Anything you wanna know?
I am the only argentine on Sup Forums
How can you be so white?
What are you talking about? Sup Forums is full of Argentinians.
Is the Argie DNA
every surrounding country has a skin tone similar to a turd, so i look white in comparison
Where is Adolf Hitler- well where's his body
Have you been to agartha
died in Germany 1945, his body was cremated by Goebbels etc
no, and if u mean the anime movie I don't really like Makoto Shinkai films lol
being a white in south america is like being a white in popular places in america or south africa
1. Why are you mostly european yet have an average IQ off 93, no famous physicists or mathematicians? Do you see intelligencia getting better or dysgenics?
2. Where should I visit?
>no famous physicists or mathematicians? Do you see intelligencia getting better or dysgenics?
Well... we have the same amount of Nobel that Czech republic so at least we can compare with Slavs.
>mostly European
no such thing, only 30% sadly...of those 30% , 10% are commies so only 20% people worth saving in this shithole, the rest (mestizos, sudacamierdas, and niggers/jews) deserve genocide. Yes, dysgenics is a huge problem, we need eugenics ASAP, I would explain but you wouldnt understand, you would have had to live in the early 80s (before mass importing of sudaca subhumans started by the communist masonic jew raul alfonsin) and then compare to know and youd know all is lost
i wanna leave
2) Nowhere, go to Spain/Italy/Portugal etc (what argentina could have been were it not for jews and mestizos).
Do you even have engineers? Is there even 1 living physicist in your country?
I tought you were 80% european
No after Peronism we don't.
We have a lot of medical scientists
there were alot in the past, we never got nominated to nobels cus peron gave asylum to Germans and the kikes didnt like that etc. They have not forgiven us and never will.
Nowadays everything and everyone is mediocre (like the rest of sudacaland) ignore the guys saying we have competent ppl lol
lmao, as if. I fucking wish. That was probs up until 60s...
Ok, here's an idea.
1. No one thinks about argentina, ever, seriously.
2. Why don't you use that to your advantage and start a pro european group and do what the azhekenazi jews did centuries ago, (look it up) and get yourselves as smart as the azhekanazi in 3 generations.
You'll need land, self sustaining housing, farming (hydroponics aquaponics), point is, assuming you can get say 10,000 people, you can actually develop something.
Just an idea.
Was it even big news in your country that argentians were killed in recent NYC attack?
What is your news media saying about the terroristic murder of Argentinans in New York
>1. No one thinks about argentina, ever, seriously.
ye i know lol, better desu, i dont like the spotlight like brazil etc
>2. Why don't you use that to your advantage and start a pro european group and do what the azhekenazi jews did centuries ago, (look it up) and get yourselves as smart as the azhekanazi in 3 generations.
we have the biggest jew majority in the world after usa, you think theyd allow it? i would but ppl are so oblivious to anything ever that i just wanna die, thanks for the tip but id much rather flee this sinking ship
i dont know desu, dont read argentine news, newspapers or tv
ironically enough i know what goes on in the world but not in here
They wouldn't shut up about it
you guys had the shooting in 04 right?
Sorry not sorry about the Falklands lad
the what now
dont really care, i like seeing mestizomierdas throw fits when you remind them who inhabits the island and that the do not want to be arg*ntine
Haha fair enough.
How do you survive here?
>shooting in 04 right
I think he's talking about that kid who shot some other kids in a school in Carmen de Patagones.
Can a English speaking, bachelors degree holding white move there?
you mean in Sup Forums or in argentina?
ahh yes "Panfilo", he shot up the school because he was continually called that name (which means retard ) then after the massacre the whole media was calling him that, and it stuck. He is forever remembered as Panfilo
if you have a deathwish then ye, it is not advised, just shoot yourself if you wanna die, dot fuck your progeny
I miss when we were friends, tbqh senpai.
>takes pride in being argentinian
>wants to abandon his country because he thinks hes smarter than his countrymen
Damn nigger you one dumb ma'fkha
yes me too, Anglos built this country. Were it not for you and your financing idk what we would have done. Thankfully the flaklands conflict redpilled u about this nation, it was a good thing in the end. theres nothing to expect from argentines
no im not proud of being argie wtf lol
in fact i dont feel argie :(
i have no place of origin, just like a jew
i will be a foreigner everwhere
>English speaking
Most people can't even speak spanish correctly, let alone english, mate. It would be way easier to find a comfy place in the US than come all the way down here.
Why are Argentineans so gloomy and negative? Every time I've visited Argentina, I've had a good time but the people, while generally friendly, are a bunch of sad sacks.
the ones who cant speak Spanish arent actually people per se... you know the kind, subhumans
cus this place has no future, or rather a very brown one
Is lanus elite or shit?
GrĂªmio is completely degenerate, faggotty wannabe european separatists and shit, bunch of hog raisers
In Sup Forums
Not really. You still need the actitude being white alone will give you looks but no pussy. This isn't 1930
Have been tried countless times. This lands were popular for European weirdos ready to form their own utopias in the XIX century.
We still have a lot of communes like the Russians farmers in la pampa
Its legal to scream fucking jews
? It was "Pantriste"
Come on isn't so bad, the only thing this country teached you its how to whine. You sound like the fucking inmigrants we hate so much. Running away at least the siryan rebels are going to be killed here you would only die if a nigger decides to screw you
We like to whine A LOT, we are drama queens even when we faced easy problems we will whine about it and never solve it.
Give us the Furher back please, we need him.
how can I get Cristina Kirshner in my Bed?, she looks like a hot MILF
no you are not you little lying son of a bitch.
Interesting conflict. One of the few times in history soldiers used the same weapons against each other. FAL vs. FAL, I believe.
>inb4 ak47
If both sides have an ak47 they're probably not real armies.
I am about to move to Boludoland
I just love your climate and people
what is the news coverage and authenticity of the people who supposedly died in the manhattan attack the other day?
>implying the argies fired a shot before surrendering
Yes, why are there midget lesbians living in your mountains?
manu > maradona
>died in Germany 1945
You're our islands, remember