In the next coming days news will come out that pro-DNC supporter and Clinton Foundation donor Tom Hanks sexually assulted boys as young as 12 and will be arrested for it.
I can't give too much information right now, however, I can confirm that this will happen in the coming few days. Mark my words.
In the next coming days news will come out that pro-DNC supporter and Clinton Foundation donor Tom Hanks sexually...
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Even so, come, Lord Jesus!
Wish a nigga would
hanks burns
praise KEK!
>I can confirm that this will happen in the coming few days
and when it doesnt will you come back and admit you are a giant faggot?
After Wilson leaving him on the open ocean, I can only imagine how that effected him. Tom needs help for his Post-Wilson depression.
mmmmm Pizza Pizza
I wouldn't be suprised, but will wait for confirm.
Big if True.
I don't care what they say anymore, this is my life.
Fuck off. Tom is one of the good ones. Right?
I can't stand dude. He always was bad but Forrest Gump pushed me over the edge. Take the bastardized greatest hits of American history and music and have a lovable retard narrate it.
Blows me away people fall for that shit...
Well then that's a pretty solid confirmation wouldn't you say lads?
God I fucking hope not. Tom Hanks seems like a good guy.
Vast if valid.
if my number double , op is a not a faggot.
wait...op is always a faggot !!!
Most burgers find it very easy to empathise with retards
I find this HIGHLY unlikely to be true
I’ll tell you what though and this always did surprise me greatly
>Tom Hanks isn’t Jewish
I still can’t believe it though
He was buddies with Spielberg and Robin Williams. Hang Forrest Hump.
Hes a scientologist
he's a lefty but always seemed like a decent guy. it won't surprise me if it came out he did this at some point though.
Bullshit until it happens.
include me in the screencap
Alright Mr. Stark
I've never bought his whole "wholesome guy" shit, so it wouldn't surprise me if this was true.
how do you know this ?? did he rape you ? is this why you're huge faggot ?
>anyone who unironically thinks that the op will deliver should just kill himself ...
>tfw playing a hero in the movies motivates you to stop being blind to what is going on around you
If true, it was back in the day.
He's a goodnik, and seemingly for real. He seems well adjusted for a celebrity.
You can tell the ones who are seeking to fill a void by being famous, and they are usually fucked up in all kinds of ways.
Hanks truly doesn't seem like that type.
Sage. Enough with the fucking LARPS
Nobodys talking about that Veronica Mars teen actor that suicided today? Last name Bafunda?
Although he does look a bit creepy in this photo.
What will happen to his WW2 hbo shows?
A "gay hip" teenage actor commits suicide during a huge pedo sex scandal and nobody's talking about it?
They'll just GGI him out -- you won't even notice.
Gtfoh-remember when you called Clinton’s divorce? Get fucked
What is this, buzzfeed?
Are any of you even real? I suspect you are seed bots planting a smear campaign. Kid actor, a pretty boy, kills himself during a pedo sex scandal and nobody fucking talks about it???
Fuck yeh.
Not falling for it again you fuckboy cocksucker
Never go full Sandusky
You don't seem to understand how this board works. Make your own thread you fucking celebrity obsessed faggot
I don't know about any of that but I have heard people say he has cheated on his wife with other women for a long time.
Did he molest his younger self, the young actor who played him of course?
fuck off larp. piece of shit, eat shit and die.
well, he was around a lot of boys for that movie. takes on a fucking twisted sense
Anglos have low IQs
I do not doubt it. Seems to be a trend with academy award winning actors.
Guys, it's okay. He's gay. That makes it okay because he was in the closet. He's gonna think long and hard about what he's done.
Fuck off. Tom Hanks is basically America's most loved actor.
Citation Needed
God speed user
Ask your mom
Oh god, no. Not him.
Why'd it have to be Forrest Gump, Sup Forums?
>In the next coming days news will come out that pro-DNC supporter and Clinton Foundation donor Tom Hanks sexually assulted boys as young as 12 and will be arrested for it.
praise kek for justice
He isn't wholesome at all user. I heard a radio interview with him years ago.
They guy is the most anti-conservative, anti family nut job. The guy is married but he is obsessed with porn apparently. Defends it, loves it. He sounds like a real fucking weirdo/creep.
I would believe this fuck is a pedo.
Inversely proportional to the entirety of the universe, if veridical.
Include me in the screencap
I always thought this guy was too squeaky clean. We know hes a jew too, so the chance of him being a kiddly fiddler is high based on that alone.
I’ve heard rumors about him for a while
Childhood ruined if true.
"You've got a friend in me" new meaning
He's not is he? there no end to those people?
Nothing lower than people like you who insult others while flying a memeflag.
They all claim to be lefties else they lose their protection.
We memed too hard. Rapeface woody is real. Blame /toy/.
You just ruined that movie for me you cunt
This one I legitimately couldn't handle. pls no
actually sorry, i thought it was deus vult
Simple jack is better anyway
Tom Hanks did a skit on Jimmy Kimmell's show playing a parent of a child pageant contestant in the 'Sexy Baby' pageant.
From Crazy Days.
Will still rewatch his old movies.
Oh no.
Not David S Pumpkins.
He was bashing trump. To me that’s a red flag and a dead give away you’ve been humping kids
7 days of therapy should do the trick
>curly hair
>promoted degeneracy
How can Tom Hanks not be a kike? I’m not buying him being a goy. Him or Bill fucking Gates
Fuck off back to led%dit, baguette nigger