What does /pol think of Jocko Podcast?

Ex Navy Seal is taking flak for holding an opinion on terrorism:

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I think he has known and see things that most of us never will, and I think that those things have colored his opinions. I have deep respect for him because I think that he never deliberately lies. He will always tell you what he thinks, and that's one of the most important things you can look for in a respectable human being.

Simple. In their country you can kill them,. But if they get an engraved invite from Chuck (((Schumer))) they can kill all us they want

What do you expect? Schumer doesn't give a shit about goys

Only after many enhanced interrogations to find out everything that he knows

I listened to him on some podcasts, seems like a good guy.

But from someone from his background you can't expect answers like he's a constitutional scholar, he's a specialist at killing people and that's the way he's used to solving problems.

>fuck the kikes

>killing terrorists is controversial

I say we kill bugmen instead, will I get flak for that

This. It should be clear however that information under torture is usually bullshit. If that means being nice and friendly to him, then so be it. After that: To hell with him.

that's very based


I think if you have no remorse that deeper punishment should be available. I think they should be mindfucked until they break.

>is usually bullshit

Imagine being such a defeated cuck that you defend the life of an invader who murdered your own people.
Leftists really are suicidal.

So...just another right-wing blowhard.




Why is this douche talking about due process in a case where everyone knows the asshole did it and the asshole is even admitting it. WTF is wrong with these people?

i don't understand why people get so butthurt over a fucking grunt expressing his desire to kill terrorists. like no shit that's his job lmao. not like he's on the fucking grand jury

People are confronting him like he's an idiot for suggesting it.
Maybe only people over 50 should vote, unless they have served or have kids while paying taxes?

What a dumb ape.

Pretty sure he's a commander.

Does anyone actually give a fuck what a guy named Jocko thinks?

Daily reminder that white people are disgusting degenerate creatures.

Go fuck your goat again u loser

Let's listen to knuckle dragging state sponsored terrorists.

and they're under 300 pounds...so, you're out

How does it feel when goat fuckers have the moral high ground?

I do.
He is a really interesting guy and I have lots of respect for him. Countless points I agree with him. So I am interested in his opinion and his thlughts.

fucking memeflag shills are so transparent

that's because you're a small, sad man

He doesn't really. The kikes built the dunecoons a house with no foundation.

Listened to the whole Peterson podcast, and seen some of him on Rogan. Don't find him very interesting, but some gold here and there.
He is one of those types that seem to overcompensate a little bit. not full on pretentious, but close at times, hyper-masculine. And it's all really covering a vulnerability, that sometimes shines through.

But I really liked his interaction with Peterson because he has an ability to remain very serious and engaged for prolonged periods of time, most people feel the need to insert levity way too often, to distance themselves emotionally.

this but non-sarcastically

Fun fact: Jocko was a skinhead before joining the Navy.

This guy looks like the chad meme


Isn't Gitmo a fate worse than death?

I keep hearing msm talk about how glorious our justice system is. I just don't see justice in having terrorists sit in a cell for years, while a court case drags on for years, while they laugh at the entire process. Just from a financial perspective it's ridiculous. I understand certain situations dictate a legal case, but this guy was caught in the act. We should execute them swiftly in the most offensive way according with their traditions.

no, it's faggot shit

He needs to be tortured for information first. Then killed.

>man who killed terrorists for twenty years expresses wish that a terrorist be killed.

Suspend him over a pile of qurans while feeding him rancid pork until diarrheas all of the qurans. THEN execute him by cutting off limbs one at a time with reciprocating saw and put those body parts in a sealed vault with the rest of the rancid pork and sink it in the ocean.

that "blonde" kike fox news anchor is a bdsm child abusing satanist

Fortunately this is America where even scum like Saipov get their fair trial by jury or judge despite what some homo ex SEAL thinks

I just realized that Sup Forums is still better than the youtube comments cesspool.

If he busts out the Navy SEAL pasta on these people, it will confirm best timeline.

He just have to say "I'll have you know,".