That sucks. No really that sucks.
Looks like Africa got the Black Plague
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it begins
Will their resources be all right??
>They could have closed the ports
I'm concerned about the boers though
Lets not do anything about it until it spreads to the rest of Africa, Saudi Arabia, and Israel.
Link? True if big.
Also Inb4 U.S. doctors who want to play God come back and infect the rest of us because they're too important to wait in quarantine.
Just like a fuck wit British doctor did with Ebola. Stop playing hero and let them handle it or die out.
Hoo hoo, I invented the Black Plague Robin, hoo hoo.
they should live on a bigger image. Stupid niggers.
Kek wills it
Worst is - the plague that killed so many people in the middle ages was only bubonic. The one currently raging in Madagascar is bubonic, pneumonic AND septecaemic. Hopefully they will be quick enough to contain it.
stopped caring there
That's not how this works.
Bubonic, pneumonic and septicimic plague are all caused by the same bacterium. Bubonic plague can progress to pneumonic and septicimic plague.
Nevertheless, I hope many negroes will die.
>Hopefully they will be quick enough to contain it.
Why contain it? Let it spill over into the schools and churches, let the bodies pile up in the streets. In the end, they'll beg us to save them
I’ve been expecting something like this. It’s going to kill every nigger in Africa.
>Looks like Africa got the Black Plague
That's no way to talk about the indigenous race, goyim.
No, they will demand it.
Madagascar is the only starting point where
you achieve 100% casualties.
>Looks like the CIA gave Africa the Black Plague
>starts in Madagascar
Mankind is finished guys
>Looks like Africa got the Black Plague
They've been plagued by blacks for a long time...
what if its an apocolypse plague an s[preads to us>
well...not *too* quick.
bit ironic rats dying from an originally rat spread plague but thats ok.
it does, these fuckers end up in europe and the us thanks to our retarded liberals.
Just take some antibiotics and you'll be fine. Plenty of people in the US get the plague every year, barely anyone dies tho. Broke niggers in Africa will perish while whites with half an ounce of common sense will get some pills and be fine.
>the plague STARTS in Madagascar
How is it spreading?
>Why contain it?
because cucks in europe insisted on voting Pro EU, now we're stuck with forced african immigration.
I'm all for ending shit, but cant we just let famine take its course.
You can bet on it that our fucking liberals and lefties would shill so hard to let more Africans in if the pleague were to actually spread all over Africa.
They would probably feel guilty if they have the pleague and we don't.
I thought madagascar was supposed to be super resistant to large scale plagues?
Christcucks won’t let them just die, will they
plus Africa is already plagued by blacks so how could this be any worse!
I hope it gets to Saudi arabia
And kills all jews
its will get much worse before things start getting better
to purge a true evil the entire entity must be destroyed
>how's it spreading
honestly, asking questions like this when it comes to Africa is pointless. They have more diseases than infrastructure.
we should welcome it. once the first few plague outbreaks happen here they will finally have to close the borders
Plague is everywhere and it's treatable. We have a couple plague deaths a year here in the Southwest.
Well that's one way of referring to niggers i suppose.
I hope it's antibiotics-resistant too
deserves 10x replies
Some rural retard niggers in Madagascar have a tradition of digging up the corpses of their family members and dancing with them. Thus, once a year they have "plague season." This year, one of the infected got on a bus and went to town.
bonus reply
That's a beautiful latina
wtf I love the plague now
This strain of plague spreads by coughing.
>Madagascar is the only starting point where you achieve 100% casualties.
Not actually true. Low visibility, water and rodent borne, can get an infected rat into the country before they shut it down. It's just EZ mode if you get a Madagascar start.
>Quick enough to contain it
Nah. Let's hope it wipes out enough people so that africa can actually support itself without receiving aid.
Then governments can actually fulfill the obligation to their own countries instead of babysitting literal mooks in the third-world.
If that shit spreads to west africa that means it will inevitably spread to Europe because of mass immigration and niggers living in Europe going back to their countries for vacation.
I wonder if we will finally close our borders, and if nafris will become even more racist against niggers if it happens.
that looks like something chris chan would draw
Ive seen this before Fugg
>starts in Madagascar
well gents I'm moving to New Zealand, it's the only place mankind will have any hope left in.
It is.
Thats the reason its still active.Madagascar beat down the plague every year for decades with antibiotics.
It seems to not work as expected this time.
That means its antibiotic resistant in my view.
plague-tan when?
I hope it cleanses africa from the nigger menace
kek wills it.
Let me help you with that
>Dead person(s) 127
Yeah, this is a non-happening.
>there are people too new to the internet to get this meme
Oh man, awful news.
Draw Ivara next pls
Plague inc best starting position right?
oh no! that sucks!
isnt it time to have a -kun now? Dont want anyone to think we are SEXIST demon worshiping witch doctors trying to use black magic against the african people.
I thought Africa was the black plague
jfc it's non-stop quality tv. just as 4-10 wraps up and IOTBW peaks we'll have *another* season of Ebola-Chan to watch. i love the future.
if AIDS chan wasnt a whore she'd be best. ohh wait, looks like it is a trap. into the trash it goes
Ebola chan, the original and proven, is still best
Using antibiotics, having hygiene and knowing the disease pretty much rules out a major epidemic in Europe. A few people who were not treated fast enough would die, but there is no real reason to be afraid of the plague here.
Best post
But plague makes you grow extra boobs
top post
And then it develops antibiotic resistance... Then there's a real reason to worry.
no. Pandemic 2. an old broswer flash game where the goal is to kill the entire human population. however, to win is very difficult because even with optimal strategy it is almost impossible to infect Madagascar because they immediately shut down and go isolationist. so basically to win is to try again and again dozens of times till you infect Madagascar
Its bubonic,Hans.
24 hours and no effective treatment.
Fun thing is,you wont know you are infected for that 24 hours.
People just won care.They will think washing hands will save them.It wont.
Bubonic is airborne too.
White people have no business meddling in the affairs of africans. Haven't we done enough harm.
I am sure with black power, and kangzs they can not only beat this, but cure the rest of humanity as well.
instead of sending money to africa this christmas I will be purchasing my (white) children an extra gift, and labelling it from "Harambe" the black santa!
These dumbass africans probably have the same lunatic belief the anti vaxxers have in the west, fuck they killed some people not long ago cos they thought they were vampires.
How to win the pandemic game
wrong pic, meant to use
wow you guys are like little babys.. watch this
When do they start dying?
Parts of Africa have concentration camps for women who are believed to be witches.
That said rumor is this plague started because some crazy tribal holiday tradition where they dig up corpses and dance with them.