/r/anarchism (80K anarchocommunist and antifa subscribers) has decided to call off their participation in "the...

/r/anarchism (80K anarchocommunist and antifa subscribers) has decided to call off their participation in "the revolution" on november 4th, apparently. best i can tell it's because of all of the negative attention the event has garnered. jee. who would have thought organized calls for violent communist revolution would have elicited some kind of negative response??

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its obviously a joke dumbass


no shit idiot, that's the point did you even read the text i wrote or did you just look at the pictures?
fuck you ignorant commie dumbass.

it's almost like most of these people are just overprivileged keyboard jockies and don't really want to do any work other than talk.

not a lot of posts or activity for a community with """80,000""" members

wonder how much that number is padded by the admins

you mean Sup Forums, the reddit sub

ancarchocommunists are pussies tho

they are just having fun with their weak leftist memes

literally who cares

its just so funny because this sub has been so chuck full of calls for violence and "fash bashing" for so long and now they're like "oooooh, sounds dangerous, im not gonna go!" on their big nov 4th revoultion!

>called off
that makes me a saaad /k/fag

I wish they had marched and every single one died in a blaze of North Korean napalm.

nov 4th was a joke, a left meme "revolution"

and stop bumping your shit thread

nah they saw all my posts threatening to blind them with my laser and decided they’d rather not wager their eyes. threat still stands tho: those faggits start any shit in my town and I’m engraving their retinas.

They want to be Marxists but not have the violent revolution Marx said has to happen? Weak. At least the Bolsheviks did fight no matter what you think of them.

>not jumping at the chance to die
their revolution was doomed from the start

also nice digits

That's true of all nu-commies. There's a reason why they've moved away from "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" to "Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism".

it wasn't a "joke meme" bro, there are a lot of well funded organizations trying to genuinely, in own words, "overthrow the trump pence regime" on that day. don't stop stupid, retarded things.
and you can't really bump your own threads. the site is designed so that's not really possible. unless people reply to you and you get into a discussion about them, you fucking n00b.

Funny they're thinking the same things we are. Almost like some (((third party))) is playing the two sides against each other.

Soyims gonna soyim.

are you talking to yourself?
sure they WANT to "overthrow trump"

but this nov 4th is an inside joke for them, they no there will be no "real revolution", just them marching and saying "fuck drumpf" like they have been doing for the last 2 years

damn, after all the effort i went to securing my trash cans

what if not all of them know it was cancelled?

The left just wanted to see if they could intimidate Sup Forums by beating their chests and spamming their bullshit here. Sup Forums decided to hang up "it's ok to be white" posters and laugh at the results instead.

yeah his name is george soros. plus the deep state and the global communist / power regime that sees the constitution of the united states and the bill of rights as an impediment to their ability to rule over you and oppress you and turn you into their slave.
sponsor violent revolution = sponsoring the dissolution of the legal roadblocks which are standing in the way of your world domination. it's not a hard concept to realize.
these fucking losers on /r/anarchism are finally starting to understand the soros plan and that whole talking about and what it means to be a "useful idiot" but they're still to stupid to realize that they're starting to realize it.

dude don't say stupid things though.
don't act like "nov 4th is nothing" and this is only one group of commies. they're actually the dumbest and most ignorant offshoot. the "anarchocommies". people too stupid to realize what a direct contradiction their own name is.

there are still real, big government, gulag loving commies that plan to march tomorrow.

Whatever happens tomorrow, whether they march or not, we win.
Any action they take spirals into destruction of property, crazies converting the moderate liberals into covert conservatives and America seeing what the modern left really is. Their inaction shows the public they lack support. The left have spent years backing themselves into a corner they are destined to die in. The only possible way back for the left in America is the complete dismantling of the DNC and building a new party from scratch.

its not cancelled its just that anarcho commies are the most degenerate form of all commies and surprise surprise they're actually too degenerate to take part in their own fucking revolutions, even after months and months and months of violently calling for and specifically trying to incite this violent revolution.

Are you retarded?

Is this that madman who spent 20 years on an enemy island after world war 2?

>Glock 1911 assault revolver

kind of sounds like you're intentionally overhyping the threat nu-commies pose. can't fool me, shekelwitz, i know what dick riding looks like.

Lets go taunt them and call them cowards, "whose streets? our streets."

you fucking know it
the people he conquered for 20 years in the name of Japan called him a war hero

"intentionally overhyping"
k bruh, have fun with yourself. unless you're an 18 year old, and haven't been on the planet long enough to see how these people change and transform society through the decades, and make your life infinitely more miserable, then you've got no right saying such a daft and ignorant thing.

>there are still real, big government, gulag loving commies that plan to march tomorrow.
yea but im sure there are actual neo nazis on Sup Forums who believe whatever bullshit, but that doesnt mean the whole board believes in that

tomorrow there is just going to be a bunch of marchs and a bunch of busted up trash cans

commies will realize that its just a pipe dream to have an actual "revolution"

I'm an adult man with a kid and a gun. march or don't march, I'll be fine.

They're trying to save face for when the super-protest turns out to be 60-70 fat weirdos in each state. Or they know there's nothing really to do when there are no right-wing marches to target, so they'd be losing the optics war as they have to pick off random people / trashcans.

bro 40% of americans prefer socialism to capitalism. openly. in every major poll conducted. fuck off with saying stupid shit like "they are nothing! they don't exist! they're no different thant he radicals on the right hur durrrr!" don't be a fucking moron. wake your faggot ass up.

not for nothing, you moron, did you even watch the protests that happened after the election? or the 30,000 people that showed up in boston to literally protest their own rights to free speech? stop saying stupid shit. seriously. just stop saying idiotic, dumb shit.

>40% prefer socialism openly
sauce bls

screw you
i just spent my retirement on trash can stocks. I'M FUCKED!!

What the fuck is so special about "Nov 4th" anyway? Why not Nov 8th, the anniversary of when Trump was elected?

iphone X releases tomorrow. anti-capitalist symbolism?

Your posts are a confused fucking mess, faggot. Pick an angle and stick with it instead of blathering all over the map.

Report as many people in that thread as you can possibly get away with. Make sure whatever you report could possibly be construed as violent content.
Spez (reddit admin) is just dying for an excuse to ban these faggot leftists and we can give it to him.

98.2% chance to win to win


Sadly probably not much padding. Admins hate these dumb fucks. They unironically spout "liberals get the bullet too"

an angle? dude it's just the facts. anarchocommunists (who are nothing but lazy degenerates) can be too lazy to partake in their own violent revoultion "cuz they think its dangerous" whilst real communists, who are genuinely militant and have plentiful numbers, can still want to take part. those are two separate groups. god you fucking people are so one dimensional and stupid.

8th is on a Wednesday. Their parents will be at work and not able to take them to protest
so they needed a weekend

>muh 40% commie millennials

literally fuck these dipshits, they couldent get themselves out of a paper bag without help from parents

and anyways, what is this bullshit about commie revolution,

ok it possible maybe in sanfranciso, LA, seattle and jew york, but the other 99% of america that doesnt live in a big city, would just fucking laugh at them

100th annerversity of the Bolshevik revolution

i actually would have provided one to you if you didn't act like a pretentious, entitled faggot, now i'll just tell you to go use google yourself, you ignorant POS.

So they basically admit they are modern-day communists. Good to know.

I have my 870 ready.

Kek. That's the real reason. They're going to go buy new iphones.

There is none. I've seen articles posted on Sup Forums claiming 40% of millennials openly advocate Communism over Capitalism, but that's a very different thing.

dude not basically, they full out support communism and want to militantly bring communist revolution to the US and everywhere else, esp in the west. no offense but how can you be this blind and in the dark about what is going on in the world bro? lol. i mean hell, we all miss stuff but this is kind of basic stuff.

>on every level except physical, I am a communist

I was under the impression that they just want to return to the days of Obama/Clinton by throwing out Trump/republicans, not full-out national revolution.

I gave liberals the benefit of the doubt. I should know better by now, you're right.

you people?

>using a meme that was cool for like 10 days in 2013
cool bro. you BTFO'd me.

yeah you're actually totally intentionally misrepresenting that, you dumb evil kike.

racist and victim blaming
bet you read breitbart too

i love how the lefties were so "triggered" by the 2013 "triggered" meme, along with the snowflake meme, that it embedded itself so deeply in your psyches that you still use them NONSTOP to this day whilst the rest of the world has long since moved on.

>preferred country to live in

the evidence is not evidence, sneaky little jude

it is fascinating, really. nice observation

i have literally no idea what all of your non sequitur crap is that you're trying to say. thanks for bumping my thread though, nigger.


>hurr durr triggured

that buzzword meme is over 4 years old

why what do you think you "trap me into exposing my racism"? bro i am a white nationalism, you dumbass. you don't need to "trap me" into anything. i am racist. racism is good. we're going to continue to be racist and racism is going to grow until eventually faggots like you are hung from trees and your retardation no longer infects us. end of story.

>they don't show up
>we won't show up
Literally nothing will happen tomorrow.

do you get stronger the angrier you get? you sound awfully strong.

>who snitched

anons am i a brainlet for not understanding them, i think its them though

I'm subscribed for the lulz. When this board is being raided.

So anarco's take direction?
One can just call off the revolution?
All the rank and file gets the word in time?
So what if IT's HAPPPENNing!
And no one shows up?
Damn and NFL is a no go too.

they sound serious to me

about what, i dont know what they are referring to

good reference

i'm not serious. nothing about this whole thing is serious. anyone who takes it seriously should not be taken seriously.

>Glock 1911 Assault Revolver
Soyim sarcasms are the most pathetic.


when I grow up, I want to be hiroo.

>worried they might get shot or run over by some reactionary addicted to infowars

Lol Alex Jones' head just got even bigger, which I did not think was possible.

i do bro, yes, i do. because i go and lift weights when i get angry so i can beat the shit out of faggots. fagbashing is my fav thing to do. you know how commies like to "bash fash"? i like to bash fags. and commies are fags, so it kills 2 birds with one stone!

So... somebody spent a shit ton of money on that NYT ad to troll? Seems like such a waste.

i guess i could be wrong but i was pretty sure the 1911 wasn't a fucking revolver or an "assault" anything, but rather a semi auto handgun that was standard issue for the US military for a very long time.
again, i could be wrong, maybe i'm thinking of something similar sounding but different. dunno. not a gun expert by any means.

ok soros

it sounds like the anger in you has given you autism and you’ve became illiterate.

infowars is like the devil to them. i dunno why. most of them never even listen to him.

i just told him i like "fag bashing" lol. there is nothing better than acting like these peoples worst nightmares just to watch them flip their shit.

(note: i don't actually like or partake in "fagbashing" and don't really care about gay people either way as long as they don't act like faggots or pedos).

I keep Infowars on in the background while I work, and all week Alex has talked CONSTANTLY about Antifa. It was pretty wild, even for him. He even made some dumb commercial that he ran practically every break.

well AJ has been saying for many, many years now that these people are funded tools of shady elites trying to cause social unrest and civil war as a way to ultimately abolish the constitution and the bill of rights. so when he sees something like the nov 4th thing, where you have these big groups like refusefascism literally calling for the "overthrow of the trump pence regime"and supporting communism and revolution and stuff, it's basically the culmination of everything he's been discussing for years. so i'm not surprised at all that he would be this fixated upon it, personally.

they're not calling off their involvement because of the negative response, dumbasses. they're calling it off because Refuse Fascism is a front for the RCP, a Maoist cult of personality around Bob Avakian.

I know, you don’t even have to justify yourself, most people are lost little bitches.

no point in trying to justify yourself. just be their boogeyman. in reality, i am a FUCKING pacifist and have been for my whole life. i HATE resorting to violence to solve problems until it becomes absolutely 100% immediately necessary. i'm not even really that racist. i don't even think negatively about minorities. i just want to be left the fuck alone by them. want my country back, racially, so that my children have a future here without being racially oppressed.

they want to make that out to be a monstrous belief so wtf? why not just play along and be their boogeyman. lord knows it's a hell of a lot better strategy than trying to plead with them and say "hur durrrr no im not a bad man, pls dont think im a bad man! look at me im a good man!"

fuck them, just let them have their little shitfits. when they lay bait, take it, because they're too stupid to work the reel.


cucked by himself