>Man gets put in the army to fight in some Muslim shithole for his kike overlords
>Decides "Fuck this" and leaves
>Sup Forums demands he be put in front of a firing squad
"Land of the free" indeed
>Man gets put in the army to fight in some Muslim shithole for his kike overlords
>Decides "Fuck this" and leaves
>Sup Forums demands he be put in front of a firing squad
"Land of the free" indeed
Get your eyes checked, Yank
He had a choice to serve his country, He chose to serve it then desert it like a fucking coward.
He'd be lucky to be executed that humanely, He should be dropped in a ISIS stronghold from a helicopter
Nothing wrong in shooting traitors.
>ivory coasters
Desertion should be rewarded with the death penalty. Keep heating your home with dirt blocks you potato famine remnant
>yo hol' up lemme learn Pashtun real quick
>Man gets put in the army
You mean he chose to join the military?
I'm not a fan of western participation in middle eastern wars but a deserter is a deserter.
I'd understand if the U.S military was a conscript force but it isn't.
So he can just walk off? He's supposed to go to his surperior. He should be executed publicly for wasting US resources in his rescue.
He abandoned his post because he was so "woke" he thought the U.S. was the enemy and the Taliban were heroes. It's all on Serial season 2 podcast.
He should have his god damned head blown off...soon.
Unless he had some Theon Greyjoy levels of torture during his time with the Taliban, this dirtbag got off easy.
So you DO think that fighting a war for a jewish master should be rewarded with death? Then why oh FUCKING WHY don't you burn your entire country to the ground? Seriously, you worship a dead kike on a stick (not even a real religion, it never was, it's a jewish cult gone Beiber-tier popular/kill everyone who disagrees with worshipping a dead kike on a stick), you fight wars for them, you let them run your everything. Why even live burger? Go hang.
But he still got tortured.
It might not be having his fingers flayed or his cock cut off like Theon, but it's still torture
Desertion deserves the death penalty.
Nobody but nu-Sup Forums (r/the_ptg) cares about this
What do you like about life?
You are terminally retarded Ahmed, kys
You are assuming so much about me in your post, my religious affiliation, my reason for supporting our military, because you cannot imagine a person with independent thought. Keep slurping up MSM talking points with your boba tea while your niece gets doinked by Mehmet, I'll be raising my kids in a free and open society.
Good for him. I hope the whole military deserts one day when they realize who their real masters are. Protecting our freedumz my ass
His actions killed too many of his fellow soldiers. He deserves to pay
Prove you aren't fat
Deserting your post isn't about the right or wrong about the conflict you're in, its about letting down the other guys in your unit that are depending on you to be there.
Traitors hang first
>gets put in the army
Weird I don't remember that being a draft
T. Ptsd army fag
The real story is that he joined up with ISIS, and soldiers died trying to find his deserter, traitorous self.
So if you believed the propaganda to join the Union army in the civil war, and then when you got there you realized the confederates were the good guys and you dun goofed, would you want to stay with the Union or go over to the other guys? You morons are so stupid you defend the government that would have us all enslaved and our civilization destroyed at the hands of the Jews. Do you not realize that the US government is entirely controlled by the globalists?
>Man gets put in the army to fight in some Muslim shithole for his kike overlords
>Man gets put in the army
>gets put in
>let me present this hypothetical to make my point
Prove you aren't fat
>Man gets put in the army
Stopped reading there.
The US doesn't have a draft, potatonigger.
And yes, a deserter from combat should be quickly court-martial and executed.
The "judge" that gave the horrendous sentence is a disgrace. It was a slap in the face to all in the military and a dishonor to America.
Congress should move quickly to recall that judge. (Which won't happen with that bunch of traitors.)
>draft dodging president gets triggered over verdict
o i am laffing
>gets put
He voluntarily enlisted and entered into a contract with the armed forces. He willingly and eagerly violated this contract (and the NAP) and therefore must face punishment suitable for the crime of treason
Fucking niggers.
who cares? Vietnam was a ZOG war. They staged an attack to get us in. Are you that new?
>still sided with the enemies of the US
your retardation doesn't erase the fact that he left to join the enemy
In the words of donald trump "he knew what he was getting into", Don't sign a fucking contract if you're not going to honor it bitch.
>muh draft dodger
[citation needed]
also I like how that's some kind of insult today
People who stayed out of nam were smart
The point, you fucking idiot, is a cohesive military. Can you fight a war when at any point someone can just decide "lol this sucks" and leave? We would have no military after that and would be forced to pay tribute to men that actually had fucking balls.
Ironic because this is a fake quote with an even faker date
The US government is the enemy of the American people. The Taliban are defending their territory that's been invaded by the US military doing the bidding of Israel in order to pave the way for a Greater Israel, and eventually a Jewish World Order that is being spearheaded by western governments. Please educate yourself before spouting such nonsense like "durr he joined the enemies" as if the enemies of the US are automatically our enemies. You believe whatever the authorities tell you because you've been knocked in the head too many times since birth by your parents, teachers and pastors and whatever else.
Some Libertarian you are
>medical deferment for "bad heels"
literally the rich man's draft dodge
whole lot of fucking retards ITT. the USA executes traitors, but not deserters. this isn't the Soviet Union
>The US government is the enemy of the American people.
>still chooses to live in the US
Based upon your decision to remain in the US you're completely full of shit.
There's a goddamned reason the Romans executed deserters on the spot. The Optio had direct orders to murder any legionnaire breaking formation and running.
Sorry, not gonna run from the land where I was born. I love the land and its people. The government has nothing to do with any of that.
This is what Sup Forums has been reduced to.
Licking Shlomo's cut cock tip instead of praising this heroic rebel who fought off Jewish influence
Legit as fuck.
May the brave, handsome Mujahideen of Afghanistan forever defend their homeland against the Zionist serving dogs of Britain and America.
You will run to big daddy government at the first opportunity. You've already proven you have no conviction.
>the government has nothing to do with that
Prove you aren't fat
The Romans were the Jewish empire of antiquity. Literally no difference between their meddling in local affairs and pillaging of native populations from what the US does at the orders of its own Jewry
Shame on you, Sup Forums. How much did Shekelstein pay you to shill for Jew wars?
I think the Jews were the Jews of Antiquity.
The Romans literally persecuted the Jews in their homeland and drove them out, you goddamned inbred moron. One of the most powerful empires known to man kind, a leader in scientific and cultural development, master architects, and the most effective army, cavalry, and navy in the entirety of the classical world should know damn well better than some fucking spergs on Sup Forums.
Europeans are too pussified to understand duty honor country
This is getting into territory you won't understand, but you should know that the Jews used Rome as an instrument to "destroy" the Jewish homeland during that time in order to create a scenario very similar to that of the holocaust in ww2. Basically an oy vey moment that allowed the Jews to further embed themselves in foreign affairs and spread their mischief even more than before.
Amerimutts dont get put in the army, they choose to join
First you get your cocks cut at birth by Jews, then you get taxed trillions per year to fight wars for Israel, and then your sons go off to die for Greater Israel in some Muslim shithole.
God, Americans are so cucked. But "Land of the free", amirite? As long as your last name ends in 'Berg' or 'Stein' then it is.
>I have a deep understanding of roman history and their foreign relations
Prove you aren't fat
I'm a skellington
You are dead wrong. Everyone in my unit (except the lt) thought that the war was stupid and unjust. Know how many decided that the solution was to take intel and materiels directly to the enemy so that comrades could die?
The roadside bombings mysteriously became highly accurate after this literal textbook traitor changed sides.
> Jews used Rome as an instrument to "destroy" the Jewish homeland
he didnt walk off because of the jews. crucial difference.