holy fuck
This mexican is based
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bump bump bump
Cunts like her deserve to be fired
Gen z looks good so far.
We Mexicans are based as fuck. Don't worry white brothas we got you homes.
not ourguy, he disavows the altright at 5:20
its just a basic conservative spic
arguing against psychotic brainded leftists is merely rational
right there with you ese
Thank you, brown man
You are an idiot if you dont disvow alt right any possible opportunity you get. Hell you are an idiot if you dont make those opportunities yourself.
Also this cunt should not be able to have a job where she gets to talk what so ever. Literally do not let this person even work the cash register. What an annoying cunt just babbling on and on and on her perfectly revised speech not even stopping for a second to think about what shes saying. Thats it i suppose, they simply dont think.
honestly, us mexicans are based. We despise niggers, love whities, and are traditional
>Sup Forums is the altright
It really depends. Some of the spics I've met are really stupid and fell for the "we're on the blacks side", especially the women.
I don't see an issue with Hispanics as a general rule though, they're mostly a mix of white Spaniards and native Americans (which are evolved from Asians who crossed into America during the ice age) so there really isn't any mud blood in them really. That said, many spics seem to love communism which is dangerous to the future of the west if you allow too many to immigrate in a short period of time.
Point is, I'd totally race mix with a qt spic girl (in fact I'm currently pursuing a cute little Cubano spic at my work).
True - lots of them will fall in lockstep with niggers. In the workplace, Mexicans are NOT your friends. They'll side with dindus every time.
Why do Americans clap when the teacher says that she's smarter than a dictionary?
>mixed with Indian
what a cunt.
I think the teacher clapped and then our ameri-applause gene went off and some people joined her instinctively.
why do Americans clap at the end of movies?
why do Americans clap when the plane lands?
why do Americans clap when the doctor removes their son's foreskin?
no one fucking knows. Americans aren't rational or civilized people. Their actions can't be explained logically.
>ameri-applause gene went off
more like deserve to be shot
Anybody reading this, don't pursue debating in class like this.
Dem feels iz a muthafuckah, with no resolution in conflict. We'll just what for the inevitable "Carrington Event" to cull the weak (or proliferating weaponized nanotech).
this "teacher" is just so thick with rhetoric. All she says sounds like something she rad online and wanted to vent out her hatred.
Ayo yo yo Ayo hol up hol up Ayo, we waz kangz
Blacks who kill blacks aren't motivated by race, its predominantly gang violence over money, turf or drugs. Cops that kill black are targeting them because they're black. Just more false equivalence
The Nazi stuff is satire bro. You took shitposting aimed to trigger libturds too seriously. Its time to take a break from the internet.
He brought up right wing death squads lol. He's probably alt right. Of course he wouldn't admit that in public tho. Who the fuck would?
Shhh, no arguments. Only helicopter rides.
yep, exactly. Admitting that in public would get nobody on his side. I'm pretty sure after this, some kids in the class went up to him and agreed with him or asked him more questions. He redpilled a lot of students
every american flag is a spic kek
Cognitive Dissonance of Jordan Peterson (& of Individualist in General)
Exactly. In public just say you're a civ-nat libertarian. Then be fashy behind closed doors. Don't throw your life away for pete's sake
That's an American so who gives a fuck.
It's a spic.
muh civic nationalism
Gotta give him props. If more people stood up to this shit like this the world would be a better place
He's likely a mestizo, he has significant Native American blood. Seriously how do you not know that, is everything white or black to Nordic people? Muh high IQ
This mexican is fucking based
Study all of your statistics so a liberal can't bullshit you. They have never actually looked at the statistics, their arguments are purely rhetoric, never trust that they are telling the truth.
I'm a right wing spic, I'm not the alt right, sorry but fuck those larpers.
alt-right is a meme bruh
No, it's not satire. You're just a newfag, and probably a subhuman.
Gas your Indios please. Mestizo and castizo-tier can stay.
What do you want faggot? You're fucking white people here are like 60% of the population and even then they're mutts or mixed in some way.
>tons of mexican refugees flooding america
>we is your friends
Are the Syrian refugees also the Europeans friends since they are less destructive than nigger refugees?
BASED Mexican man! Shadilay! Praise kek
I'm glad I didn't get that gene.
It's a nigger, should have never been hired.
Stats prove otherwise.
Have you met the average Burger, user? There are some really smart Burgers out there, but the average one of us is dumber than a box of shit.
/our beaner/
>The Nazi stuff is satire bro.
Fuck off, reddit.
Many are but also a lot of gang bangers
>its just a basic conservative spic
I'll take a conservative spic over an alt right faggot any day, stop dividing the right you cunt we'll keep losing because of morons like you
>he disavows the altright
it's a rhetorical device faggot
James Francos non union Mexican equivalent?!
doesn't look very good to me
To be fair to the Mexicans those are mostly Central American garbage, at least on the east coast..
why do all whites in america have such big inferiority complex? i swear, this shit only happens in burgerland. when spics have to defend whites by arguing with (i presume) white people in favor of them, you know your country is done for. absolutely disgusting
BASED spic!
why is it always the weird hispanic kid thats into politics?
my school had the che guevera shirt wearing kid who was smarter than everybody.
no wonder your education is shit, his teacher just called him a radical for mentioning true factual statistics, thats fucking depressing
Fucking burgers
Go duck yourself you chink fuck. You arent in canada keep your shirty retarded cuckservtive boomer shit with you. I can't wait for the day of the rope
Because the battle started in kindergarten when teachers first lesson was to teach the kids to share instead of cultivating skills.
>he bought the "Socialism will totally work our way" meme
Peterson has breought in reddit look at this fucking thread Christ is this shit pathetic.
It's a myth that cops target blacks simply because of their race. unless you're trying to suggest that inner cities are violent hellholes because of the race of the people who live there
Post your red pillsbits a good time
>cuckservtive boomer
sorry I didn't realize you were 12 I should have guessed when you said "alt right"
Sup Forums is not the alt-right.
The alt-right is a convenient catch-all buzzword for things RINO's would immediately disavow prior the Trump campaign ie. immigration and cultural change, and they needed a word to distinguish the SUPERACISTS from regular manageable racists like McCain. Fuck, I can remember the threads where Hillary brought it up and we immediately knew what the intention was, we were more cunning than this.
You're also a fucking idiot if you don't disavow the skinhead stereotype in a public debate, the conversation would have ended there if he hadn't. Change comes slowly, don't you remember your first time here?
NatSoc isn't socialism, faggot. Nice try, tho.
If you hate the right then r/politics is down the hall to the left
He sounds like Jerry Seinfeld.
some of you lot are. some of you are scum, just like any group of peole :)
Just wait till Mohammed is teaching all your kids in school
>that pic
catholiscm isn't Christianity, no matter how many try to larp like it is. Also funny how the lack of Christianity today is correlated to all the degeneracy of the west.
Pretty sure that teacher was black
maybe cops shoot people who point guns a them, regardless of race
>alt right
Trump just found his Ahmed Mohamed
>Sup Forums is the altright meme
fuck off shill
She sounds like an Affirmative Action hire.
>motivated by gang violence money turf and drugs
>get killed more often by cops
How on earth were you unable to see you blew your own argument to pieces from the start.
This video's kind of cring-y because the teacher is inarticulate and an ideologue and the boy is unrefined. He's headed in the right direction but he can't even shoot down easy lefty talking points, this may be do to not being able to control his emotions or simply ignorance(i fault him for neither).
For example, when she says "blacks make up 12% of the population but are targeted by cops the most" he should have instantly said that they make up a disproportionate amount of the crime, and they they're more involved in crime thus more likely to have encounters with police.
or when he didn't point out that she wasn't address his arguments when she commented on him "talking fast" and "knowing his points" and calling him "radical conservative"
These were all tactics to derail the conversation and attack his character. You don't ignore those things, you point them out as clear obfuscations and underhanded tactics.
Get this boy in a logic 101 and debate class he has potential
I'll take a red-pilled mexican over a liberal white nu-male any day
Sup Forums falls under the umbrella that alt-right describes. it's not a club with memebers and leaders, it's just a general description of the marketplace of ideas in the new ethno-nationalist, far-right zeitgeist.
There are plenty of good reasons to not take on a name or identity with a specific ideology; it makes you easier to attack and classify. Sup Forums has historically never identified as alt-right and never should. The terms that describe this amorphous rightist zeitgeist are going to change over time, and so will the movement.
But- if you genuinely think Sup Forums isn't a part of what "alt-right" currently describes, you're delusional, like some leftists going "HEY DONT LABEL ME MAN, I'm not a COMMUNIST, I just believe in a global revolution of the proletariat seizing the means of production".
your response is cringy af.
fucking faggots come on to Sup Forums to post about there jewish shit. Fuck off.
your problem is you let other people describe your reality. Stop living in someone else's mind.
Alt-right is a stupid term and anyone who actually identifies as an 'alt-righter' is just an uneducated retard. Not wanting your kids to be blacked doesn't make you fall under any dumb umbrella.
>altright is a thing
Thanks Hillary! And don't forget to upvote this post based pedes!
your problem is you watch h3h3
No, chicano, your mexican abuelita is not white
No, chicano, your abuelita is not european
No, chicano, Mexico =/= Spain
She called him radical for being a conservative. Which is even more insane.