Make Colombia Great Again - MCGA

Colombians are hitting the polls on May 2018, it's about time we start memeing for ourguy there. Who's ourguy? His name is Timochenko
>legalize guns
>death penalty for corrupt politicians
>fuck the IMF, UN, EU and US
>drop out of the NPT
>stop being a bitch to the US
>build a wall on Venezuela's border and make them pay for it

Time to kick out that cuck Santos and that yankee bootlicker Uribe both, Timo2018

Colombia was never great fuck off

he used guns his entire life, he's a war veteran, the new Bolivar

>a fucking burger
day of the bullet when?

>Making a wall on Venezuela's border
>Fucking over commies
I am interested

if escobar was president colombia would be japan tier already

It was literally called "Great Colombia" 200 years ago, burgerfriend.

burgers are retarded by indio friend, no helping it

might also be a chicano desu

mexicans and gringos deserve each other



and they'll pay for it

>Wanting to elect a cuck socialist rapist for a president
>Realising you've already done it once why not twice?

Im voting for Claudia and i dont need your approval

>voting greencuck

unironically kys diasporafag

>Paying for anything
>That flag

>Paying for anything
we'll take their oil

Fuck you commiefag ill kill you where you stand when i go back

greens are literal internationalist commies, kys

>Im voting for Claudia

You might not be that stupid after all

bump for Colombian mistresses with big butts

Whatever makes you stop coming to Chile or at least teaches your people to behave in a decent country.

Colombians have the best trannies.


fuck off cholo

We’ve had this thread before, fuck off FARCnigger

CDIDF go back to el_uribe

t. negro dna

el CHICano

>implying I like furibe
We will get our Pinochet and you commie fucks will finally be purged from society.

>We will get our Pinochet
more like Timochet

Ok that was good Aristizabal, you get choppered last

If we stopped the drug war we'd be natural allies.

Building wall with Venezuala is retarded, if anything you should be trying to overthrow the Maduro regime and re-establish them as a vital economic force in the region.

Also the US helped against the FARC for years, why would you want to break political ties with them? Is Timochenko just a putinbot?

Simon Bolivar was killed by colombians m8