>INTJ masterrace reporting
Do black INTJ's even exist?
I get INTJ pretty consistently on those tests.
I'm a full stack web developer and my social skills are subpar. I'm 6'3" and I have a 7.5 inch dick.
Seems like a neato personality type as far as these things go.
I usually get INTJ or INTP, depending on my mood or the exact test, so thats something
yeah pretty accurate
Seems accurate i think.
ENTP Chad master race
INFJ here. I'm stuck in a self loathe loop.
I bet too many of you keep re-taking the quiz until you get the type you wish you could be.
I bet you're an ISFJ
actually sweetie I'm an ISTP
INTP to a T.
Logical and intelligent but little ambition or drive to start/finish projects.
Had to work on charisma, really only connect w/ people who aren’t emotionally driven
Usually only hang out with J types otherwise I wouldn’t do much
Can’t into feelings, emotional appeals are void
Was very happy to find Sup Forums. My love of humor and ideas keeps me here .
INTW here (Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Wizard)
Yea, well, I took this other personally test, based on the Meyers Briggs one (or whatever the hell it's called), and yea it basically turns out that I'm a Wizard.
Its pretty much the best personality type. It means I'm more intelligent than everyone else and stuff.
Pretty amazing what you can figure out just by taking a test on the internet.
here's what they really mean
go away reddit
this, intp software developer who loves his life reporting in
Someone redpill me on the S and N distinction (or these tests in general if you feel like it), the websites describes Observant people as
>Observant individuals are highly practical, pragmatic and down-to-earth. They tend to have strong habits and focus on what is happening or has already happened.
This suits me to a T and yet whenever I take these tests, I always end up as N instead, which is
>Intuitive individuals are very imaginative, open-minded and curious. They prefer novelty over stability and focus on hidden meanings and future possibilities.
I don't get it.
Well, this whole test is bullshit.
There isn't much to get. I think that might be the problem you're encountering.
I've taken them from time to time, for a decade, and have always got INTJ. I figure it's a decent test if you're honest with yourself.
Why are anime fans such whores? Do not date a girl who watches anime or cosplays. The whole concept of cosplaying is getting off to every lonely virgin in the room creaming to you in your Asuka outfit. Red flag.
Why am I here
Would you recommend web development classes? I need to choose something.
Im not clicking dat shit nigga
Fuck you im so sick of everyone who brings up Meyers Briggs is an INTJ. You just tweaked your answers to match those traits. Fuckin phony.
What makes you think its a decent test? Just because it consistently classifies people, that doesn't mean the extrapolations (all the extra information they give about the personality types, the cute names they give them, etc.) mean anything, or are any bit accurate.
If they were correct, an INTJ would think critically about the test and realize there is no basis to think it says anything meaningful. You never did that. Right? So it's easy to see, even in this one case, the test fails to be self-consistent.
Someone post the meme charts
>Someone post the meme charts
Someone post the meme charts
Someone post the meme charts
>Someone post the meme charts
Why is she a whore? She looks fucking adorable, shy girl.
I am legend was fucking heartbreaking ok ? no one wanted to see that dog die
Absolutely. It's a highly in demand job and pays well. Unlike some other programming jobs you can be somewhat creative and even trendy.
It's a great path and it's been great for me.
Black INTP reporting
Any questions?
fucking shit mein nigger, sociopath lvl1 is literally fucking me, and got exact result right now. i dream about killing people pretty often
Why does Sup Forums entertain this stupid BS?
All of Sup Forums is INTP
even after years, I'm still impressed at the pure genius of this
it's perfect
I got INFP. What does that mean?
Wrong, I'm ESTP
>just spams one line
>doesn't read previous replies
Weaponised autism reporting in
I have heard from others that computer related jobs are usually outsourced for cheap labor. Have you ever had trouble finding work?
this is so accurate for my ESTP lmfao
Well you've got serious daddy issues and you let your feelings dictate how you perceive the world... My girlfriend is infp.
eh, i'm mexican and INTJ for whatever that's worth.
i think the most important thing about being an INTJ is being comfortable with yourself, accepting you cannot relate to other people. As autistic as it sounds, i think an INTJ is destined to live his life as a character that's weird yet very attractive, women love assertive INTJs and men will respect them without them doing anything. But yet INTJs have to get a mastery of people or else they cannot pave way to progress.
nice digits
The test determines I/E, N/S, T/F, and P/J separately based on questions specifically to determine if you are N over S and so on. This defies Jungian typology and the myers briggs. The tests do not measure or prioritize functions, so the type that it gives you is inaccurate. You could end up with a T instead of F because of a 55% result even though you are actually a feeler due to the priorities of your functions.
>My girlfriend is infp
It would appear that INFP is more common in human females than in males. Does your experiences validate this?
So which test should i do?
I got INFJ the last time I took it is that good
97% introvert life is weird.
r8 me 1v1 on rust
I've consistently gotten this result in every different version I've taken of this test.
what does it mean?
absolute INTP coming thru
ISTP according to this
ENTJ master race stop being so autistic you faggots
but the doggies :(
I noticed that liberals / soft-commies tends to be INFP. Anyone else noticed some connection?
I'm a solid split Between intp and entp. I'm 19 and going into the air force for cyber security
its better then most types, probably a legit 7/12
>Sociopath King Fuck of Shit Mountain
tfw you are a hybrid of the two Chadest personalities
Checked. That's pretty spot on if I'm honest.
I'm a bit of a soyboy for what that's worth
No tests, your type can't be determined with a test. They're determined through actual understanding of the system. You would need to study it yourself or have someone who understands it analyze and question you.
Determining your own type is easier than learning to type others, reading a bunch of articles on each type you think might fit you is a good starting place. Then read about dominant functions and the order of functions in the type you think you have.
Difficult being a Chad among autists mein nigger
how the fuck is ENTJ Chad though?
Ultimate cuck
i fluctuate between ISTP and ESTP, what would be a good career path ? i wanna start my own business using savings from a job that i would enjoy doing but i don't know what that job would be
invest in real estate
The stoic, authoritarian leader who gives complete and utter disregard for emotion when making decisions. Tell me Julius Caesar or Napoleon weren't Chad as fuck.
Not really, no.
Why tho?
INTJ-A master race reporting for duty.
Yes. Curiously enough, I'm INFP and reactionary/fascist
it means if you're a guy you need to an hero asap
INTP bros, how do you do with women?
No, I don't think of Napoleon when I think of a Chad, lmao
Dr dre is an INTJ im sure
>INTJ ego cannot accept this
>INTP ego cannot admit this
>being this much off a contrarian faggot
pls gas oneself
You don't.
>t. INTP-A
You need to go out sometimes, insecure little faggot.
Seems that way. I'm INFP moderate, and enjoy psychopathic humor.
Otherwise I think I do fit the mold of an INFP.
It's actually very simple:
Sorted by order of importance from most to least important:
N > S
and then for N:
T > F
E > I
P > J
and for S:
P > J
E > I
T > F
It's just nature.
good luck being a "leader" in a society full of individualists, retard
Was always INTJ on every other test, this one gave ISTP. However, it did sound quite close to me, but then INTJ does as well.
> sociopath LV 1
> sociopath full raid gear
> sucky sucky five dollar
> king fuck of shit mountain
some good shit right there
INTJ here. Self employed because I fucking hate being around people.