: combination of femininity/maturity
>ages 18-20: can still be attractive, but showing signs of age
>ages 21-23: the last chance for women to have birth without increased risk of genetic defects
>ages 24-26: past their expiration date
>ages 27-29: if you enjoy rotten food, you might enjoy this age group
>ages 30+: you might as well be fucking a corpse

As youtube shows practically every day, good white women to get kids with, are becoming a rarity this days.

ALL the girls I liked in school and later in university, are already divorced, bitter, got fat and annoy the shit out of men with their daily mess. And the ones that are breed material, always ALWAYS find some fucking Alpha from another city or country. Who either has better genes or just money to keep her.

the number of mutations in gametes of men increases with age, but not for women. still a tiny number though.

>brown eyes
into the trash it goes

>Daily reminder that the white race needs strong white men to get off their asses and mate with young white females.
Ended up with a kid without even trying :D If secure better income which is on the cards I shall look to increase this number up a few.

>t. jew

roasties are shit

meanwhile in Japan: average female age at first childbirth: 31 (oldest in the world)

oh fuck off shitskin her eyes are hazel or light brown. theyre not black like yours.

Peak attractiveness at 10? Nice try Dan

>18-20 showing signs of age

What the fuck?

I though Japanese women looked good until they're 65.

Must be all the radiation.

I'll never procreate, sorry Sup Forums.

intelligent people only have kids when they can support them (and that doesnt mean "as long as i have a job", that means you have a big bank incase you lose your job)

my girlfriend and i have 3 degrees (2 in engineering subjects) between us and would probably be considered very attractive (me: 6'6", her: 5'10", both skinny and athletic) but we wont have kids until we have enough money that we would be able to buy them safe cars when they need to, cover all medical expenses that may come up, pay for their college outright, etc.

growing up middle class sucks and if you bring children into the world before youre ready, thats just selfish

better that than race mixing

>12-14 "Prime fertility"

Checks out

have fun raising children with Down's

>young white females.
Haven't been born anymore.

Please explain how mexicans families are able to have 10+ kids while neither of them have jobs.

You are able to afford it, you just don't realize.

>with young white females
Artificial wombs are about to make women obsolete.

i wanna have kids with a poor mexican girl.


Have you seen jeb bush's wife + kids?

Have one so far. I only wish polygamy was possible. 12 kids and 3 wives sounds pretty sweet.

i want a girl that looks like this, a cute poor mexican girl who is dependant on me for immigration.

dont let them shoot em up with 72 vaccines

Baby number 5 is in my wife now. We're going to have at least ten more.

It takes two to Tango, Hiroshi-kun.
if women fall for the leftist meme and the "gotta have 2 degrees from college" meme, they'll be 28 once they start having a serious relationship that will give them children and not sooner than that.

>12 kids and 3 wives
That's only four per wife. With 3 wives it should be at least 30

why would she be dependent on you for immigration? all she has to do is drive across the border into California and she's untouchable and wont get deported. Once she shits out 10 children and they all have legal passports then she's completely set. why would she ever need you or anyone else?

yea I know, I'm just talking an idealized scenario. Say trump nuts up and introduces mandatory marriage for green card type arrangements.

trust me i live in california and wish i could use immigration to control sluts like her, but they dont need us at all, they are completely allowed to live here illegally

you could at least pick a poor ukrainian or balkanshit or something

Meh even 2 seems out of reach for me atm due to finances. That's just what would be in a perfect world.

>meaning ana maria gonzales just had her 8th child on a cleaning lady salary



Awesome. Ana Maria is also content to live with 18 people in a 2bdr ghetto apartment and has abuela "watch" her kids all day

Working on it. Will produce four kids, at least.

make sure to get married first before making babies, keep the Lord on your side

That all sounds good, but have 3+ kids rather than the 2 standard. A growing family is better, and if one of them turns out insane (Trans/Addict/Mentally Ill) you'll have two solid kids.

I guess