Will Antifa cause widespread chaos and destruction?
Or will they be stopped by an armed resistance of the people?
Will Ted's skelegates descend from a higher dimension and take control in the resulting vacuum of power?
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Will Antifa cause widespread chaos and destruction?
Or will they be stopped by an armed resistance of the people?
Will Ted's skelegates descend from a higher dimension and take control in the resulting vacuum of power?
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Blacks going full retard and killing whites in the streets
Then whites go full 1939
Chance of Communist victory 0%
chance of America falling to communism impossible
Nothing will happen to the surprise of no one.
prediction: the same thing that happened on their may first attempt
us will finally turn commie
Podesta goes to jail.
Some faggots will gather and screech they should be ignored
the alt-right burns tomorrow
Nothing is going to happen
Somebody on one of these protests should throw tampons and maxi pads like confeti.
why was the 4th chosen? does it have any relevance?
It just started snowing in Seattle, so doubt they'll be out there for long here.
I don't know but I just made a big pot of spicy shrimp soup, my pistol is loaded, and tomorrow its going to rain. I'm going to be fucking /comfy/ tomorrow watching streams and shitposting.
False flag sniper attack by a shut-in alt-lighter wearing a pepe t-shirt. 100 dead. Shooter determined shot to death three days before the attack but is linked to a reddit post that claims full responsibility. Trump impeached within the hour.
Watch some live streams of antifa getting btfo'ed and getting so comfy
small scale riots and some minor vandalism, nothing more nothing less.
I'll be going tomorrow so if there's anything I should do while there, please tell.
Fuck ANTIFA. Set the trap, lay the spring.
Block traffic and piss drivers off, I wish I lived in a state where it's now allowed to run them over.
They will be completely detestable scum swinging thier micro soyboy dicks at anything that has a haircut within a five miles radius. Police will be fully engaged with a no permit protest with violent pretenses and will crush the crowd full of bird boned osteoporosis afflicted 20 year old mixed race halfbreeds with blackjacks and send half the crowd to the hospital and leave without arresting them so the county doesn't have to pay for their faggot asses.
>President Trump appears in the Senate for his impeachment trial.
>"Counsel will present it's argument."
>"Counsel would like to present the 3rd Infantry Regiment."
>Congress is shot dead in their seats by the Old Guard
>Oh shit civil war time boyos.
>4th arrives
>barely half show up
>antifa screams aimlessly in the streets
>tip over a trashcan
>smash a few windows
>cops arrive
>coral them into a square
>arrest 30 of them
>they go home
>cops post pictures and names of the arrested on twitter
>normies in the city are irritated
>everyone watching the streams are laughing while comfy
Fuck em right in the pussy.
Let's turn to KeK for guidance.
Will antifa get BTFO?
beat me by 23 minutes
Nothing will happen.
God yes.
Start playing reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee noises and get everyone there to do it in unison. It will be fantastically ominous and max cringe.
Post pics of soup
the big mess will be on sunday
ny marathon
i bet the antifa idiots will try to shut it down in multiple spots
the mighty antifa are gonna sweep the world clean of white supremacy.
It begins.
Someone's in dixie. I live in no where but I'll be damned if they riot in my area. I wonder if the cops would take volunteers.
Purple Revolution threads for anyone interested:
Predictive programming for the assassination/impeachment of Trump. Take note of any purple motifs that you see.
Don't forget the 18$ Billion that Soros donated to his Open Society Foundation. It's connected to the Purple Revolution that he and other enemies of Trump are planning.
George Soros and Open Society connections:
Nothing major happens from any faction.
Checked and correct.
>Dumb leftist anarchists go crazy
>Police are armed and don't hesitate to stop them
>People on right start having militia
>Actual productive adults move out of city because of edgelords
>Cities die because of this shit
>Left is literally dead in every sense of the word
>Everyone has such a negative view of leftists, that no one likes them anymore, nor wants anything to do with the left or anything remotely left
>Guaranteed republican presidents for the next couple of decades as the left and democrats can NEVER recover
Someone actually pulls it off
>be me
>in uni
>be single
>have free time
>have ex(ish)
>she calls up
>"I'm sick"
>I tell her she can come by but I have to do work
>she comes by and is very sick
>she's recently started working with kids
>I'm working on an assignment
>she's sleeping on the bed
>I finish paper
>go to cuddle
>touch boob
>she moves in
>she starts grinding
>I escalate
>we fugg
>she comes 4 times in less than an hour
>we lay naked and talk
>I laugh about antifa bs going down tomorrow
>she laughs
>tells me she has several friends who are antifa
>I tell her to tell them to be careful although I don't care if they go to jail
>I ask for more info
>antifa friends are soyboys
>5 in total
>she friendzoned all of them
>I ask why
>she says she's not attracted to guys like that
>I'm not particularly fit, but not soyboy
>I ask why she decided to keep fucking with me
>she says the only thing she doesn't like about me is that I'm a nazi that browses Sup Forums
>I lol
>I lay her out again
>go back to browsing Sup Forums
That'll get them America's support for sure...
Didn’t he cry when he got sentenced? Lel
>"I'm sick"
>I tell her she can come by but I have to do work
>she comes by and is very sick
WTF? Why would you tell a sick person to come over and lay in your bed?
Yeah memes are fun but only for boys.
Gotta go full macho with girls if you want them to stick. At least in my experience thats how it goes.
>be Siberian
>went to public school
>be very healthy
>don't get sick often
This isn’t true but if it was your a lucky man
Nothing. Literally nothing.
Ok buddy
I have to say though, damn did it feel good that I can make a girl squirt like that.
full revolution will happen tomorrow
the police will lay down their arms as they see that they are losing. banks will be destroyed. the dollar will collapse along with society.
why do you see bitcoin rising so much? because (((THEY))) are investing in it before tomorrow's collapse of the united states.
screenshot this post
antifa will take out the trash
>police will lay down their arms as they see that they are losing
No shill
>Armed forces
>Losing to a bunch of random spoiled college students with anarchist toys
America burns to the ground overnight
Why would black people protest hillary or the podesta going to jail? We don't care about those crackers.
We won't waste our time, even if Barack Obama & Michelle were arrested... we wouldn't give a shit for the most part. They don't put food on our tables.
>The successful liberals will get pissed their baristas didnt show up to serve them coffee
>start voting republican to not be associated with plebs
>coffee shop hires high school kids
>much better workers
>antifa jobless
>mission accomplished
Everybody wins
>Then whites go full 1939
Hahaha you ain't finna do shit white boi. You're gonna bend over and take it just like Europe
LOL the Hispanics are not going to back you up Mr. 13%
Nothing will happen like with most happenings.
Children like you need to be punished.
thanks for the rare pepe
the police already backed down in virginia and berkeley because they do what they are told
Nothing will happen. If you look at the events on facebook they are all marked as 'Kid-friendly' and the comment sections are all "don't believe the fake news, this will be a peaceful day of coming together and speeches!"
Meanwhile the local radical communist group in my city is totally silent about it.
>by Rudyard Kipling
>It was not part of their blood,
>It came to them very late,
>With long arrears to make good,
>When the Saxon began to hate.
>They were not easily moved,
>They were icy -- willing to wait
>Till every count should be proved,
>Ere the Saxon began to hate.
>Their voices were even and low.
>Their eyes were level and straight.
>There was neither sign nor show
>When the Saxon began to hate.
>It was not preached to the crowd.
>It was not taught by the state.
>No man spoke it aloud
>When the Saxon began to hate.
>It was not suddenly bred.
>It will not swiftly abate.
>Through the chilled years ahead,
>When Time shall count from the date
>That the Saxon began to hate.
Everything goes out -- total darkness with no global or local communication for two weeks. Then, when things seem bleak, Trump will announce his victory, that the swamp has been drained and we're free.