I am actually a normie and this is a genuine question. Did hitler do anything wrong besides losing the war?
He killed innocent Jews, Gypsies, etc.
Well let’s put it like this...if he won the war he would have done everything right..
>The winners get to write the history books and control the governments, media and education system
That’s why we live in a Jewtopia now
Hi Normie
allies destroyed supply trucks the jews starved
more for the normie youtube.com
I feel like you already know the answer to this.
he was too kind and merciful towards his enemies
>Did hitler do anything wrong besides losing the war?
Starting the war.
he lost
Yeah, he didn't genocide the jews like he should have. He also half-assed his bombing campaigns in England because of his meekness towards the anglos. His #1 priority should have been putting Ch*rchill in the fucking ground and pissing on his grave.
Name a Jew or a Gypsy that isn't a detriment to modern society.
Hitler was a tool of the NWO.
the real answer OP is that the historical context of WW2 is FUCKING complicated and the thing about hitler is that he actually had a lot of justification for all of the actions he took. those actions may still have been wrong, you may still disagree with them, but their were in fact justifications for them and i think the thing that pisses people off is that the supposed "evil" of hitler gets amplified to comic book levels and the REASONS for what he did get buried and become socially taboo topics even to talk about.
also the other thing about him is that nobody, not even mainstream historians, would deny that he really deeply cared about his people and his nation wanted what was best for it and for them.
Fuck... I wanted to post a comment waiting for the inevitable and predictable normie response, but alas I was too late.
The first comment beat me to it.
>Did hitler do anything wrong besides losing the war?
He underestimated the jews.
This is the only answer, the complete answer, there are no other answers.
Actually, both of these.
Read up on Mein Kampf(unedited version). Research the political climate of the day, Bolsheviks, Patton/Churchill regretting WW2, the propoganda making Nazi Germany seem like some evil racists empire.
Truth doesn't fear investigation.
Research on the Weimar republic and how communist took over and made it a degenerate third world filled a terrible economy that workers had to grab bails worth of paper money and rush to buy before the prices raised. Research on the leaders and perpetrators of jews causing civil war in Germany.
but isnt national socialism kind of like actual socialism?
Yes, he helped found Israel and transported jews there instead of gassing them.
Take off the meme flag, leaf.
Cafe Central.
Watch "the greatest story never told" 27 parts on YouTube. Episode 21 is a wonderful red pill I like to feed Normie's.
Weren't they huge LARPers though
In my eyes no not really.
I think he shouldn't have invaded poland though, he should have went to war later so he could have won.
Pick one.
Trusted shitty Romanian and Italian armies to protect a several hundred mile wide flank.
Hitler turned Germany from a third world country collapsing on itself, to one of the greatest super powers known to man at the time. His Germany helped invent things that we take for granted and even stole after the war. The propaganda train is real, but soon enough people will wake up and realize that we lost a great man, and a great Nation.
No. It was anything, but. It was only named as such to attract Socialist, even had the same red coloured flags as socialism, but that was it.
see this. stopped too early
>Occupied Czechoslovakia after fairly getting sudetenland in Munich agreement
>Fucking over relations with Poland over "muh corridor" instead of getting just Free city of Danzig
>Wanted to exterminate half or more poles and germanizing the rest
>Subjugating eastern european people to the point of making them illiterate serfs
>Entire concept of "Muh Lebensraum"
>Didn't listen to his generals and focused on "muh wunderwaffe" instead of making current weapons better
>Treating North African campaign as relevant and not sending resources needed to Romell to take Suez canal
>Fucked entire Battle for Stalingrad
>Not using millions of slavic volunteer eager to fight for your """liberator""" from the start instead of 1944.
>Starting and Losing entire fucking war, destroying nationalism in western europe and giving kikes all the power
>creating generations of stupid fucking larper who only like your ideology for its aesthetic and interpreting it as a white nationalist movement instead of pan-germanic supremacist
>Last but not least: Not killing all of the kikes from day one.
But my opinion doesn't matter because i'm now a kike shill all of a sudden.
They were in debt though, yuge.
Thanks for the tips guys, I was reading Mein Kampf, but not the unedited version, and i do have a feeling that i know the answer truly..
He believed the eternal ANGELO could be reasoned with.
He should never have invaded Russia till he had defeated Britain. And he shouldn't have declared war on the U.S. The Japanese alliance was a defensive treaty, he made a huge fucking mistake by overstepping his bounds.
So, the actual mistake isnt any moral or political but strategic
If Hitler didn't start a war on Poland which escalated a situation that he could not handle he could've been the greatest German man ever.
I mean think about it. After defeat in WW1 Hitler had annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia for free, from there they could have just slowly stopped paying the reparations and armed for self defense.
>muh land corridor to East Prussia
That's why Germans lost it all. Otherwise it would be Germany and not USA or Russia that rockets people into space.
Socialism is about equity and ultimately Communism, the abolition of private property and global state monopoly.
National Socialism or Fascism is necessarily a mixed economy that puts the prosperity of the middle class Family first (not individuals), private property is necessary and trade has moral limitations for the prosperity of the nation as a whole.
Capitalism is about unrestricted free trade and ultimately Crony Capitalism, an effectively privately owned government and a global plutocracy.
National Socialism is as much socialism as modern Social Democrats are. They're just state capitalists with more social programs.
He did nothing wrong.
Hitler didn't start the war in Poland though. The Poles played along with the nazis until a bunch of kikes started distributing anti-nazi propaganda in Poland, suddenly they got a fucking brain and decided to oppose the nazis. What Hitler did after that was purely defensive. Hitler literally did fucking nothing wrong, it's ludicrous.
>>Occupied Czechoslovakia after fairly getting sudetenland in Munich agreement
>>Fucking over relations with Poland over "muh corridor" instead of getting just Free city of Danzig
>>Wanted to exterminate half or more poles and germanizing the rest
That's because the fucking poles were exterminating ethnic Germans and causing massacres. Even though they were part of Germany before WW1, they treated Germans like dog shit, and they frankly deserve what they got. If you ask me, Hitler should have dropped a nuke right there.
>Didn't listen to his generals and focused on "muh wunderwaffe" instead of making current weapons better
>Fucked entire Battle for Stalingrad
He was forced to invade Russia since he got word they those ruskie faggots wanted to invade them. By this time the German army were being stretched thin.
The rest of the points are valid, or were out of his control after the fact.
Not really. It does however grab some socialist views on banking and charity.
A tidbit of information for you.
The britshits did it
The holocaust has been disproven to the point where only basement dwellers with fedoras protected by tin foil are the only ones believing in it.
Here in Norway, the biggest murders happening during the war was "allied" bombings, killing civilians and resistant groups making trouble.
Hitler did nothing wrong. War sucks no matter what.
>Hitler's foreign minister and Molotov split Eastern Europe in half
Ja ja, nothing wrong. Ony plans in self-defense.
Yes, he existed
t. ethnic Pole
Reminder that Germans weren't racists, just wanted an ethnostate of Aryan Germans. While black Germans were allowed to vote and serve, (((americans))) were lynching them in the streets. Most of the racist, evil Nazis propaganda is just that, propaganda. A meme made by literal powerful jews.
pic related is what Nazis thought of the kkk
t. half pole
The bombing of Dresden was a true war crime and evil that could have only come from the mind of a jew.
The only thing he did wrong was going too far for the love of his people. This man had an absolutely pure heart. He just took some shortcuts he shouldn't have taken.
Keep being a self-hating cuck, you are half-subhuman in the eyes of Hitler.
t. idiot
You are dumb
Is this the new Mexican intellectuals?
So you're telling me that Hitler absolutely LOVED Poland and Polish people, and didn't see them as subhumans according to his retarded racial theory?
so did literally everyone else involved in ww2 (the killing of innocents that is) war is hell.
>hitler hated slavs
kek. he only hated soviets and wanted to free/protect them from soviet oppression
its beyond me how anyone still can believe in holocaust.
think about how bad of a story it is when as soon as globalisation came with the internet, everything about "the holocaust" can be easily debunked.
i can understand how it was hard to find any evidence against it back in the day with books being the main source, and you had to go to your local library (and be lucky if they had any information about it). not to mention how everything that spoke against it was banned.
Nah. He loved germans and hated jews.
That's it really, if Pilsudski didn't die the whole fuckfest would've been averted.
Now kys.
Stop beliving the lies u dumb pole
>replacing soviet oppression with Nazi oppression
What's your point?
>and didn't see them as subhumans
With how you faggots treated Germans, might as well be good for nothing subhumans slavs.
Invaded Poland because of Danzig and a railroad track leading to it, as a "punishment expedition", thinking it wouldn't lead to a large conflict, even though he had knowledge that Britain and France were going to back Poland up. Very impulsive. Also ruined my message and made it all about race and ethnicity, when the only reason I care about ethnicity is because I don't want any ethnicity to go extinct.
He underestimated the Russians. If you listen to him during the Mannerheim recording, he was shocked at how many tanks they already had.
Are you this much of a self-hating cuck? The German army came into Poland and committed mass atrocities. According to his racial theory, slavs were almost on the same-tier as Jews. You're just denying history at this point.
>Tries to rid the world of (((communism))).
>Ends up the most derided and satirized person in history.
They never show you this in school or the movies.
look. he uses wikipedia as a soure. might aswell use CNN and MSNBC
Not killing the kikes on the spot.
haha very accurate
This. Winners always define themselves as right, and their defeated enemies to be wrong. It's as true for wars as it is for interpersonal interactions.
Hitler was demonized just the same as individuals killed by police. The dead are always "a mortal threat" and the killers always virtuous and righteous "defenders of peace."
Robert McNamara, in the film "The Fog of War," quotes and agrees with Gen. Curtis LeMay (architect of the genocidal firebombing campaign against civilian Japan in WWII) as saying "If we'd lost the war, we'd all have been prosecuted as war criminals."
More fully, Hitler was Germany's JFK, attempting to free Germany from the predation of the Zionist bankers. For daring to free the slaves the bankers had both Hitler and JFK destroyed.
>the only sources I have are autistic neo-nazi websites
How did we treat Germans? They were the aggressors nearly all the time.
Besides, whatever bad things happened to them is what they deserved. They wanted to destroy Europe ever since they started ruining the Roman Empire.
Listen to David Irving on YouTube
>posts 120,000 troops in Norway
>diverts manpower and resources to North Africa
>invades Russia with shaky supply lines
>instead of building reliable battle-proven tanks he decides to build unreliable meme tanks
>doesn't encircle and destroy all the brits at dresden
>SS and Whermacht constantly fight for resources
>instead of trying to justify his actions and become a martyr he shoots himself alone in his bunker
So many mistakes user
I've yet to see a speech of line of text from Hitler shitting on slavs in general and I'm pretty sure I've read and listened to almost everything that came from him at this point.
>muh atrocities
Welcome to war carebear.
Why in camps go begin with ?
>The German army came into Poland and committed mass atrocities.
I would too if I found my people being persecuted and killed like a white guy in South Africa. Merely karma.
Panzer III and IV were phenomenal and so were tigers but he did divert to much resources to future models
this speech appears to be a forgery
Nope. The worst people think he did was killed coloreds and Jews. Mainly Jews. I say he did damn good in my book. Managed to bring many countries together to fight the ZOG, until they player their jew magic and we're right back to Germany, 1933. Nationalism will rise again. History repeats.
A forgery? But it's text next to a picture and posted on the internet!
Roach post best post
What he did wrong was overestimate the german people
while I don't doubt that much of the allied propaganda made it into the history books and is still passed off as true, I don't think it's very smart for Sup Forums to push obvious bullshit.