I finally swallowed the red pill, Sup Forums

>29yo man
>work 2 jobs making ~$85,000/year, own my own house
>gf moves in, she's a waitress, barely scrapes $15,000/year
>after a while starts complaining about things
>furniture I bought isn't nice enough
>kitchen table isn't up to her standards
>bathroom floor should be retiled, plus shower isn't chic enough
>sex becomes rare because "the bed squeaks too much, that mattress is uncomfortable
>begs for a dog
>get a dog to appease her, which she loves posting pics of on Faceberg and Instagoy, but doesn't actually take care of
>bitches when I work 60-hour weeks bc I'm not there to walk HER DOG
>dog is destroying furniture and digging up backyard
>"tee hee, guess we need new furniture now anyway… plus the lawn wasn't that impressive," she said this evening

I flipped, Sup Forums. I snapped. I reminded her that before she moved in with me rent-free, she could barely afford a shitty apartment with her sister and their dumbass skank friend. I said "if you want so much nice shit, then fucking buy it! Oh wait, you can't!"

She flipped but I told her she has two weeks to get out. She said she'd call the police if I kicked her out. Fine, slug, do it. You're not on any paperwork. We aren't married. It's MY house. It's MY shit. It's YOUR dog. Have fun being a broke, single, 25y/o annoying whore with no skills and nothing of value except your soon-to-be-fleeting looks.

You're a good person but also an idiot for letting her live there for two more weeks. Do yourself a favor and install microphones and/or cameras because there's a high chance that she will tell you again that she'll call the cops or claim that you raped her. Mic every room, put it on our credit card and take them back after she's gone. That's how woman work.

good for you faggot now tits or gtfo

Post nudes for revenge

>Fine, slug, do it. You're not on any paperwork. We aren't married. It's MY house.
Hope you're not too attached to your career because the false rape accusation will end it.

You are an idiot OP. You needed to call the cops pre-emptively to witness her move out of your place. You don't want to give her a chance to plot your demise: aka he domestically abused me, etc.

Nice blog
Make sure you follow the law to evict her, no paperwork doesn't mean she doesn't have tenant rights

You're going to jail for rape OP. How you enjoy being fucked in the showers.

>letting a woman move into your home outside of marriage
You deserve everything that's coming to you, degenerate.

>Muh hate all women is le redditpil


Don't post here again 'til you learn about the Jews.

be careful dude

i almost got stuck with a demon woman like this. i was really lucky i called her parents and they got her out, but before she left she destroyed my walls and a door.

set up a camera. i did

>gf moves into OP's house
>relationship goes to shit

Wow I didn't expect that

I agree. It's important to put in audio recording devices and run them 24/7 until she's out

Women have great power against you if they contact the police. Don't be stupid, make sure you're protected with surveillance in order to protect your butt

Do you ever see stories of others getting cancer and dying and being totally jealous and disappointed that its not you.
Thats me man..
But I feel for you right now.

Yep. Friend of mine his girlfriend claimed he was beating her. Luckily he had his phone mic on on instead its her screaming like a banshee and banging on the bathroom door (he smartly locked himself inside). She called the police, claimed he hit her, he smiled smugly, "lets go to the tape..."

user is right, you need to get rid of her ASAP before she starts doing vindictive shit like breaking stuff, stealing, calling the cops on you, etc. if she isnt on the mortgage she has to leave the moment you tell her to gtfo

Bix noodz

Two weeks? She is going to do something to try and fuck your life up. Trust me, I've been drugged just to wake up to a video of me on the internet and blackmail over a house inheritance going to me. Women are vindictive and evil.

When she goes to work, change all the locks, get her shit out, camera your property, give the dog to a gook, then leave town for a month.

^^^^^ this

your skank is bad news. Get rid of her with cops as witness ASAP (as in tonight or tomorrow, that may be too late honestly) or be subjected to wiminz power in today’s crippled society. You just “abused” her. Good luck.

Tell her about the jews

I agree with canada, kick her out right fucking now. Fuck her, she sounds terrible.

Red pill just means you hate women and minorities


>give the dog to a book

poor dog, though

Remove her from your house this instant. She is going to make your life living hell momentarily. Get her out while you can. If she wasn't paying rent she isn't entitled to shit.

>a waitress making $15,000/yr
Unless she's a diner waitress in bumfuck county, iowa I'm calling bullshit. Servers are frequently some of the highest earners in a restaurant.

Women are ungrateful sluts, what else is new. t-28 year old guy who was almost in the exact same situation a few years back (minus the house was renting) the bitch got drunk, ended a 2 year plus relationship at a family dinner, fucked some dude the night of, then justified it to her parents by lying that I was abusive and they all had a bonfire with the things I had given her over the years. Lift heavy, stack your money, and when you're about 38 go wife up a 22 year old right out of college and keep her pregnant till she's 30 and over the hill. Kek

Just pay the 90$ and get the eviction processed m8.

t. Same fucking thing my nigro

Ya done goofed.


I second this motion

Thanks, virgin senpai!

OP here.

To everyone else with sound advice, thank you for the support and ideas! Your feedback has been very helpful.

roastie got toastie

>not having kids right after she moves in
this would've solved the problem

Found the male feminist

>ITT user discovers that it is expensive to be a woman, and as such women do not view money like the easy-to-save resource that men do

Get a security guard for that month.

not sure if bait,but nicely done OP

>virgin as an insult
Absolutely epic I hope you go to jail

die faggot scum

Cute coming from your kind.

>This OP. Read this. There's a reason companies fire people on Friday, deactivate email, computer access, etc. It's to reduce blow-back.

That’s funny. My wife married me when I was 100 k in debt, owned nothing, and lived at my parents house. She never complained and helped out with house work and cooking. Just take the Asian pill, book. White worms are shot.


Oh also that "I'll call the police" bullshit will get you locked the fuck up, take my word and get her a 30 day notice ASAP and try to stay out as much as you can until its day zero; you can get a domestic charge with little to no evidence and it will get her houseing through the state for like a year...listen to me user, this is going to turn into a prarie fire, make a plan and get the fuck out

Yes, "Blart" your property user. It will be worth every penny.

Good job friend.

Pretty much only replied to say I'm gonna start unironically use the terms "Faceberg" and "Instagoy".

Anyways, you dodged a fucking bullet and I'm glad you're here.

What kind of jobs do you do?

Well user, here's what's going to happen next.
She's gonna try and have sex with you because that's the only thing women have when in "attack mode".
And if you're serious, DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH HER.

No its not some paranoia rape trap. It's deeper. How is it this bum loser with no career can keep a guy with as much going on as you. She had you controlled. Sex is merely one aspect, but you broke the conditioning.

I REPEAT DO NOT HAVE SEX WITH HER, because she will try again. And she will resent you for doing it i you did anyways, because women dont respect men they can control

don't say you want the dog, wait for her to give it to you or for her friends to contact you after a while saying she can't afford to care for the dog, be smart

Yeah you’re a real fucking retard op for giving her 2 weeks.

Making false reports to the police like this should get you an automatic prison sentence. God damn why are women so fucking manipulative of everyone they come into contact with?

mate..none of this happened, OP is a 23 yr old incel living with his parents

he spends the majority of his time playing overwatch and LARPing on Sup Forums

You have no idea what it’s like to be a server faggot. They make table scraps. $15,000/year is hard to achieve for wagecucks as it is.

Two weeks is too long, better off just putting her shit in garbage bags and leaving it outside. Change locks if necessary.

Marvelous bravo

Asians turn into absolute degenerates after a generation; they are smart but amoral. Spics despite the memes are probably the only group that retains traditional family values, plus their women will literally cut someone for you. If that's not love...

>leaf flag

Why am i not suprised. South asians are not much above monkeys ,extremely selfish vapid dumb womanlets ,only acceptable asians are han chinese gooks and japs

>Act like an insufferable spoiled child
>Behave violently towards other people

>"You only hate me because you're racist and sexist!"

Just further proof that totally shit people are abusing these words to protect themselves from punishment.

le ebin vergin teeee hee
seriously fucking kys

>I finally swallowed

Just imagine, what if you had a woman that was equal to you as a girlfriend

Even if she only earned 15k a year, but took care of the house and yard, and the dog. You would have a great life together

Why so expensive?

This so much.. I taped all combos with my ex, but we were both on the mortgage and had a son.
Was always nice to get but simply had no where to go because of housing shortage

One time she flipped:
Yeah if you don't leave now I'll make sure you never get to see your son and Ian going to use you for all you have and more of that shit.
Couldn't help saying I recorded it, and she just started crying like a pig.

left and a while after the Judge ruled in my favor never had to pay a dime because I was the one that was forced out while I wanted to stay, and she had to come up with the money.
That and the fact that all the things she did ended up with me getting custody of my son

God revenge is so sweet

>You have no idea what it’s like to be a server
Actually I do. Pic related, it's me.
Ball's in your court kiddo.

Why the fuck would you ever cohabitate with a bitch you ain't married to?

>Appeasing a woman
>Negotiating with a woman
>Allowing a woman to stop fucking you

OP is a beta bitch

Behind you 100% OP. No more expletives or anger though. Be cool buddy. Get angry after she’s gone. She seems tricky.

For a woman in bar/restaurants it's not

Same thing happened to me, I beat the charge but it cost me like 7 grand and 14 months for my "speedy trial". Learn how to quickly identity and avoid crazy women, unfortionately all we can do as white straight men are basically 1920's niggers in the eyes of the law

you’re a loser virgin mate fuck yourself

>seeing through a retarded relationship is now considered red pilled
this is how low we have become

I'm a fireman in the local city and an EMT here in my town.

Combo = convo
Get = her

Fuck I hate autocorrect

Begone Thot

depends on the restaurant. 15k, not full time, definitely happens

should have been 2 hours

t. someone who has never lived with a female they were with in a relationship

I feel where you're coming from.
>Buy house
>Girlfriend makes barely more than minimum wage
>Girlfriend moves in, rent free (I wasn't keen on the idea)
>Starts refering to everything as "our"
>I keep referring to everything as "my"

She's not as bad as your situation. She doesn't suggest or insist on expensive improvements. And she makes an effort to appear trad-wifeish (cleans and cooks earnestly but with mediocre results, always says "good morning", "have a good day", "how was work?", etc.), but she is also asking for a dog,
which of course means a child,
which of course means marriage,
which of course means all my property and assets become hers.

What where you thinking dating a jewish woman
Thats like guaranteed fuckery

user, I'm begging you: RUN. I lost a contract I had with tripple canopy, had to work fucking construction for over a year while I cleared my name. You've got to get her a 30 day notice and find a way to not be anywhere near her for the entirety of that time. Your department will fire you; it's not innocent until proven guilty its guilty until proven innocnet. Just. Fucking. Run.

Go back to tumblr "shitlord".

You. Are. Fucked.

Enjoy having domestic abuse related offences in your record for the rest of your life if not rape charges. Women are second only to niggers in terms of life ending danger.

Let’s do anal

That's nothing. I'm an actual server-faggot. I'm serverkin and there's nothing you can do to stop me from interbreeding with your race.

I think you Redpilled her on whos fucking boss.
You shouldve done this sooner. You work Hard pay the bills. She should be cooking cleaning and kissing your ass when you get home. If she bows down and begs for mercy theres no reason to not show mercy. if she will submit to you. Its very hard to house train westernised womans dude but you have to do it cause the next bitch is gonna be exactly the same.

sounds like the bitch that fucks other men while you're at work. women are fucking monsters, I can't trust them anymore. western society has ruined them. all they give a fuck about is social media and trends.

ex tried to claim I was stalking her while I had a non-working vehicle and lived 100 miles away. Lawyered up, she said I was constantly harrassing her with threatening and angry messages. Funny thing is she texted ME out of the blue after a year, after visiting the town I used to live in, in an entirely different fucking side of the country. Women are crazy fucking cunts, they’ll do anything to be a victim. Don’t let this chick fuck you over. Do not say a single other word to her OP. Do not give her eye contact, avoid her entirely. Tell her she has to leave tonight or tomorrow and that’s it. Nothing else.

>1 Prenup
>2 Keeping them pregnant is basically what you have to do if you move in with a chick. Women are fickle as hell and mostly LARP as trad/conservative. If she's a young NEET/ low income wage cuck, staying at home, and has access to social media she's going to have a high probability of cheating

True. Sex as a weapon. We'll use it because it works. Plus, and I know this brutal honesty is hard to believe, but we honestly don't give a crap if we have sex or not. Frankly, we'd pick 'not' 90% of the time if we could and still be taken care of. Our toys give us orgasms, not you. We have to fake it with you most of the time - its exhausting.

>user what happened to the dog!
Sorry babe, I gooked it.

That only works because jew powers


Dont press F5, just go nigger.

>DVD drive on a server rack

the hell lenovo?

>1 post by this ID

So yeah... might want to revise your working definition of “Red Pill”

Your a dumb shit OP, you deserved all of this

Fugg i cant beliebe it i lost :(

you can't just take someone in and then kick them out when they say something you don't like.

you fucked up. you know you fucked up. lie in the bed you made for yourself.

>Thanks, virgin senpai!
Damn right. You'll never understand my wizard powers, foolish mortal with a slimy dick and 99 problems.