Restore Iran

How to we restore Iran to be pre CIA cucking?

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you don't kuffar

We can't.

It's fine as is. How about you just fuck off

Give me 20 good men

Iran is now unironically better off than it ever was

Iranians are only strengthened by hardships and USA's jew tactics

>sanction and isolate country
>local production goes through the roof and country becomes way more independant


reminder: US + saudi make terrorists, and Iran wipes them out

they also have good relations with christians, if you don't believe me, or hate the pope, go ask E Michael Jones.

if you don't know who E Michael Jones is, you don't belong on Sup Forums

Try it infidel.

I don't want iran to go back to this. Fuck them. They are dirty sand niggers and should live like dirty sand niggers

Iran also is the one who got Russia to step in, in Syria.

They are also the ones on the ground, in Iraq and Syria, recapturing land from ISIS and returning control over to Iraqi and Syrian government

de-islamize, then spread christianity by the blade

t. schlomo the arab

you should kill yourself. Iranians are turning to Zoroastrianism for years now. the ones that move to europe almost always convert to christianity though, but zoroastrianism is superior.

>CIA invented Islam.
Sorry famalam, but Iran was cucked 1400 years ago. They are now 90% genetic niggers and should be wiped out.

I'm genuinely interested in knowing what is superior about Zoroastrianism.


There is no way China is not number 1

who cares about women?

Only because they want to back other shia governments

Thanks shill

Is Zoroastrianism even a thing? Like how many people actually follow this in Iran?

top kek you retard, he's not talking about that. the CIA overthrew iranian democracy in favor of a dictator so the UK could keep control of its oil

this means you know nothing about zoroastrianism, you should read up on it then

right now is how it was before CIA cucking

Iran(ian elites) is fake opposition to Israel and America. Khomeini was a CIA stooge and now they serve as an antagonist. Iran and Israel needs eachother. Even if they start a ground war it will only be to let Shlomo get more land.

right. trade one sand nigger religion for another.
Be saved!! the Jew on a Stick has spoken!

>There is no way China is not number 1
mainland china lives in the stone age

>who cares about women?
that is not the main arguement you tard.

>Only because they want to back other shia governments
no because they don't want to be surrounded by arab jihadis which are all US backed

>Is Zoroastrianism even a thing? Like how many people actually follow this in Iran?
the core is still alive and was never away, and it's the most popular thing among young generations for at least 10 years now

literally anything is better than islam.

Second from right

that pic is outdated as fuck and the political climate has change dramatically, clearly you have not kept up on things at all

USA is trying to help an iranian marxist group (who are wanted by iranian gov) to change the governement of iran and made it marxist. giuliani was caught supporting them

your body gets eaten by bird on top of a mountain rather than buried 6 feet deep.

CIA cucking is what made Iran look like your pic. The Shah was Irans only hope.

shia is more like christianity and zoroastrianism than islam, ask any arab and they'll tell you.

>shia is more like christianity

this is wrong.


Daily reminder that Islam=Christianity=Judaism

Find your roots and explore your history

Kill islamic fundementalists

Don't get me wrong, i prefer Iran over Saudi fucking Arabia a trillion times, but they don't have good relations with christians at all, they're closing churches in Iran all the time and sentencing preachers to lashes or some even to death, and obviously adopting christianity as your religion is absolutely illegal

>1st marriage
There ain't no 2nd marriage. Iranian women are buried alive with their dead hubbies.

Islam is this brutal.

>The Shah was Irans only hope.
you tard, the shah was the CIA puppet, until he started becoming more nationalistic, and literally mentioned jewish control of USA, then they sent Khomeini from Paris to Tehran to overthrow him (the BBC was khomeini's propaganda machine)

t. shill with fake flag

Iran is already doing that while those fundementalists are backed by USA

>but they don't have good relations with christians at all
200% wrong mate, I suggest you look up E Michael Jones' youtube channel and listen to him. Christians in iran have a permanent seat in parliment, and Iran is helping Hezbollah protect christians from israeli invasion

>Iranian women are buried alive with their dead hubbies.
another fagget who thinks iran is like usa's ally: saudi arabi

* iran has a devorce epidemic, look it up retard

And sorry
The target was North Korea...and
It was an isolated incident!
We must not condem all NUKES

you should look up your roots you retard

Iranians are barely one step above the arabs. I don't understand why anyone would want to help them. You can give them civilization but they will destroy it because they are animals

>top kek you retard, he's not talking about that. the CIA overthrew iranian democracy in favor of a dictator so the UK could keep control of its oil
This is a shit-tier Chomsky meme. Iranian "democracy" was itself a sham instituted by foreign powers in order to manage Iran. Soviet agents managed to install a communist puppet which the Anglo-Americans removed and replaced with their own puppet. The real redpill on Iran is that Iranian "modernity" was always foreign import, the real Iran is a third-world genetically-Arab shithole, and the Islamic Republic is the best indigenous government that Iran can ever hope to attain.

CIA admits to it and the documents have been released for ages. I don't know why american know so little about their own government

also, look up Operation Ajax

Send the chinese!
The fear those fuckers HARD

stop talking you potato

oke buitenlander. moet je niet uit roven en stelen gaan ofzo ? het is vrijdag avond

I know all that, yeah they gave 5 seats in a parliament of 290 seats to religious minorities (all of them, not just Christians)
However, it is true that the theocratic aspects of Iran are exaggerated some times, women often don't even wear the burka in certain circumstances since them and their husbands don't really care for it at all, but religious police is very real and present
it's also true that Iran is one of the countries with the fastest growing christian minority in the world, i'm not sure why, but that does demonstrate it isn't as bad as it could be (it's still pretty fucking terrible, since i'm comparing it to people like saudia arabia)
A better example of a muslim country with better relations with christians would be Syria, god bless Bashar man

VPN mate, learn 2 internets. lots of degenerate sites are blocked here, including 4chins

Purge the kikes from the U.S. government. Ban AIPAC and all jewish lobbying groups. Or better yet, nuke Israel.

It's true. Iranian here, you're basically looked down upon if you don't have at least a Masters degree

No .I am a good white man who knows that persians are enemies of europe

>There is no way China is not number 1
Learn to fucking read

I bet you're one of those people who fall for scams because they never read the small print.

>women often don't even wear the burka
women in Iran have never worn a burka you idiot, they barely wear a headscarf.

burka is a cultural thing from the arabs and has never been a thing in iran ever. you're more likely to see a burka in german than in iran

hahahah sure thing chaim

Restore the Shah. No place for islamic theocracies striving for a sharia society.

het is goed met jou.

>if you don't know who E Michael Jones is, you don't belong on Sup Forums

China has plans for iran.
Those half/arab monkeys are just shiting on their land...doing nothing

shahfags are literal retards.

stop talking in muslim I don't understand

nu/pol/ is fucked, they don't know shit

destroy the CIA first

>E Michael Jones
You do realize the Arabs were able to invade because you stupid pieces of shit were trying to spread Christianity by the blade? Heraclius burned many Zoroastrian fire temples. Regardless of what happens, we refuse to cuck to you pieces of shit.

Look at the image. Iranians are West Asians closely related to Armenians and Anatolian Turks.

not gonna happen, the CIA is rooted in everything including every single american media network

(read top of pic)

Yeah i know, my bad, i meant to say the motherfucking hijab
Also, are you diaspora? because it's really easy to tell you're pretty biased and you are shilling pretty hard for Iran ITT
Also, you didn't discuss my other points

Better be the Qajar dynasty and not the stupid Pahlavis.

>he can't even reply to the correct post

they all wear a black hijab which is basically not much better

I live in tehran mate, using dutch VPN because Sup Forums hasn't blocked it yet

are you diaspora?
can u hook me up wid sum QT persian grill?

Carter called Khomeini a saint (look it up) and backed him because the Shah was no longer being an OPEC puppet:

It is fairly clear from the linked document and several other declassified papers that elements of the US government were actively conspiring against the Shah from the mid 1970s until his fall. The Shah kept pushing for oil price hikes at a time of economic weakness in the West, and just after the US domestic oil production peaked. With that revenue he was embarking upon ambitious development programmes. Eventually, the US managed to get Saudi Arabia to undercut the official OPEC oil price and therefore undercut the Shah. Revolution came shortly afterwards

The USA began distancing itself from Iran since William E. Simon's 1974 petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia.

yeah mate, I'm sure your jewish news channel shows you unbiased stuff

>every single american media network
I know
we destroy every single american media network too

This might be the dumbest shit I've ever read. You clearly don't have friends and family from Iran. Quality of life is WAY down because of Islamic Revolution.

Do you think Islamic Revolutions are a good thing?

Why are you acting like that's a good thing? 60s/70s Persia was degenerate and corrupt hellhole of Western influence and Satanism. The Revolution brought back sanity and order.

I'm not arguing that Americans didn't interfere in Iranian politics. What I am arguing is that the Islamic Republic is a far better representation of the will of the Iranian people than the Soviet puppet Mosaddegh ever was. You are absolutely delusional if you think that Iran was ever a "democracy" and that there was ever any population support of "Western modernism" among the populace. You are an effete and rootless Tehrani aristocrat who doesn't even feel at home in this own country.

who gives a fuck about iran? man you fags and your obsession with "fixing" other peoples shit. leave them alone.


Many women do wear a burka, Islamist fundamentalism is still strong in Iran

Is there proof that fundamentalist are backed by the USA(jews)?

PCA autosomal DNA plots are better because they go all the back via one's grandparents. Haplogroups don't mean shit either. Iranians cluster closely with Armenians and Anatolian Turks. Iranians are indigenous people of Zagros Mountains.

how though? already the internet shills have gotten nationalists in the west to join (((alt-right))) which tries really hard to white knight for LGBT and israel


Are you sure you wanted to reply to me with that post? hahaha, no, i'm not, but i do like Iran's history
Oh come on man cut the bullshit, yeah it's technically not a burka but it's about as close as it gets, i'm posting the women police to prove they're Iranian, got plenty of other examples

No, I linked here:
USA pushed for the Shah to lose power after he ceased being an OPEC puppet. Now fuck off. IRI is not the will of the people, but Iranians are putting up with it because the USA wants to break up Iran for the "gibs me dat" in Khuzestan province. Most of the oil is in Khuzestan province.

Most Iranians hate MEK/NCRI (parent groups), but USA is supporting them to tear up the fabric of the country.

>What I am arguing is that the Islamic Republic is a far better representation of the will of the Iranian people than the Soviet puppet Mosaddegh ever was.
sure but if democracy wasn't forced out of iran by the USA, Iran would have been way ahead of even where it is now (which is a pretty good position considering)

>Many women do wear a burka
none in iran though

No need to do so, it's growing on its own

who cares about iran?

Yeah who care about a country with 100 million / oil / tons of farmland / large military

1. expose their misdeeds
2. violence

>posting literally the heads of iranian religious organisation
wow totally representative of the people :^)

let me show you how dutch people look

Yes I did, maybe you were in some Iranian collectivity (not the ones related to terrorism -linked to the anti-white d'elia-, but rather one with honest people) and knew some QT GRILLZZZZZZ
persian grills make me weenie go 8==========D~~~

Iran is fine, they aren't doing anything that bad or dangerous, if we stop fucking with them they will chill out eventually

alright guys, stay redpilled, listen to E Michael Jones (become christian again ffs), talk you guys later.

I'm off to watch Blizzcon stream that I missed.

Daily reminder that the Jews hate Iran and continue to kill their scientists while bragging about it

reminder that USA and Israel are working to flood europe with arab jihadis

bye for reals now

One last thing man, are you an iranian christian?

how does it feel that we killed several of your nuclear scientists after you were so dumb to post press photos of inside reactor and stuff like that..

Go away ahmed. You are not white. Whites view you as just arabs why another name. You are not our equal. You are animals who should live like animals

>USA pushed for the Shah to lose power after he ceased being an OPEC puppet.
You have to see the situation from an American context. In the late 1960's, America transitioned to Jewish rule, the Shah noticed this process and was one of the few American puppets to speak out.

It's simple, you remove Islam.

God I want a punjab or qt sandnigger so bad.

Most libtards know very little about Operation Ajax and only what their university professors or shariablue blog sites tell them, like most of them think the CIA just found a random monkey, put him on the throne and called him the Shah to do our bidding, that is is retarded, he was BORN into Iranian royalty and was king for years before Ajax and Mossadegh; it was Mossadegh who chased him out of the country first and we just put him back. After that of course he became more authoritarian but wouldn't you after the guy you appointed as your your prime minister tried to overthrow you?

The Shah was a based ruler whose father is the sole reason Iran is called Iran today and not Persia.

For the STOP crowd
Also who the fuck is Jonathan Bowden for 500 Alex.

>Jonathan Bowden

1. That video wasn't filmed in the late 60s. Notice how right in the beginning it says 1974? That was around the time William E. Simon made his petrodollar deal with Saudi Arabia, which the Shah refused (hence Simon calling him a "nut"). In hindsight, it would have been better to accept the deal because then Carter would not backstab Iran and support Khomeini.

2. All of this conflict in the Middle East is due to competing pipelines. The Syrian conflict was due US-backed Qatar-Turkey pipeline vs. Russian-backed Iran-Iraq-Syria pipeline. The USA has a history of supporting Islamists whenever they align with their economic interests, and if the Middle East weren't oil rich, it would probably be more stable now. The Shah was backstabbed due to become uncooperative to the petrodollar system, not because of Jews or this or that.

3. Not every damn problem comes down to the Jews. Iran has suffered more under the Eternal Anglo than it has from Jews.

4. IRI is not the will of the people, especially youth. However, neither is kowtowing to Anglos, picking fights with Israel, or letting their country be Balkanized and split (as Bernard Lewis wants).

They refuse to expose the state of Israel's Talmudic degeneracy politicised through even a simple propaganda campaign with willing participants such as Brendon O'Connell. They refuse to expose the Israeli high tech sectors infiltration of the west (and the east alike) and let the Israelis sell malware on their streets. It's why software licenses are so cheap there.
Iran is phoney opposition. They are being built up. Pretend that the Americans aren't retarded and look at the Iraq war.