Do plumbers really deserve $500 to unclog a toilet?
Do plumbers really deserve $500 to unclog a toilet?
only if they wear a tie XD
does the hedge fund manager deserve 5 million dollars an hour xDDDD
I get that reference
You deserve to get charged 500$ to have some guy come plunge your toilet a few times. Call him when something goes wrong you can't fix yourself.
> $500
Just get your own Pole and pay him absolutely minimum
Yes, otherwise do it yourself retard + sage
they do, but unfortunately its his boss Shlomo the entrepreneur gets 400$
if you don't want to pay up, do the unclogging yourself
your fat ass was able to clog it in the first place
jebus, clogging a toilet, what are you a whale?
>"That'll be $500 plus tip."
Pro tip: You can save money by calling a drain service rather than a plumber.
Plumbers have to put up with a lot of shit.
the leaves are correct
minimum charge pleb
once again conservashits hate the free market
if ur a dumb fuck that needs to call a plumber to plunge your toilet you deserve to pay more t b h
but your average plumber honestly isn't unclogging drains all day so your point is irrelevant... if you want to install your hot water heater yourself then by all means go for it just don't complain when you fuck up and don't know how to do it legally
If you can find someone who will do it cheaper or can do it cheaper yourself then go ahead
Feel free to do it yourself
I’m part Polack so I don’t need a plumber to unclog my toilet
>Do plumbers really deserve $500 to unclog a toilet?
Its like this. You don't have to like it, and you don't even have to use the services of a plumber. But we have a right to demand a certain pay to put our hand and face where you put your ass and shit.
Yes. We do. We deserve whatever some desperate fuck will pay. Tough shit rains dollars. Don't like it, go to home depot and buy a snake.
I am licensed, but will not work on repairs or renovations. I only tear shit out and put new stuff in. In 15 years I have unclogged my mom's downstairs shitter ONCE.
I don't do clogs because I am not competitive with pay....I would charge closer to $750.
>Do it legally
Following code? Fuck are you Norm Abraham?
code violations are more common than you think
people get caught all of the time
i may or may not follow code on my own home but if you don't know what you're doing its probably not a good idea. Neighborhood statist snitches exist. Just make sure you drag your new hot water tank in the middle of the night so the bitchy old woman across the street doesn't catch you
>I think they should get paid shit for doing shit
This. Basically every clog can be fixed with good plunging. Unless you have tree roots growing into your sewer pipes, you don't need a plumber to fix something. New construction and new plumbing in your house? Might want to get a plumber if you don't have the skills to DIY lest you have shit spill all over the place.
>Reddit spacing
You have to go back or lurk moar
The tea leaves tell all.
>I don't do clogs because I am not competitive with pay....I would charge closer to $750.
Pleb more like 900$. How are you gonna make any money?
yes he's facilitating price discovery next question
Well, he has to deal with your shit so why not.
Licensed plumbing fag here. Usually starts at $199 if you have accessible clean out and more if i gotta pull toilet or go thru vent on roof. Could be up to 500 depending on how many hours i need to clean line completely and have it draining
americans literally eat shit, so there is no need for plumbers in the land of the free
This. How many toilets can be there are that are literally full of shit when they have to dealt with? how many shitsplosions and shit floods? Once in a thousand? Still waaaay too many. Obviously the plumber wants to be paid generously for even taking the risk of such a thing.
I feel like some beaner city worker clearing a drain downpipe just drowned because he wasnt expecting a massive flood of water to rush right then.
Suppose I bought a new sink with minimal counterspace from home depot or lowes for a very small bathroom. Is it a total pain in the ass to install one? I'd like to do it myself but only if it's not too difficult.
Oy vey, 1000 dollars? You must be crazy to charge 1200 bucks to do such tedious work. Any plumber that wouldn't charge 1500 for such a call isnt worth his salt.
had to replace entire sewer lines made of clay pipe from the 1950s, broken in 1--12 sots and roots in all and a major break in the street junction with a 2 foot drop.
crew came, duhg bored out old clay with tunnel machine and installed new black 1/2 inch thick plastics and just pushed them out to street and reconnected. all done in about 6 hrs. 4800 bucks.... when shit backs up in your basement 3 inches deep every 3 months from root growth.. at 280 a pop it gets expensive fast and its STILL broken.
>Do plumbers really deserve $500 to unclog a toilet?
There's only 2 things you need to know to be a plumber:
1) Water always flows downward.
2) It's not all water.
I used to work for a plumber. We mainly did residential work where we would do simple shit like replace a flapper or fluid master on a toilet. A lot of things that you think you need to call a plumber for are actually extremely simple. I'm sure there are videos on youtube that could help you out. My old boss would charge these guys $200 service calls for the simplest of shit. If you have any problems just respond to my message and I can try and help diagnose it for you.
Pretty much the same thing happened to me but fortunately I was renting at the time. Cost the landlord over 10 grand to fix the piping and remove the tree causing the issue.
For anyone still reading down here, when you purchase your (next) house, make sure you know where the sewer line coming into your house is in relation to the trees on the property and ask if there have been any root problems in the past.
3) Niggers treat copper pipe in houses like gold veins in the motherlode.
The free market decides.
Or fix your own shit.
Yes because you can't unclog it yourself and he could be doing something more valuable with that time.
when you need a plumber you really need one and will pay out the ass to shit normally
If you dont have to relocate any plumbing, the waste and water lines and have good shut off valves you can do it yourself. Be sure to use new supply lines, braided one when you hook up new faucet.
Get a snake and you'll never have to call a plumber again faggot
Any brazing required?
Unclog it yourself then.
The market sets prices.
If your worthless ass called them to solve a problem that you should deal with, then yes, he can take all your money and bust one over your ass.
(((The market))) you mean
Im sure the hepatitis they get costs more in the long run
Do you have kids? They go through a stage where they flush things down the toilet. You need to have wax rings on hand and be ready to pull the whole toilet out to remove anything from the superman doll to soiled underwear. Either that or pay some other guy to do it.
if someone is willing to pay that much, then yes
Maybe if you don't want to waste 500 bucks you should unclog it yourself fatso
Not necessarily. Sometimes you need a snake.
Everything is worth what the purchaser will pay. If you can find someone to suck your shit for $400 an hour then do it nigger.
I flush cats down my toilet
Cats are pretty bendy. If your daughter is ashamed of her cycle she might toss her tampon applicators in there then one day there is a giant turd wrapped around a tampon applicator that wedged sideways in the trap. A cat won't get past that either.
Yes because there’s not enough of them. Supply and demand
they're worth what people are willing and able to pay more or less, little on the more side in this case perhaps
Why don't you do it?
Buy a snake and do it yourself
You make stupid money off of stupid people
Same reason I charge $225 an hour for my services. Your to dumb and lazy to do it your self so you called me. I’ll also rape you on material and my trip charge.
t.HVAC business owner
Wax rings are $1
copy of bill or it didn't happen. aaaannnd sage.
Wow a bunch of angry people in this thread for literally no reason wow
I didn't even clog my own toilet I was just asking a question lol
Shit rolls down hill paydays on friday
Unless you're flushing massive quantities of hair and other solid objects down the toilet, all you should need to unclog one is a good plunger.
And it should be one meant for toilets, not the sink plunger the stock photo guy is holding.
>not unclogging toilets yourself
or for that matter
>not doing most manual home labor yourself
fucking disgusting. buy a plunger, take a shit, and practice.
im mad i understand this
This. Just like if you paid an electrician to come change the batteries on your remote. Basic competency can save you a fortune.
I don't have a 30 inch toilet snake and I can't be bothered to afford one if I'm only going to use it once every 30 years
>I'm not exactly lazy but if you don't want my $225 then that's on you, stupid
You could unclog your toilet for the cost of the plunger if you weren't such a lazy shit
Image a place run by only women and the toilet is clogged, what do they do?
>plunger autist
>Oh, you won't pay me $225?
>No worries, somebody else will
Why does everyone think their money is the most important money to everyone other than themselves?
Just have three toilets in your house so when you clog one you can just leave it or smash it with a hammer and use the others. Fucking one-toilet pleb niggers make me sick.
I just said I would pay the $225
was calling me lazy and dumb because I'm willing to give him $225 because I didn't want to do the research
In fact, people charge that much meaning fuck off, I don't have time for this shit. If someone suddenly accept the bid, then well, you now... Ok.
>mfw gas line is suppose to be hard piped but used gas flexline instead because fuck cutting and threading all that pipe
If you got raw sewage filling up your basement, They are worth every penny.
Most of it goes to the union
If your to stupid to unclog your own toilet then you deserve to lose $500.
You know mow much money I make doing ssd to hdd upgrades for """""""intellectual"""""" collage students?
Take the hard drive out, stick in my toaster (pet name, its a sata dock/cloner), peress a fucking button, wait for the light to turn green then put the ssd in the laptop.
These "people" will pay me $150 to do this.
I'm shocked how easy it is to make money off these idiots.
Big wallet, small brain.
Maybe you shouldn't be flushing wipes down the toilet then, pajeet.
No you got snake'd
Wat do
yeah if you're too dumb to do it yourself
Hey, nice reference.
That's why you own your own truck and tools. I used to answer my own calls too, but that shit got really tiresome. Got my wife and oldest daughter handling that shit now.
If you need a plumber to unclog your shitter and can't do it yourself you deserve to pay 500.
Don't want to pay them $500? Learn to unclog your own toilet or find someone to do it cheaper
Yes, if people are willing to pay it. Otherwise, do you own plumbing faggito.
sadly the plumer only gets 50 bucks while his boss get 450 but tje boss has to take out 200 for the goverment to feed people who dont wanna work
>you can illegaly install things on your own property in the land of the free
>people are ratting people out in Murica land of da freeee for having illegal hot water tanks
Don't be a crank. Bin that tank
fuck off kindly my friend. I call them paragraphs. Back in my day we had 9 planets, and the ice age was understood as ending. Neither of these things were a big issue. Truth of the matter is that I Have never been to reddit. I only just signed up for twitter for the election. I have been here a bit over 3 years. I do appreciate the bantz however.
You can still kindly fuck yourself.
>How are you gonna make any money?
I have a plumbing license, but am practicing as a pipefitter for the last 13 years. It is much better work, and much better overall pay. No womens rooms to fix shitters in. No women at all actually. A few colored, but they are hip. Everyone is really relaxed on a big fitter project.
I like to keep my license active just in case. It has come in hand a few times....Usually shitty situations.
This is key. Inspector won't catch it and when you have shit coming in your shower you'll wish you'd bought another house.
They do if people are willing to pay it.