How sad that all Sup Forums wants is a wife, a home, and a culture to defend, but even these most basic precepts are discarded in our postmodern age.
How sad that all Sup Forums wants is a wife, a home, and a culture to defend...
>tfw you have a wife, a home, and a culture
Sup Forums wants these things, but all while sitting on an autistic Mongolian underwater kitting forum.
I know plenty of young, redpilled people irl who are married and have children. They don’t spend a ton of time online. They invest in their families and read books and work hard at their jobs.
This place is not a good representation of the general population. No place on the internet is, due to the “echo chamber” effect
Remember, half of voters elected Trump even though Sup Forums thought normalfags were too stupid to see how corrupt Hillary was. Her own demographic didn’t even vote for her
I firmly believe everyone here is mildly autistic and that’s where your senses of hopelessness come from
Not that there is legitimately no hope
Sup Forums is wiser at a younger age than has existed in a long time. This is profound for the future.
I want a robot wife, cybernetic augmentation and a space colony
I couldn't actually cope with a wife, but I would like my genetics to be passed on
There it is
>wanting a wife
I can barely make it through the day without killing myself, I couldn't handle raising a family.
This, but change wife to BBC.
BBC News.
Big Black Cock News.
Wrong flag. Right fag.
Just get a ham radio. It's where all of us bitter older guys who resent the world hang out.
i just want a wife that's not a degenerate whore.
Erotic Ham Radio is a guy making sounds with cans of SPAM in a post-apocalyptic world.
why are Americans so obsessed with negro dicks?
That's asking for too much, user.
This. I love being a "rural and suburban retard christian bigot breeder."
i know.
that's why i just fuck bar sluts and continue the degenerate legacy.
So long as modern society can't provide these things Sup Forums will thrive.
the meme is they are bigger but that was just made by jewish porn directors to sell porn, actual scientific studies say blacks have the second smallest dicks in world, smallest being east asians. Generally Nordic whites have largest penises, with I believe the Dutch having the biggest on average scientifically.
Sorry faggots. Hit the gym. Your going to have to fight.
They even attacked our refuges when we wanted to escape from the harshness of reality
it's like not only did the cultural marxists cut down the flower the bee wanted to feed on but they attacked the damn hive as well
You get more genetic variance with Africans, so ignore the averages. Black Dutch might win a prize.
How to destroy Sup Forums once and for all
>restore society to working order
>make neighborhoods safe
>remove negative (((cultural influences)))
>end unequal equality and white hate
>end the forced acceptance narrative turning our children gay and trans
>give everyone jobs, wives, and children
Basically, the only ones doing things that would destroy Sup Forums are the people on Sup Forums
Most of us have elaborate back up power systems and EMP-shielding for our equipment. We will likely be the only non-government broadcast in an Apocalypse.
That's why a huge exercise with the DoD and Hams is starting tonight and running all weekend.
would you be willing to settle for a modern-turned- post modern girl? No. Didn't think so. Everyone here wants pure virgins and there are just not enough right now. Men here are actually GOING TO HAVE TO WAIT, LIKE IS EXPECTED, TIL THEIR 30'S to wed a good girl. All the guys here want to do everything right now and they don't even have a job, and they're still addicted to whatever vice may it be pornography, soda/sweets, cigarettes alcohol or weed/drugs....
It's why we fight (shitpost) brother
checked for truth
Super cool. I hope to do that soon. I hope it’s only a drill.
I want that couch
there's an old saying on the chans, that you don't make it until you quit.
>we're all gonna make it brehs
usually followed by,
>Don't forget, you're here forever.
If you get your General-class license and a good HF radio that can do 60 Meters (sometimes, you need a MARS mod), you can participate next year.
i recently gave up my wife and home so i could maximize shitposting and psyop viewing this weekend, speak for yourself
>be me.
>work hard all through school to make sure I can provide well for my own family.
>High school girls not interested in the STEM nerd that studies instead of parties.
>That's ok. Most were thots anyway, desu.
>Graduate high school valedictorian.
>Go to University.
>Double major in STEM.
>Had a couple of girlfriends.
>One relationship ended when she moved away and decided she couldn't do a LDR for a couple of years.
>Other relationship ended when I found out she was being a hardcore chameleon and her real personality and values were nothing like what she portrayed.
>Graduate University single, valedictorian, and virgin.
>Get pretty good job out of college.
>Do good work for a couple of years, get good performance reviews.
>Economy goes into the toilet.
>Get laid off because budgets got tight, and I was still too new to have enough political capital to not be expendable.
>Spend a few years underemployed while constantly looking for another good job.
>Comfy enough, but not stable enough to even consider looking for a wife or starting a family.
>Finally find a good job. Even better than first one.
>Pay is good, job is stable, good at what I do, enjoy going to work.
>Save up, buy a house, continue building up my savings.
>Now mid-30s.
>Not able to perform magic yet.
>Take idle glance at dating scene. Nothing but broken single mothers and venomous SJW feminazis.
>Seems like no one out there in the 25-35 range is even remotely worth dating, much less marrying
>Not really sure how to approach younger girls (early to mid 20s) without it being awkward, or if they would be any less toxic, or would even be interested to begin with
>Have also considered difficulties that might arise from a larger age gap as we raise kids together
>Used to want a pure, loyal wife to build a family and comfy life with
>Ultimately just gave up on the dream and accepted a MGTOW life by default
>wife, home, culture
>got one of those, anyway
more like :
there it is; so irresistible.
robot wives soon
Do farm girls really fuck corn? That's pretty hot.
>Don't forget, you're here forever
I always interpreted this to mean something along the lines of, "You can take a man out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of a man." Basically, you were drawn to this mongolian woodcarving collective for a reason and even if you move on, it'll still be part of you because it was always part of you.