Why does Sup Forums hate Muslims when a lot of you have very similar beliefs to them?
Gay people should be killed.
Atheists should be punished.
Women should be subservient house slaves.
Your people are above all others.
Why does Sup Forums hate Muslims?
>Your people above others
Are they not other people?
fuck off. Atheists are right.
I see you're repeating a thread again. shill
they put Islam before everything else. as long as you don't follow Islam, you're an enemy
>Gay people should be killed.
>Atheists should be punished.
>Women should be subservient house slaves.
>Your people are above all others.
The only one of those things I believe is the last one, which itself rules out accepting muslim settlers in our society because our people are more important than theirs.
Muslims are subhuman
Christians don't shoot innocents and crash planes into towers
Compelled collectivism. Same reason I hate commies.
same reason we hate latinos, stay the fuck out of white lands
>Gay people should be killed.
Not killed, just segregated and discouraged
>Atheists should be punished.
Controversial on Sup Forums but I'm atheist
>Women should be subservient house slaves.
Kek pretty much, obviously they need some rights though, like to protect them agianst female circumcision and acid being thrown in their faces
>Your people are above all others.
Well duh.
Sure. Sup Forums and mudslimes are similar if you selectively look at the broader strokes. But they're inbred savages, and there are infinite differences between us.
In a word? Fear.
Literally all Sup Forumsfags can do is live in their own FANTASIES.
I find it amusing how people here are so confident talking shit about muslims, roleplaying as "strong white men", when in real life they won't do SHIT.
It's hilarious, because despite the talk, you guys are TERRIFIED of us. Lmfao. You KNOW this is true, you KNOW you're nothing more than a pathetic, shy autistic KID who LITERALLY CAN'T LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYES LMFAO, yet of course online you're a "crusader" (I actually cringed just typing that lmfao). You BOW your head when you see me in the street, you fucking SHIT YOURSELF when you see us late at night, and you're SUCH A LITTLE BITCH THAT YOU CROSS THE STREET TO AVOID US. LMFAO.
Again - go ahead and type out a butthurt reply, but deep down you KNOW what I'm saying is true. That's what makes it so hilarious - literally ALL young western european "nationalists" are scared, pathetic COWARDS. Sure, you have your little Steam groups/IRCs where you whine about "the shitskins", you bitch on your little forums, but WE CONTROL YOUR STREETS. LMFAO. You are PETRIFIED to leave the house after dark, because of us. LMFAO. Aww, little suburban bitch, did the scary dark man give you a nightmare? Don't worry, just go and play Crusader Kings, you can be a real man there! LMFAO.
You live in Sup Forumsand right? Go and try saying that shit outside, you'll meet those "strong white men" you think don't exist.
People in the West hate Muslims because they have only been exposed to the trailer park trash / ghetto nigger version of Muslims AKA illegal migrants. Go to a stable Muslim nation like Azerbaijan or Malaysia or Bosnia and interact with a middle class Muslim family. We value much of the same things the traditional West used to value in the past i.e. conservatism, traditionalism, family values, humilty, piety, kindness, sharing and purification of your soul through yearning of God.
Close your borders and deport the degenerate scum and stop bombing our nations for Israel and destroying our infrastructure and the West and the Muslim world wouldn't have much issues.
Fuck off Satan
We just hate your people coming to the West. If millions of poos came to our lands instead of you camel faces, we'd hate them instead of you. Keep your shitty half-assed 'culture' to yourself, stay home and marry your cousin and we're good.
I only hate sunni muslims.
>not wanting to live around people who wear silly clothes, freak out if they come in contact with alcohol or pork and just have fucking weird and stupid habits in general and commit statistically high amount of crimes, pour acid in people's faces and make children into kebab, etc.
society is like a zoo. if you group people together without considering if they are compatible with each other one side will eventually just kill off the other
arabs and muslims have vast amount of homeland in the middle east. I don't see any whites migrating there? Perhaps because they'd get killed for basic things like living a different lifestyle.
We don't hate Muslims, we hate Muslims in our lands.You have to go back.
I prefer the average muslim to you, then, mostly for the women thing
Honestly apart from the annual aluha akbar attackers, most everyday Muslims here are okay, or in any case better than the average ones of Europe, often educated, and far fewer in number and we probably collectively still hold a worse opinion.
If muslims stayed in their own countries, nobody would hate them.
There's been a shitflood of muslims all over the West in the recent few years. Of course people dislike that. Any place with lots of muslims become much worse to live in.
Careful there fellow canuck, talk like that is now illegal in Canada. Our new state protected religion is Islam and you aren't allowed to criticize it. Oh, you didn't know our country bent over and begged to be raped by a religion. Well it did, several months ago. Deal with it.
Anyone who doesn't follow their stupid pedo cult is killed too, you forgot to add that you filthy muslim hiding in a meme flag.
We hate muslims cause they are killing people almost everyday now with terror attacks. me personally, it's because, it's in my blood to hate muslims cause my ancestors kicked them out of my country in the reconquista.
Stay buttmad mohamed.
Nothing on that list is wrong
>Anti-white monsters that kidnapped and enslaved millions of Europeans for hundreds of years
>nowadays they mass immigrate into Europe and bring with them their third world attitudes and culture
I wonder why, it's truly a mystery.
Sorry to change topics, but my question is: have you considered hanging yourself from the neck and kicking the chair far away?
I don't hate Muslims, I hate leftist cucks and leftist cuck immigration policies.
ahahaahahah are slavs such little bitches? In Italy moroccans cross the street to avoid italians, when they walk in the street they watch their shoes to avoid eye contact kek
Because they cut off children's heads, they rape children, they worship a child rapist, they want to kill all westerners, they love killing anyone who criticises their barbaric religion, they don't wash properly and their women are hairy. Now, if they are just killing each other - fine, but you're not welcome in non-muslim countries.
>Having similar beliefs to our enemies makes them friends
That has happened all of never
Because Islam is a political system, not a religion
Thiserino. They read you, and they see you're ready to shrink back like a little bitch. If they saw even a trace of virility, they'd probably be afraid of messing their tacky hairstyle or scuffing the neon tennis shoes they bought with your taxes.
Because their religion is a denial of Christ's resurrection based on the scribbling of a murderer and torturer and child rapist
There is no hate.
We would like Muslims to turn from Islam and become Christians.
Islam is NOT similar to Christianity. Islam says "Allah had no son." This means they aren't following God, because God definitely had a Son.
Islam says "Slay the believers wherever you find them."
That's not a friendly or true religion. It's responsible for incredible suffering and misery.
Nobody hates Muslims, they are the first victims of Islam.
>low IQ from incest
>false prophet worship
>always lying (taqiyya)
gee, I wonder why
Atheists should NOT be punished you dumbfuck. I'm and atheist, which means I am superior to (((YOU)))
>Gay people should be killed.
I saw more gay shit in Afghanistan and Iraq than in Cucknada
>Atheists should be punished.
Most muslims in muslim countries only pay lip service to avoid being killed
>Women should be subservient house slaves
Even Saudi Arabia is fast becoming a feminist shithole. Anybody who has dealt with religious women knows they are the biggest sluts there are, some just don't know it. The more you repress, the more the desire to rebel
WRONG! "God" does not exist.
>neon tennis shoes they bought with your taxes
kek with the Italian welfare they can just buy flip-flops
Why is the sky blue?
>shitty copy pasta
Ha asshurt Achmed confirmed
No self respecting person wants their daughter to get fucked by niggers and brown inbred Arabs and Pakis etc.
Its nice to hear Islam is conservative
Racial purity and culture comes first