>the most popular US late night talk show just came out as a communist program, literally supporting Karl Marx as the audience cheers
Skip to 2:00.
Defend this Americans.
>the most popular US late night talk show just came out as a communist program, literally supporting Karl Marx as the audience cheers
Skip to 2:00.
Defend this Americans.
Now I actually hope there are underground nukes ready to sink Manhattan
How does he get away with it? Karl Marx killed 10 times the number of people Hitler did and Colbert basically came out in support of him.
And just look at the like/dislike ratio on the video. All of his fans agree with him.
Bump, this is pretty big brainwashing
>haha fuck drumpf because my grandpa fought Nazis
well my grandpa lost a leg in Korea...
Cultural Marxism is still on the march
They still use fake laughs to sway the viewers emotion?
did he kill fiddy men?
There isn't economic incentive not to.
because op is a fag
Colbert is a kike puppet and the audience will cheer for anything because they have an applause prompter.
to be honest most of those retards have no idea who karl marx is and the death toll of his ideas
they just hate on capitalism because it's hip and they cheer for socialism because bernie and john oliver said it was about forcing the evil rich to share their wealth
It's good that he thinks so highly of his audience!
That's how 9/11 was done.
Any ninja anons wanna help this latenight piece of shit auto-erotically asphyxiate himself?
>applause prompter
>be American
>get told to clap
This. Remember when they cheered for Comey getting fired?
>all that product placement
Now go watch the commies go out for "Marx bars" while they decry capitalism.
Colbert is a marxist and friend of John Podesta. All these people are marxists.
>sound guy turns up fake applause and laughter.
It's starting to go back to just marxism
>all of those men, even the negro, look test deficient
The clapping helps muffle the sound of the machine gun fire.
None of them are Marxists. It seems like Sup Forums is becoming increasingly retarded.
Just confirms Sup Forums was right again
>making a joke
>literally a communist
these are not the same.
but you know what, if you're stupid enough to believe this, then the U.S. needs full communism. because you're that stupid.
I wonder what his reaction would be if he were paid as much as a gaffer to be the host of the show.
yes yes goy defend your jew masters,we appreciate it!
>slippery slope is a logical falla-
Literally supporting Marxism on live television. We went from "heh, it won't hurt to give some poor people some help." To "socialism is the only moral course of action; anyone who disagrees is a bigot." In 5 years
How is this alright?
Yes, and Sup Forums is just satire.
bill maher will actually talk about how Islam isn't a religion of peace.
day of the grill soon my friend
I'll never stop being amazed just how badly both the right and the left understands Marxism.
>Marxism is when the government just gives people free stuff oh and weed lmao
Right wingers have an excuse for not knowing better, "socialists" who can't even identify their own ideology deserve to be horsewhipped.
Killing this faggot would only turn him into a martyr, I hope one day we find out he likes to fuck dead kids. what a loser
Conan isn't. He looks like he doesn't even belong with the rest of those tools.
>Telling me to skip
Holy shit it was cringy. I don't watch this shit because it always seemed try hard but seeing it used this aggressively for something as marxist propaganda is sad.
Glad to be reminded I don't watch this junk.
Fuck these people desu
That was ridiculously unfunny. I feel like if normies were exposed to actual real humor that made them laugh they wouldn't be able to watch this shit after.
>you don't bring the little kids into this
>Killing this faggot would only turn him into a martyr
at least he will be dead
>Frederic Skittles
I guess people forgot we fought communism after we fought the Nazis. Bring it on scum
Welcome to another episode of "Shit we already knew"
Why do you think we hate that faggot so much
Fucking moron. You fought communism? Wow good job, you fought the oppressive communists who didn't allow gay rights and degenerate American bullshit. If you haven't realized by now that the USSR wasn't the enemy, then you're far gone.
But hey, at least you can kiss your zog masters feet and buy Coca Cola and McDonald's.
Asshole couldn't even do the bit without corpsing.
yeah, much better to consume shit like coke and mcdonalds than to consume nothing
with communism, kikes win, they get all your shit through the government
Dp you realize how much Jewish participation there was in European communism?
Jesus Christ. i'm going to go out on a limb and say anyone who praises (((marxism))) needs to be shot.
no just a bunch of chinks
Defending gender falsehoods?
>You need to have an icecream orgie
Stumping the drumpf?
>Get chocolate, me like chocolate
Did these people ASK for this because they're dumb or are they just being force fed this kindergarden bullshit. How long until sock puppets?
I can’t believe people watch this trash ,the entire show seems to be about bashing trump
Then what's Marxism beyond the control of the means of production and abolition of private property by a central state power?
Has real socialism ever been tried?
Can we just fucking kill him already?
Marxism is more a critique on capitalism ,and analysis on class relations throughout history,it’s worth reading.
>the most popular US late night talk show
>Defend this Americans.
>The Late Show with Stephen Colbert won Premiere Week with an average of 3.02 million viewers
>US Population: ~320 million
>3.02/320 * 100 = 0.9%
Know who watches a talk show that starts at 11pm? People without jobs.
>Marxism is
Trash, written by some kike with no job.
>I'm a slave to an authoritarian system that genocides it's own people for speaking the truth
>but at least gays don't get married
HAHA that video was awesome. Colbert is the best.
there's no genocide for speaking the truth in America buddy
most people don't watch it at all.... if you haven't noticed, these people and their followers have been in a bit of a panic recently.
Really, Drumpf?
>How does he get away with it? Karl Marx killed 10 times the number of people Hitler did
Actually the number of people Karl Marx killed was zero.
After he died, others killed many in his name (but not on his instruction) and some of those same people killed many for reasons that had nothing to do with Marx.
But Marx was just an economist with innovative methodology but erroneous conclusions because of overreliance on false assumptions.
And they wonder why there has been a rise in white nationalism.
For real. When do we say "fuck it" and begin the cleansing? I really hope they make good on their promise for tomorrow. I got all my fun and games ready.
There is, but only by communists/authoritarians.
I'm glad he admits it so people realize he's a communist propagandist pretending to be a comedian.
That was fucking amazing. The future is communist comrades.
Luckily the communists aren't in power.
Communisms bloody century.
What does an economic doctrine have to do with white nationalism. You think the rich capitalists who are importing cheap labor by the millions to your decaying country care about white people?
They make up a large amount of educators though. Very troubling.
Controlled opposition
It's weird when you haven't watched tv in years then see clips like these.
I feel freaked out by it, the laughing, claps and whooping when he doesn't say anything amusing or clever and his smug face.
I can't relate to any of it whatsoever.
>Calling for socialism while advertising products
>They make up a large amount of educators though
>Very troubling.
No, very good
>there wouldn't be independent candy producers under socialism
Fuckin saved lol
Or at the very least a Godzilla
communists and cultural marxists hate white people and want to destroy western civilization idiot, stop pretending you're saving anything. You're literally footsoldiers for the establishment, the commies want to bring in hordes of immigrants to displace white people in their own nations, because white people don't want to go along with the horrors that communism create when implemented.
Communists are literal brainwashed morons that only want to tear something down and have no idea what to do after they've done so.
>Professor, can you cite some examples?
>How humorous oh Late Night Show host! Truly you have total command of the laugh prompter
>But I wonder if you can find the same amounts of sweets and delights, when the Organs descend to deliver unto you a tenner for your new home
>reworded nigger joke
Commies are truly incapable of original thought aren't they
ah yes a man of culture like myself
That's funny because communism lead to mass starvation both in soviet russia and in communist china.
Milo late night show when.
pick one
Hes not wrong. But aside from that family, the other million people in the communist system will be starving.
kys milo
>dude based communism lmao
The soviets made race-mixing BLACKED propaganda. en.wikipedia.org
>How does he get away with it?
>hitler killed people
I hope you aren't trying to reference that thing that didn't happen