$18.5 billion per year

do Amerifats enjoy their fake space program that much?

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it is more than a fake space program, user. it is our Odyssey.
a guiding myth for the culture.
cementing the rulers world system and their science into our very souls.
a monolith between us and God.
gas for their evil vehicle.


>still believing it's a hoax

18.5 billion per year.
Sounds about right
You honestly think those buckets they shoot into space for show cost 18.5 billion?

>a guiding myth for the culture
maybe consider a newer, cheaper one?
just sayin

here, cunt
I'm too bored to angry

also, It used it be 5% of the budget, but has been moved to .5%

right. well, Kubrick had expensive taste.
had to bankrupt USSR while we were at it.
but, see user they've been saving money with pools and CGI.

>with pools and CGI
CGI was invented in 1971, and would have been so experimental that it would look animated
i'm going to sound retarded, but what do you mean by pool, user?

You can fire lasers off of the retroreflectors left on the Moon and receive a return signal.

It is not a matter of belief, it happened, whether you like it or not.


but... robots

so a highly advanced, well funded agency didn't edit that out?

>You can fire lasers off of the retroreflectors left on the Moon and receive a return signal
wheres your proof of this, faggot?






>muh Adam Ruins Everything
>muh Neil DeGrasse Tyson
>muh Bill Nye science guy

kek, you are THE definition of a bluepill normalfag. get off of these boards with your normie cancer

conspiratards never accept photographic evidence
anything contradictory to their false belief is merely "photoshopped"
and any witnesses are merely "payed off by the government"
honestly you have to be literally mental to whatever degree to deny flat out reality

>muh 9/11 was Arabs with boxcutters
>muh Sandy Hook wus real, my cousins kid went there
>muh based Israel, our greatest ally

>implying there aren't just two lasers pointed at the moon

do you think this is real? are you a fucking retard?

>conspiratards never accept photographic evidence

here's the evidence that the LEM was made of construsstion paper, pvc piping, reylongs wrap and scotch tape. this is an actual nasa photograph.

what's that about not accepting images now?

you are a perfect example of the dunning kruger effect
you are so wash in delusion and conspiracy that you intrinsically believe yourself to be "enlightened" or "red pilled" when in reality you have a pathological lack of humility to evidence and critical thinking skills
have fun prepping for the invasion of the satanic lizard people while the rest of us actually do something worth while with our lives

Not an argument

How would you build it? Keep in mind it needs to be as light as possible

you can literally prove we were on the moon right now by bouncing a laser off the prisms we installed there.

is an argument. is it a real NASA approved image which clearly shows the construction of the LEM being a studio prop. there is no way you can tell me that what we are looking at is a space faring vessel of any sort.

i'm not an engineer, phil. why don't you go ask those guys.

oh wait. they "forgot". go fuck yourself.

>the outside is covered in a paper looking material
>all of it must be made out of paper
bro that is fucking insulation paper
they tacked it on the outside of the chasis so the lander didn't burn into a heap of ash when going through reentry
are you fucking serious mate?

>Discrediting white man's greatest achievement
and stay there, flattards.

This is actually from a twin-laser ranging experiment performed at the GSFC. The second beam is *not* the reflection of the first, but a separate beam.

You CAN repeatably and reliably reflect a laser off retroreflectors on the lunar surface (I've actually had the chance to watch an observatory do a ranging experiment live) - but the reflected signal is not bright enough to observe with the naked eye, due to scattering and natural diffraction of the light. Integrated over seconds/minutes, however, you can build up a measurable signal and look at interferometry data in order to work out range measurements.

t - physicist

thanks plebbit

There's no re-entry hazard on the moon. The insulation is to protect the inside from the sun's heat. It gets 200 degrees F on the moon at times.

>there is no way you can tell me that what we are looking at is a space faring vessel of any sort.

Well, what are its failures?

Fuck off with this shit. I believe Jews are largely behind the decline of society in recent years but all this bullshit about DA JOOOS faking NASA for no real reason at all is flat earther tier retardation.

actually, it's more about Geo-centrism and relativity

>"insulation paper"

yes, good old construction paper. insulates from deadly gamma rays every time. i wonder why we don't just cover chernobyl and fukushima with paper. that will surely stop everything.

the earth is a sphere, i'm not a flat tard. this is relevant to Sup Forums because of the government beauracracy, lies, and general fuckery committed against the world.

thanks for ignoring and then failing to rebut anything i've already said, and then demanded me to be a space engineer to further disprove the obvious; that the LEM is a complete sham ans is in no way an actual space vehicle.

oy-oy vey... h-how did u know?

>do Amerifats enjoy their fake space program that much?

Lego's vetting process would have caught any hoax.

3/10 troll harder newfag.

you think Kepler killed pic related ?

Geocentrism is a discredited psuedoscience. You honestly have to retarded if you think the insignificant ball of rock we live on is the center of the solar system/entire fucking universe.


isn't it relative ? not about right and wrong, but about installing a world-view.

>failing to rebut anything i've already said

There's not really anything to rebut. You said it can't be a spacecraft but you didn't specify why. I mean since you're so adamant it can't carry three men to the moon and back I assume you are also able to explain why

This crackpot shit isn't relevant to Sup Forums at all. Take it to if you think everything you don't see every day is a hoax or take it to if you want to actually discuss space travel.
You flattard-tier facebook pics aren't convincing me at all. What am I even looking at? If that was used on the moon missions it makes sense because the moon orbits the earth; a single example where the geocentric model works.

>name of device in image title
>what am I even looking at?

It's anyone's guess, really. Any forensic evidence is probably long, long gone, and I doubt he'd be stupid enough to confide in anyone about doing it if he did.

The world may never know.

>Computer graphic for back-
Doesn't explain shit

it is a reconstructed version of the antikythera mechanism, an ancient astronomical calculator with gearworks that pre-date the knowledge or use of that level of machinery by 2000 years or so. i don't expect you to know about it, but there is plenty of examples as to why a geocentric model is plausible, if not reality.



OP is on crack (pic related)

That has nothing to do with earth actually being at the center of the universe. The mechanism used the positions of the stars and moon, as seen from earth, to help a ship's crew navigate.

the universe

people will look back, just like we do
and laugh at how simple the folk were in mapping existence

anyway, back to the moon hoax. well looky here! it's an xray image of a space suit! but hmm, that's odd! if xrays (gamma ray radiation) can penetrate the suit, then what use is it?

and before you fuckers get on some 'it's an illustration' bullshit, this is an image from the Smithsonian and is a confirmed xrayed image.

that's right fags, reynolds wrap LEM and zero radiation protection spacesuits. and yet you think we went to the moon? tell me more.

Hover the mouse on the filename

The crust of the moon cracked over millions of years as its interior cooled. Same thing is slowly happening on Mercury too.

The real moon landing.

its amazing how some gullible retards are unable to consider their cherished NASA myths are false


i never said the earth was the center of the entire universe. geocentrism simply means that the earth is the center of our 'solar system' with everything else revolving around us. which, for all we know, is plausible. because if you do the math from both perspectives, they equal out.

Some of that cash went to convince muslims they aren't completely out of the fucking loop. So yeah, pretty fake.

>Look up x-ray penetration to debunk this flattard shit
>Get a bunch of hentai in the image results
Anyway, you're assuming that gamma rays are always in a gamma ray burst and not part of the cosmic background radiation.
>If you think everything is a hoax and hate NASA just to be edgy then the earth is the center of the solar system

it's true. it's because they're in love with the idea of space travel and want to find a green alien star trek level waifu who will actually talk to them.

>i can't find any girls who will fuck me on this planet
>time to start looking at other planets

What a shame - I had high hopes that I'd live to see space travel. Not gonna happen. In fact, we're basically trapped here to die. One day all our history will get wiped out. So sad

Nasa admits humans can't pass through the dangerous Van Allen Belt

no friend I'm afraid not
but as a consolation prize, we could round up all the NASA conspirators and execute them for their treasonous fraud

>The Apollo missions marked the first event where humans traveled through the Van Allen belts, which was one of several radiation hazards known by mission planners. The astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts due to the short period of time spent flying through them. Apollo flight trajectories bypassed the inner belts completely, and only passed through the thinner areas of the outer belts.
Again, your confirmation bias is showing by assuming the Van Allen belts are a solid, impenetrable wall of radiation.
>Astronauts' overall exposure was actually dominated by solar particles once outside Earth's magnetic field. The total radiation received by the astronauts varied from mission to mission but was measured to be between 0.16 and 1.14 rads (1.6 and 11.4 mGy), much less than the standard of 5 rem (50 mSv) per year set by the United States Atomic Energy Commission for people who work with radioactivity.

I hope Sir Patrick Moore comes back and fucks you with his telescope.

>Stormnigger goes on a rant about executing NASA scientists because MUH FEELS dictate space travel isn't real
Hitler would have gassed you had he won the war.

>we must SOLVE THESE CHALLENGES before we send people through
which part did you fail to comprehend, retard?

>NASA man gets his words wrong = HOAX CONFIRMED
Flattard logic strikes again. Go back to and take your chemtrail reptilian off topic garbage with you.

>muh national myths pwees don't destroy
>US best country
>beside Israel of course

Now you just sound like a Fed infiltrator.

>astronauts had low exposure in the Van Allen belts
>short period of time

3 days going, 3 days back. pretty sure they'd be fairly crispy within the first 3 hours. you don't understand how high energy particles work, especially since none of the crafts or their suits had any shielding from aslpha, beta, or gamma radiation whatsoever.

unless you count aluminum foil and "silver paint" as something that can stop radiation. because it cannot.

nobody has mentioned flat earth, chemtrails, or reptile people. but good try attempting to strawman and divert the argument.

whoops the overlay broke and it chroma keyed out the planet. we'll just say it was a technical difficulty and not at all that this vid is a complete and literal fabrication.

>current year
>believing we can into space

do you even Sup Forums
apparently not
you are a reddit tier cuckservative normie
'stronk christian' too no doubt


dropping dem red pills

for those who might be wondering, i'm also the film expert guy. i've argued at great length in past threads how the supposed pics from the moons surface could not exist in the first place. the rundown goes something like this:

>all film is extremely sensitive to any kind of radiation
>the film used in the hassleblad front mounted cameras weas off the shelf kodak film (specifically 70 mm wide, perforated Kodak Panatomic-X fine-grained, 80 ASA, b/w film, two with Kodak Ektachrome SO-168, one with Kodak Ektachrome SO-121, and one with super light-sensitive Kodak 2485, 16,000 ASA film)
>film is made of nitrocellulose with the emulsion layer where the image goes
>nitrocellulose freezes at -175* degrees and melts at around 300* degrees
>space is absolute zero (-320*)
>film would shatter in these conditions
>"but in direct exposure to the sun on the moon, it gets up to over 350* degrees cause no atmosphere
>then the film would melt

tl;dr the film would not survive, period. therefore all images could have only been taken here on earth.

The first country to start cost-effective asteroid mining is basically going to become the global super power.

i also still have the challenge out for anyone to show me the specific technology that controlled this camera, despite no such wirelessly controlled camera existed at the time.

>it's a prop being pulled up by a string

>one argument about lightning
>few pieces of metal dumped on moon maybe years later

the moon rocks are fake, just pieces of wood


if you believe the moon landing was fake you're fucked in the head beyond repair and very likely a creatonist dumbfuck

few photons come back. few. photons.
how fucking dumb are you

whoops, we 'accidentally erased' all these nasa moon tapes. nothing to see anyway, right?


i'm not op, but care to explain any of the shit i've shown in this thread? i know it must be difficult, but look at it objectively.

thanks based photobo
hopefully this helps some others here 'get the picture'


you're doing great
shit more eveidence of fakery I've not even seen before
keep going please

>camera automatically zooms out and pans up

-3M Scotchlite screen could not be more obvious
-perfectly centered
-golden ration frame and pan

my fucking sides

Google says they figured out the rough time to ascent and rigged up the camera on the rover to do this.

objectively i haven't seen a single proof that apollo program was fake

>mfw 99% of landing deniers are buttblasted europoors that have cognitive dissonance over the fact that america did something objectively impressive and awesome

>space is absolute zero (-320*)
>film would shatter in these conditions

The camera is surrounded by a vacuum. It's not getting any colder because it's not transferring heat anywhere (apart from slow radiation)