Nazis just remember every time you say something hateful
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I wouldn't criticise art unless it was political or overly degenerate. So yeah.
Oh fuck you are right OP!
I could be triggering people right now!
Thanks for the reminder.
> I'm a woman don't hurt my feelings
Your thread is boring
Shut up fat faggot virgin. No one likes you and your "seen on reddit earlier today" bullshit.
eat a dick pussy
>a real person like you
>implying I'm real
I only shit on shitposts not things that took effort.
How can I say it more clearly, kill yourself now, no happiness awaits you in this existence, try your luck with the next.
Praise is not mandatory. You can, in fact, fail and produce shitty results, and we are not obligated to say that shit is not shit.
In fact, by calling shit as wevsee utcwe are doing you a favour, as that way you may learn the error of your ways and improve.
>the left can't meme
There is a difference between criticism and being and asshole. If an artist creates a piece of art and receives nothing but positive comments, then that person does not grow as an artist. If however the art is criticized by a small group of people who point out were the artist could have done a better job, then that artist can learn from those words. Now I don't know if your were trying to say that criticism is bad and no one should criticize or if you were saying that people should criticize art but do so in a way that actually is helpful to the artist.
So I will offer my criticism here, your message is vague, and you should be a bit more clear.
That "artist" has obviously never been to an art school. I saw a professor set a drawing on fire once because it was so bad. but then again modern art school is churning out shit so I wouldn't be surprised than now that shit picture would be praised.
I'm always nice to artists
> makes shitty art
> get constructive criticism
> screams rape
women in a nutshell
I doodle, and therefore count as a modern artist I guess.
I'd be disappointed if no one shat on my drawings, they could use a lot of work.
That being said advice on how to not be shit at drawing would be better than 'shitsux' because I already know that.
Look what happened when that austrian painter got rejected
>Watch video about "what is art"
>(((Academic))) comes on to tell you what art is
>Goes full fucking redpill
>Shows a Caravaggio painting
>"This is art"
>Shows trash by (((Pollock)))
>"This isn't art"
>Goes into real depth about what art is, and how it isn't "interpretive" or "everything is art", even though the video is only on like 5 minutes
>Can see how furious he is throughout the whole video
>Turns out he wasn't an (((academic))), but an actual academic
>Knew his shit inside and out
>Comment section full of butthurt Commies, Jews and betas
>Haven't been able to find the video since
It really is a good video.
kek that ending
Sup Forums was always respectful toward artists. We even celebrated their art by making our own versions of it.
If you are an aspiring artist and expect anything but hard criticism on your work, you are a pretentious cunt.
What about Tay then?
I write as a hobby, if people always told me how great my stories were, I'd still be writing shitty fantasy stories with no one really enjoyed. I would rather have readers shit all over my work and tell me how fucked up portions of it are, or how stupid it is. I can work with that, I can adapt and get better, and not make the same mistakes. If people only shot smoke up my ass, I would never have improved or branched out and wrote other genres.
It was proven that a lot of dating sites and a big chunk of twitter are all bots. And on here you're talking to a shill or a bot half the time as well.
I assume I'm not talking to a real person until proven otherwise.
got a link?
Criticism can often help a person improve, always saying things positive even if they're a flat out lie will not draw out true talent.
>tfw your life is so easy that you start turning online commentary into problems
Except when they're bots. Bots are not people.
>Haven't been able to find the video since
One of 4chans redeeming qualities is that people have no filters, so you can actually get honest feedback. If someone says you're art is shit, then it's probably shit, hopefully you can figure out why and get better at it.
>Nazis just remember every time you say something hateful
sorry user, i simply don't care enough to mince words anymore. however, i rarely say hateful things.
Spotted the libtard.
The proper Sup Forums response.
If your favorite film is some vapid disney garbage you might as well end yourself.
Agree. I think the problem is really young kids going on the internet and posting their work. When you're 10, you don't really want people to criticize your work the same way you would a 20 year old's work. In the world of writing, this isn't as big of a deal, since a 10 year old doesn't have the life experience to be a good writer regardless of innate talent. But in the art world, there are 10 year olds who can draw better than adults who have been doing it for years. So it is possible to accidentally criticize a young child's work.
kill yourself faggot
>1 post by this ID
pic related to all who replied this thread
Neck yourself fuckwit
I could see people who are into art criticizing artwork
Like if I go to /lit/ and post my short story I'm 100% expecting them to tell me it's awful and I need to kill myself
I don't care though. I think a lot of these problems could be solved by snowflakes getting a thicker skin and not caring that someone doesn't like their shit.
Funny how this would change if the artist here would be real ugly instead of a cute girl.
Like an accurate portrayal of the kind of tranny fuck that usually makes these leftie webcomics?
Suddenly you'd feel happy she'd got some harsh but well-needed critique on her "art" and broke down in tears.
NO. We demand exceptionalism. In art, life, morality, everything. No more, no less.
We hold society to a much high standard than the left. It is brutal. It is harsh. It is truth. It is necessary.
This is why the far right is capable of building a shining society while the left only knows how to properly wreck it.
Yeah, they're people.
And I hate them all.
If you are going to be an artist, you have to learn to take criticism for your art. For example- modern art today, no one I know likes it or gets it. When I see a portrait of just a blue picture I don't try to understand it. I'm going to call it shit. If enough people call it shit, the artist has to change his style in order to sell.
I love how all these bitches always draw themselves a cute little anime girl while they must be in fact, borderline morbidly obese with literal autism
sarah anderson draws herself as a borderline obese with literal autism and in reality she's a cute girl
go figure
test. Don't mind me
>Like an accurate portrayal of the kind of tranny fuck that usually makes these leftie webcomics?
inb4 dobson
>Neck yourself
Damn neckers!
I applaud you, sir. Your comment seems fairly well-designed to piss off every group.
This. Its pathetic. If you post something online
you need to be expecting trolls and just foxus on people who want to contribute useful information. These bitches who kill themselves just for being cyberbullied on social media deserve to die.
As an artist, it doesn't hurt to have people tell me my stuff is shit every once in a while. It keeps me grounded, keeps me from getting lost up my own asshole, and keeps me trying to do better.
brb, going to deviantart to spread some pain
I suspect he's talking about this one. 'Why Is Modern Art So Bad'.
A flash version has been making the rounds on /f/ for a few years. The artist's name is Robert Florczak, he's the art equivalent of a neo-reactionary, calling for a return to classical art standards and training.
now I just want to be meaner to people online. thanks for the inspiration
you have a point but there's also a difference between useful and useless criticism
Why does everything they touch turn into gold?
Nice video, thanks for digging it up.
>Its wrong to critic art
How are they suppose to improve if they don't know what is wrong?
There are enough assholes on the internet but never enough dicks
If only the world consisted of cute weeb white and Jap girls.
Unfortunately, there are tons of niggers and degenerates that want to destroy the West, so it's up to use white males to use harsh measures to destroy them. We face the nightmares and take-on all the hardship so you cuties can spend your days posting Tumblr fanart in peace.
These artists are fucking niggerfaggots.
I just think losers with no talent have worthless opinions
Fat beta dudes, yelling at their tv screen at the football players saying they suck
Pretentious music critics that are just bitter no one cares about their band
some other loser who has never created or done anything of value in their life talking shit is just pathetic
if someone criticizes me, I absolutely have to know what their credentials are before I even consider that their opinion has any value whatsoever
>you're not free to say what you want to artists
But they're free to make sculptures out of literal shit and take pictures of a crucifix submerged in urine? A lot of this webcomic "art" is just polemic in nature anyway, so this is just some babby bitch wanting to have it both ways - she can criticize you, but don't you criticize her!
this is full of shit and you're a fucking lowlife faggot,
go drink bleach motherfucker you suck ass!
I will say what I want about someone's stupid art. How will they ever improve without criticism
Maybe they should have thought about that when they sent death threats to that one girl who didn't draw Steven Universe characters a Tumblr-Approved fashion, driving her to attempt suicide.
>classical art standards
you don't have to have classical standards, just the idea of aesthetics. You can have paint splotched on a canvas, you just have to place those splotches in such a way that you lead the viewer's eye in specific directions so they view those splotches in a particular way so as to convey an idea. I'm all fore a new renascence but lets not fall into the "just copy the classics over and over again" mentality that spawned the garbage we have now.
That's where you're wrong, kiddo
you don't actually know what a NAZI is do you OP?
I have never given a shit about anyone elses opinion. I am that conceited.
everyone who disagrees with me D:
Commie kike, remember that The Day of the Rope approacheth.
Yet these people are a 100% fine with fantasizing exterminating nazis as if they weren't people too
>person on internet publishes art
>"your depiction of shadow suckling tails as they massage each others genitals lacks soul and you should kys"
criticism is character building
criticise my ""art"""
>art thread
>no one posted this master piece
am i supposed to care?
>Getting triggered by words on a screen
>Muh Feelungs mummy
>Pls no hate mi
An Ancient Prophet once said "Suck it up, buttercup."