What did he mean by this?


Other urls found in this thread:


He meant he likes nigger dicks.




its a black male thing

>tarantino be able to "mean" something

"Got my technique down and everything. I don't be tickling or nothing."

Tarantino's a fucking hack

You couldn't tell from his movies that he has a foot fetish?

That's a very short and slender leg.

It all makes sense now..

that's one small leg. It's either a 14 year old gymnast or a tall 7 year old



It’s worse. He also likes to choke women.

thats a childs leg

Best what did he mean by this of all time

"I fuck kids"
t. Tarancreepo

Where is this from OP?

Learn some perspective nerds.
Also he's a foot fetishist. Ever watches his movies? Should be clear already.

Come on user he literally drinks alcohol from a literal semen demon's feet on Dusk till Dawn

Saw this on voat/pizzagate


He has always had a foot fetish, super openly everywhere. He also dresses in drag, time to time, even while directing. Sometimes it's on the costumed side, a character, but sometimes just like a dude who dressed as a whore for Halloween level drag.

No way!

you can determine the size of the foot (tiny) from the angle of tarantino's fingers as he pinches the heel.
confirming this is a little girl. elementary school aged.

maybe he is a big guy

Yeah i'm gonna burn all my DVD's this pedo SOB directed.

He can't keep getting away with this!

Pedophile as well as a foot fetishist? Shit.

It almost looks like an underage leg. And the pic conveniently doesn't show the face

lol you bought his faggot movies lol

Wow even bagel jews are supporting our cause now. That’s cool.

>buying movies

Nah other people did.

That was back then people bought me films, now the site of my choice is Putlocker.

Someone should tip the FBI on this instead of this Mueller bullshit.

Isnt it really obvious that it's a kid?

I think it’s from Rachel Chandler’s tumblr. The celeb stuff has been scrubbed though

no chance of tarantino gettting his next film out before his rape accusal and shunning.


There's a slim chance this was his niece and they were just, you know, playing.

He is pleasing his female partner like you would expect from an alpha male that has the respec of his women, you can be sure he is doing what is best

So pedophilia AND incest

If there's grass on the field, play ball!