Things you hate when debating someone

Things you hate when debating someone

>Opponent shouts BOOM after making a "point"
>Repeats quotes from other people
>Gets upset when you don't get mad
>Listing your personal shortcomings when it's not relevant to the subject matter

appeal to hypocrisy

>Listing your personal shortcomings when it's not relevant to the subject matter
this always happens to me

well dont argue with your parents then its pointless
boomers are retards

>tfw no one can list your personal shortcomings

>tfw I just laugh and call them a white male
>they aren’t white

>You make a solid point and are told "you're right, but I just don't feel it's right"
>You explain Biblical and genetic evidence to your Boomer mother that it's very un-Christian to support Israel and she goes "well, I'm not gonna debate about this, they are God's chosen people"
But what I hate most of all is the following:
Colleague: I just don't understand why Americans would vote for Trump.
Me: hm
Colleague: What do you think?
Me: I don't discuss politics at work.
Colleague:... Why not?
I love political discussions but seriously, keep that shit out of work!

>They just say wow obnoxiously.

I have a friend from high school that I can only stand to argue with in front of other people because then I'm not the only one who laughs at his dumb ass. Constantly misrepresents any argument you make back at you and acts like you're changing your opinion when you correct him. Fuck people who do this, they're all cunts.

>Brother: I just don't see how anyone could like Trump after all the stupid shit he's done.
>Me: I still like him.
>M: What did he say that was so shockingly stupid?
>B: *pulls out phone* One minute...
>M: Something he said was so "stupid" it threw you into a 30 second long eye-bulging tantrum and you can't even give me a gist of what it was without Googling "Things Trump Said" on your phone?
>B: Lets just talk about something else.
My brother's one of those people who got rid of anyone and everyone who doesn't agree with 100% of his beliefs on Facebook and Twitter and then acts shocked that there could be someone with a contrary opinion from his own in the real world.

>make an excellent argument, backed up with facts, graphs, and eloquent speech
>someone just replies with "lol 54%%%!!! xD"


To be fair, he says so much stupid shit its hard to keep track sometimes

when they name call, it forcibly ends the debate :(

I love Horsey's cartoons. He accidentally gives you a window into his psyche. In pic related he shows off his insecurity as a man.


When they are obviously right but they are a fag and you can't let them win.

Buckle up, Paco, the wall's getting higher by the minute.


do they not allahakbur in swedistan?

>When you try to share honest thoughts about the degeneration of society and the inhumanity of our urban lives with a normie at work and all you get is that NFL/MTV/Flouride stare

I like that comic.

when ppl point out facts about us men... pic related

I just dislike when it is a science/engineering discussion and some retard waltzes in and says the most retarded normie fudd shit and doesn't even understand what they just regurgitated.

I fucking hate it when family members try to debate each other on holidays
>Thanksgiving last year with my family
>We're all in the care on the way to my grandma's house
>Sister starts egging on my dad to argue politics with her
>I ask her to please not make this political because my our nephew was in the car
>She keeps doing it
>My dad blows up and drags me into it
>My sister starts screaming about how my dad is a racist monster
>Dads face turns purple because he's yelling so much
>I try to calm him down by supporting him
>My sister can't refute anything I say
>She threatens to jump out of the car unless we let her out
>She's in tears because I said that Trump was a better choice than Hillary
>woke my nephew up
>He's crying now too

Preferably in this situation her husband would pat her on the head and kindly tell her to calm the fuck down and shut her mouth, but I'm guessing her husband is also a faggot

I had a similar conversation with my mom but something stuck and a few months later she asked me more questions. She would probably browse Sup Forums if I told her about it. I don't let her go much beyond Drudge report.

>majority of white women vote republican
reminder that high test always wins

"OP is a faggot norwegien cuck"
-abraham Lincoln
BOOM OP btfo
How will he ever recover
I'm not even mad
You mad faggot? Yeah stay quiet

The number one thing that frustrates me as well is what is common is the lack of understanding regarding statistics;

Exceptions do not prove rules.

When discussing the socioeconomic underpreformance of certain groups, the prevalence of certain groups to commit crimes, etc. It always is brought up as a defense.

>But this person of X group isn't a problem.

This shit right here. This is why my aunt is banned from all family vehicles and has to find her own ride. Hell, she's not invited to at least half of our family gatherings. Bitch is crazy and keeps picking fights with everyone, and when she's losing she goes on tirades. Once she even threatened to commit suicide in front of us if we didn't agree with her.

Good riddance, though. She's a fucking commie.

>>Opponent shouts BOOM after making a "point"
Swedish males are afraid of loud sounds, it worries them that the sound may upset Ahkmed as he rails their wife.

>>Repeats quotes from other people
Your opponent is just repeating things for you because he is knows that you have to worry about what you say in case the government comes for you.

>>Gets upset when you don't get mad
Your lack of emotion is disturbing. Smile at least.

>>Listing your personal shortcomings when it's not relevant to the subject matter
Hes helping you. Your Swedish, sorry user.

If someone points out the exception to a trend and says it invalidates the trend then they have failed the IQ test