Daily reminder that Israel did 9/11 to get the US to destabilize their neighbors.
Daily reminder that Israel did 9/11 to get the US to destabilize their neighbors.
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the only good bump is a gif. bump
Don't forget that Silverstein had weekly phone conversations with Bibi Netanyahu.
So why did Israel war the US prior to 9/11?
>"ISRAELI intelligence officials say"
>literally first line
"Oy vey, it definitely wasn't us! Look, we tried to warn the goyim!"
Why were Mossad agents celebrating it? Why were two Mossad agents caught in a van full of explosives near the GW Bridge? Why were five Mossad agents stopped with thousands of dollars stuffed into their socks and airline tickets to different parts of the world? Why did those agent's van have traces of explosives? Why did Israeli messaging company Odigo send out a warning at 6:30am not to go near the WTC that day?
Why didn't the US military detect the aircraft?
Why didn't they shoot it down?
Why did 2.3 Trillion go missing before 9/11
Why was the pentagon doing drills about a plane crashing into it the exact the same day that it did?
Why was there no pentagon footage?
Are you going to apply the same skepticism to whites?
Why was not a single person fired for 9/11?
>Same logic
US: "Better warn Jews using Odigo, so we can set them up."
>Why didn't the US military detect the aircraft?
>Why didn't they shoot it down?
AIPAC/Zionist puppets, high-ranking US Zionists, Zionists in key positions, sons of the founders of Israel/Mossad (i.e. Rahm Emmanuel, Larry Silverstein, Rumsfeld...)
>Why did 2.3 Trillion go missing before 9/11
Nobody knows. Any we never will. 9/11 conveniently destroyed all records, so this would be speculation.
>Why was the pentagon doing drills about a plane crashing into it the exact the same day that it did?
To confuse the USAF in the event that people in the military outside of (((their))) control were alerted, and to ensure that response teams would be too far away to respond in time.
>Why was there no pentagon footage?
There was. See pic related. Doesn't exactly look like a plane...
>Are you going to apply the same skepticism to whites?
>US: "Better warn Jews using Odigo, so we can set them up."
Literally the only country that benefits from the current wars in the Middle-East is Israel. It certainly doesn't benefit the US/UK/other NATO powers.
>Why were Mossad agents celebrating it?
American puppets
>Why were two Mossad agents caught in a van full of explosives near the GW Bridge?
American puppets
>Why were five Mossad agents stopped with thousands of dollars stuffed into their socks and airline tickets to different parts of the world?
American puppets
>Why did those agent's van have traces of explosives?
American puppets staged it.
And military equipment lobbyists based in America.
lol, you're really working for your shekels goy
Why don't the majority of these elites live in Israel or even support it? Just curios.
>Recognizes that a couple of jews doing shit doesn't mean the whole of israel is bad behind something
xdxdxdxdxd must be a shill xdxdxxdxdxdxdxd
They were still mostly Zionist Jews.
Mohammad Atta makes an accidentally broadcasts cabin announcement video.
This is all I ever needed to hear. That is not a Mohammad, that is an Israeli accent, clear as day.
Can you give me a rundown here? Maybe the person who took a photo of the photos should have been shaking a bit so it could be a little less clear what I'm looking at.
>Ignores literally seven Mossad agents caught celebrating in vans with explosives and explosive residue on 9/11.
>Pretends to be using logic.
Really makes ya think.
PS: You'd love Cynthia G, she's pretty much the nigger version of anti-zionists. When you're listening to her just change out "white" or "cavebeast" for Jew.
but the Whites. I mean.
>Literal orders from the president of Israel
>Don't worry goy! It's not every Jew!
Damn. Didn't know NZ was pozzed
>blaming everyone but the Jews
>blaming everyone but the Jews.
Ignoring your fuck-up, yes. Because all the evidence points towards Israel. You seem to be under the impression that Israel = all jews, or that using Occam's Razor when all evidence points to them is somehow bigoted. Also, have you heard of the Israeli false-flag attack on the USS Liberty during the Six-Day War? Had they not botched it, they would have gotten the US into a war with Egypt.
>Why don't the majority of these elites live in Israel or even support it?
They do support it, you're just retarded.
>Why don't the majority of these [US] elites live in Israel
Why do foreign assets live abroad? Are you retarded?
>or even support it?
[Citation Needed]
thread theme
>Didn't he finalize a 99 year long lease on the wtc 2 weeks before 9/11?
It was ~5.5 weeks, but basically.
>After the attack he took the people who sold him the deal to court and he got over a trillion dollars in reparations.
He took out an insurance policy covering "terrorist attacks," and sued the insurance company for all damages.
>They did 9/11 just so he could get more money.
Too simplistic, but that was a bonus incentive for Larry. 9/11 kick-started the War on Terror, covered up $trillions in missing funds, and erased important data-centers in buildings 1, 2, 6, 7, and the Pentagon.
How did I know you were going to cite the one kike elite who allegedly doesn't support Israel while the other 5000 jerk themselves off over Israel. Even Soros most likely secretly supports Israel.
Dont forget that lucky larry silverstein had leased the world trade center for $1billion at the beginning of 2011, he was the first private individual to lease the entire towers from the NY Port authority.
He SOMEHOW got an insurance contract that covered terrorism, and when the towers fell he took the insurance company to court and got awarded 3x what the insurance contract was valued at...
he got over $4 billion
if you want all the personal details
(((bill cooper)))
Chris Bollyn is a hero.
Fuck, I have to fact check all of this to make sure none of you are LARPing. But I don't like where this is going
Daily reminder, these daily reminders about jews are from muslims trying to keep the jews and christians divided.
>keep them divided
I've never met an anti-israel christian
Not LARPin unfortunately. Just outsourcing outrage.
And they've succeeded for 900 years.
Israel/Zionism is bad for the US, Islam is bad for the US. Why should we need to choose one? Fuck them both.
Yes goy, only Muslims hate Jews. We Jews enhance your society.
>that old Jew move where he projects his own crimes onto the goyim
Fuck off shlomo
The Muslims aren't our problem we're not the ones surrounded by them
I always thought the hole in bldg. 6 was underrated, never realized bldg 5 had one too
Youre not going to like where you end up, but you need to make the journey.