This is literally the modern GOAT european country. anyone who says differently is a fucking faggot liar

this is literally the modern GOAT european country. anyone who says differently is a fucking faggot liar.
>Nordic (inb4 Sup Forums muh mongol meme)
>Relatively high standard of living
>Hockey country
>Social autism
it's a mix of everything great. Canadian sports, check. Uncucked alcoholic Slavic machismo, check. Gook and German tier social autism, check. Nordic standards of living and governance, check.

so lets all get together ITT and say some nice shit about this little gem of a country, because it's clearly objectively the best country in europe as it stands.

Dey steal Portugal flag.

thanks, friend

Hello CIA, I see you're working overtime.

Nords are not filthy E*ropeans, we are Asians.

>In the European Union
>Accepts tons of migrants
>Media is full of leftist bullshit
K thanks try again, uninformed retard.

fuck out. lest you got something nice to say about your better, more successful brother there is nothing for you to contribute here.

Stop poking your nose where it doesn't belong

Fuck off, they're full. STAY AWAY.

>little britcuck still riding his POINTLESS brexit measure
you cucks are still celebrating that, despite that i can report your ass to the authorities right now for that rude as fuck post you just made? the EU was never your problem. Finland and Poland didn't let it cuck them, they used it to their advantage. fag. bin your knife, son.


>In the European Union
yeah, leaving really is working out for you guys
>Accepts tons of migrants
not true
>Media is full of leftist bullshit
every country in the West has this

You just know this is a negro sitting in some ghetto listening to rap music while eating a cheese burger

i'm whiter than you, Ahmed. not that your standards are high to begin with.

Europe's Medpack is the best country.

>yfw she looks like this now.


Average Chinese


too much of a hodge podge.

She's on a Roller Derby team now.

She is ugly, why the obsession?

She used to be a chipmunk-cheecked QT before she went militant lesbian.

We are cucked to hell and back

In small cities its still rare to see any ethnic ppl

explain it bro. how much have ethnic stats changed since 2015?


Too much
Also the spineless finnish people wont do shit as long as there is beer and tv shows to watch
I wish russia would attack so we could restore order

The first one?

everbody who disagrees with you is a liar huh
now where just where have i heard that before? Finland is a completely cucked country that got ruined by russia and socialism. Taxes are absurdly high and that is unforgivable.

I don't care if you say nordic, as long as you know that we are not aryan, never were and never will be. The very word still means slave in our tongue.
They were the farmers in the old finnish societies of egypt and sumeria and the finns were the warrior class, similiar to sparta.
The Priestdom will emerge once more.

an actual finn is told by a kike pretending to be american to explain the social status in his own damn country wow this board fantastic yes sehr gut

I saw picture on Sup Forums and some right wing youtube channels of little Finnish girls hanging out with adult sand niggers and the parents are fine with it
Honestly even Canadians would think that's inappropriate

not really
finland is less than 1% muslim only because nobody wants to come to this cold shithole

why do finns have such a distinct look

> uncucked
> Miss Helsinki exists

I remember this case
The mom is a hambeast and the father a 60kg pubebeard with glasses pussywhipped to hell
Father said he is ok with this publicly on facebook