Why do millennials want marijuana legalized?
Why do millennials want marijuana legalized?
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Because prohibition is immoral.
Jew brainwashing.
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
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also see
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Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Weed ruined my life been addicted since 13 and it has JUSTED me so many times
It's no different than coffee. IF anything it has a number of health benefits.
It is different. There are no health benefits.
Because they're entitled and self-indulgent nobodies who don't know what pride or hard work really is.
That being said marijuana should be legal - but not because "it's a herb dude, the government wants it illegal so their lobbist drug pushers can profit maaaan" Fuck millenials.
t. Millenial
So they can feel good while being lazy and unproductive instead of feeling bad while being lazy and unproductive.
Any kid that starts smoking and doing drugs at that age has pre existing problems.
There were longitudinal brain scan studies done in 2012 that showed the kids that used marijuana at an early age had brain structures that actually could be used to predict their useage.
Several longitudinal studies have shown that marijuana is not causative of the social/scholastic problems this group has.
we should legalize it only for black people that way that can be there "thing" they used to pick cotten now they grow our weed. if we had niggers on our side this country would be unstoppable.
Really? Source?
Kek. Yes!
Oh really? Show me one peer reviewed study that proves otherwise.
> Pro tip. You can't.
Why don't we ban alcohol?
Coffee doesn't destroy brain cells and turn straight A students into braindead stoners, everyone's seen it happen a dozen times.
because they wanna get high
Our own government now has a running list of studies showing it fights cancer.
Clinical intervention trials in SIV infected monkeys have demonstrated it activates close to a hundred different immune related genes. These have massive impacts for HIV patients.
It's one of the only medications that seems to touch treatment refractory obsessive compulsive disorder, which is a neurological condition,
It's shown to fight the progression of multiple sclerosis, the CBD and THC also both inhibit the production of amyloid beta plaque and the newer tau proteins in volved in Alzheimers.
It's been shown to reduce social problems: spousal abuse, alcohol abuse, suicide, etc.
Maybe you're a shill and ignorant?
People not just millenials just wanna be able to grow a plant in their damn yard without having their property seized by the gubment. Fuck having to buy government approved weed from cia niggers.
I'm not against legalizing MJ. But all this bullshit of it's a miracle drug, and it's a "medication" is all bullshit. That is what is annoying. Bottom line those people just want to get high. Fine, whatever. Be a nigger. I don't care. But they have caused this leftist movement that MJ is a good thing -- a miracle -- a medicine! BULL FUCKING SHIT.
>fights cancer
use of Cannabis and cannabinoids in the treatment of cancer-related side effects
retrived from
It doesn't fight cancer
Why are Gen-Xers cokeheads/oxy snorters/heroin shooters?
Why are Boomers psychedelic?
Why are the Greatests drunks?
Why are the Silents opium fiends?
>Why do millennials want marijuana legalized?
Taxable revenue. Some of the side effects include no more shady drug dealing. No one even gives a shit about it, and it is literally growing money.
Should alcohol be the only vice?
Agreeing with a leaf
>t. opioid merchant
are they all aware of it though, or is it the result of ethnic networking?
There is absolutely no proof it fights cancer, or does anything else. Show me a peer reviewed medical study that proves otherwise.
People who believe this shit are cucks wrapped around the finger of Jews and niggers. If you just want to get high then fine, I'm good with that as long as you don't bother me. But don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
I'm married to a leaf, I'm compromised.
Leafs voted in Le Weedman... We have extensive experience dealing with these types of people. Those of us with enough brain cells left to recognize the lunacy, that is.
Well-meaning people have been lied to by greedy, selfish elites.
Older generations turn to alcohol for life escapism
younger generations recognize that weed serves the same purpose but is much safer
Why shouldn't it be legalized while alcohol stays legal?
I smoked weed every day for 3 years straight and let me tell you it's definitely not good for your health.
It is good at letting you forget your crushing depression though. As well as anything else that should be in your short term memory but isn't thanks to the wonderful effects of THC.
Also will help you be creative, but for most people that is a bad thing because what you create is going to be fucking shit.
Primarily so we can stop hearing people bitch about it.
(((Propaganda))) telling kids (and adults for that matter) that being sedantry, consuming goods and numbing yourself is desirable
As absurd as it sounds that medicating yourself into a stupor could be considered cool, that's the extent of the mental jew-jitsu. Hell, at least livestock sometimes fight you when you try to sedate them
Congrats on the marriage
>weed should still be legal
>weed doesn't get high, people get high
Because it should be.
False. (((Big pharma))) want marijuana to be illegal.
Plus, anyone who smokes weed is a nigger to me. I grew up in a super-left, black city. That's what I relate that act and smell to. So good job those of you who smoke. You're just a porch monkey. Enjoy your watermelon, grills and welfare.
Millennials are notorious for getting memed hard by their Boomer parents.
>le sexual liberation meme
>le it doesn't matter just get a degree meme
>le communism meme
>le multiculturalism meme
and ultimately or course
>le Cheech and Chong meme
This. An anti-(((establishment))) party in my country wants it legalized as well.
Are you trying to imply that people are the product of their surroundings and they are not born with specific predilections with regard to both behavior and preferences? That sounds an awful lot like you are trying to say that homosexuality is a choice and that gender is only a spectrum because we allow it to be... And that, my friend, is simply untrue.
This. Weed is fun. End of story. I sometimes like to drink with friends at the end of the week. Sometimes we smoke instead.
If it's all the jew, then why has the jew been keeping it illegal? I expect a reply.
Because literally who gives a fuck, it's an herb. I want it legalized just so that I don't have to hear about it anymore
So they can smoke it?
Their lives suck because their lives are meaningless (To be goyims to da jews) and (((they))) need to them to cope
Damn, this
Why anybody gives Zoe Millennial poster any (you)s is beyond me.
Because weed prohibition is a massive waste of money you retarded fucking faggot.
Prison is for people that break the law.
Why don't you pull your head out of your ass and do a 5 minute google search instead. They are plenty of studies from many countries.
You don't care about people destroying their minds and opportunities then?
So we can cause the leftwing low conscientious voters to spiral out of control or at least not show up at the voting booths since they're most likely to over indulge and ironically support this reform. I say call it progress and let them fuck themselves.
No, there isn't. I said peer reviewed studies. Not research papers. And you're a faggot for telling me to look up proof for YOUR argument.
yeah but weed culture is degenerate
And also in Western countries marijuana prohibtion only really exists in some more of the conservative US states.
In Australia it is still technically illegal, but has barely been enforced for decades. It is decriminalised in all but name.
Fuck you. People will just kill themselves with alcohol or whatever else instead. You can't stop someone from substance abuse by making one substance illegal.
What little you know. It's only legalized in the most liberalized territories. It needs more marketing and vastly more legalization. IIRC it's only like two states allowing it in full.
so i can smoke weed and watch baseball and eat papa johns pizza
Do you think alcohol should be prohibited too?
Literally took me 30 seconds you retarded fucking burger.
>people still reply seriously to these threads
Why wouldn't you? Let them fuck themselves Bob.
Alcohol should definitely be controlled more than it is.
I don't see how adding another drug helps things.
That study was not accepted for peer review. Sorry faggot. There are many studies but they are all led by pot head doctors. They can't get peer reviewed because they are failures in their professional careers and nobody even looks at them.
Like i said if you want to get high, awesome. But weed has no medical benefit.
Legalize all the drugs and let the high openness faggots sort themselves into their collective trash bins of shame. Stop saving these people from themselves when their trying to destroy you and everything you are and love.
because they're the same rehashed shit every day.
maybe it keeps duplicates off the board, but i doubt it.
You tout the flag of an organization that is destroying not only minds but the physical chambers they reside in. So who cares about what you think?
>inb4 *they're
Literally looking at Googles database of peer reviewd studies. But here's another one.
That one isn't peer reviewed either. Try again. Those are all just studies. Submitted for peer review but never peer reviewed.
These threads should be about how to distribute them in left wing circles and enforce their use on the degenerates that want them through soft power mechanics. Subversion, war, and politics are all like Judo. They're trying to throw their liberal drug policies at us and play the liberty loving open minded one. Pull them so far into their own direction using their own strength behind them. This is an opportunity to wipe the left out wholesale. No more dual party bullshit. You're letting this go to waste user.
Are there any studies on how to make it more addictive without nicotine? Or patterning usage into behaviour?
It's fine if you want to smoke. Just accept that it has no health benefits. Shit, just about anything fun doesn't have any health benefit.
That's a good idea! It's going to be legal to sell for a profit here in California soon. It's not very well regulated. I think you're on to something. Create a brand, add nicotine, get people hooked and make $$.
I guess all the peer reviewed studies on climate change are 100% true.
Because the idea that the government has autonomy over my body and what I put into it is repulsive.
>it has no health benefits
I don't know anything about climate change.
Lack of peer reviewed medical research. Are you not following this thread?
The EU supports projects all over Europe which provide employment to thousands. What destroyed the physical structure of Europe was WW2, and EU is destroying the conditions for another European conflict
That's right. Outjew the jew. Screw the left and take their money. High conscientious master race conservatives gain financially and socially. Probably politically too. Finally, someone who knows a good idea when they read one! You're going to make it someday user.
I knew hippies that used to take BTs with cigarette tobacco mixed in. Sounded disgusting, but they were doing it all day every day.
Krokodil and fentanyl should be legalized so that retarded drug addicts kill themselves off faster.
Nonopioid painkillers. Legalization has always been about the pharmaceuticals. Recreational usage is just a meme pushed by reefer madness cuckservatives. Legalize federalize, turn over to states to decide for themselves.
gen-x here. Primary motivation for me as a non smoker: to reduce police power to detain, search, arrest for victimless acts/possession.
War on (((Drugs))) is anti liberty.
Sorry, I'm not a psycopath like you
>muh weed will ruin your life so I will send you to jail and ruin your life
Retarded cop detected
Nice edge
Yeah but when your prisons are already over crowded, you might wanna get rid of the people who are in there cause of a plant to make room for the people who need to be in there cause they BBQ'd their neighbor.
So harmless idiots don't get thrown in jail over a plant thats less harmful than alcohol.
>muh weed will ruin your life so I will send you to jail and ruin your life
How many people in the US are in jail for smoking weed?
There is evidence (sorry buger user doesn't meet your peer review standards) that suggest that smoking tabacco and marijuana carries a greater risk of cancer than smoking either alone.
But really you don't need ro make it more addictive, it is on its own. While there are no physical symptoms associated with withdrawl, it is habit forming and can cause mental dependancy if you take it to excess.