Tulsi agrees - DNC was rigged. She should be the future of the DNC party.
Tulsi agrees - DNC was rigged. She should be the future of the DNC party
she should be on my dick
I wonder how much makeup she needs to purchase a week to fill in all those craters on her face
>21st century will be filled with mommies cummies bait
What went right?
"Those politicians over there are the bad ones, listen to me, I'm one of the good ones."
How naive must one be? How?
Also, what would have happened had all this come to light if Hillary had won the presidency?
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Bernie.
The "progressive" left is the future of the Democratic Party. I just hope they are more reasonable on immigration than their neo-liberal predecessors.
They were all complicit but now they toss hillary under the bus.
Only honest one was jill stein of all ppl.
Jill AND Tulsi. Jill maybe a little bit more honest than Tulsi but Tulsi herself was never "in" with the DNC Hillary/Obama clique. In fact she has been facing a lot of shit from the mainstream DNC crowd since she questioned CIA's Assad narrative.
> wet
It never would have come to light if she was president. The only reason it did is because Trump fired Commey, and then had the FBI actually start doing their jobs instead of cover shit up.
The only good thing about the Progressive wing of the Democrats taking over is the system shock it will give to a lot of fence-sitting voters in this country due to the accelerationism that is going to unfold once the new Democratic leadership actually starts rolling out policies that Republicans had once warned were the endgame of liberals.
Why can't we get Republicans that look like this elected. Holy fuck.
did they use special filters to smooth out her face?
she's a paid Iranian agent or some shit
she nuked her own career with that weird shit, not that I liked her commie ass before
This was back in 2015 when things were full on fuck Assad
At least she’s not an Israeli shill like Trump
Fuck this cunt. She is a commie, loves open borders and etc.. She is only goof for cum disposal.
Democrat here. She's literally the only person I would 100% give my vote for hands down. Anyone else I'd be dragging my ass to the booths.
only democrat i have respect for
you have to go back
and take your corrupted useful idiot with you
>The Ohio-based Arab American group has been linked to the Assad regime and called anti-Semitic—charges its leader rejects.
/our girl/
Probably the only one I would date.
>unironically wanting a female president
control your dick
What about Jim Webb?
No. She's not strong enough to de-pozz the dems. The dems need to lose for a decade or so imo. They betrayed the working class, especially the white working class and poor.
Fuck them.
I don't know man. Maybe she could be the VP.
The only man besides Trump I actually considered voting for.
>gun grabber
>follows marching orders of Schumer and Pelosi
>panders to deep blue retards in hawaii
Based open borders woman!
You can fuck off right back to reddiy
>collects a shit ton of money on vote recount
>finds nothing
>tons of money left over
>worked with soros
>not a word
One of the Last classical democrats left. Not the hur 'the democrats ar the waysist ones' etc. but like JFK BK style dems
I’m a republican and would vote for her if she thinks about the white man
>Kristi Noem
We do.
Id nut on her face and watch it fill in all those craters
lmao this. Rivals my dad's acne scars
>Openly disparaged Clinton and the DNC for years
>Military veteran
>Not a bimbo
>Fucking 36 and married to a poo
Wow, the only downside I see is that she's pretty bland, whereas Gavin Newsom has some swagger when he talks. Either way, not too shabby demoshits.
Women with good features and bad skin are likable and generally more humble, unlike that obnoxious cumdumpster Palin.
>As Democrats, we should be representing the views of the people, not a small number of homosexual extremists.
She's perfect, a little too perfect honestly. I don't totally trust her but if she upheld her policies I'd support her. She can assist the next conservative president in 2024.
have you forgotten sarah palin?
Why did it took this long for those fuckers to admit it?
They were all with her until now, so they are still cancerous and filthy, not to mention, commies.
she's not a veteran, she still serves
The fact that Sup Forums loves Tulsi is proof most of Sup Forums are closet leftists turned off by SJW and idpol
Exactly. And notice the fucking final fantasy feathering all over her face. It's necessary. She's not that hot. And I'm a bit of a fan.
Nope, Sup Forums is Ethno-Nationalistic, militaristic and sees anything to their left as muh gommunism
What does that make you?
Wow, even Sup Forums can be seduced by the siren's song. Slap her policy proposals on a 240 lbs. nigger congresswoman from Oakland, Ca. and you'd roast her 'til dawn, but being prettier-than the-average politician can get you betas signing up for implicit-bias training if she's the one to promote it. Black Lives Matter, right guys?
I'd MuhDik her.
why the fuck doesn't she just get laser surgery for that shit
how in the fuck does that even happen? serious question
A woman is less vain than you. Top kek
Who gives a shit about israel, for or against? She's shit on immigration, the only issue.
Step 1. Get adolescent acne
Step 2. Pop the pimples and pick at the scabs.
Step 3. ????????
Step 4. Profit.
Uhh nazis? Jews? A lot of people.
People like to listen to attractive people. Body language and appearance count.
Trump's square shoulders and alpha demeanor make him more likeable. It's why Randlet could never be president.
Get your head out of the fantasy world
Dnc aren't smart enough to vote for her
She isn't evil enough for Shlomo to prop up
>i like my face looking like it's recovering from a burn or serious skin disease
ok user
how did Hillary screw Bernie out of the nomination even though superdelegates were a thing since 1968?
No not at all. she is a classical center left democrat. I have listened to her for years, her stances and policies are far right considering she is from the leftard state of Hawaii. I wouldn't vote for her but I am glad HI has her.
The fact that you see this so severely illustrates your vanity.
What is wrong with you? Effeminate minded men like you should be executed.
An amazing insight. wtf I love turning my brain off now.
I wish her luck fixing the dumpster fire that is her party
Digits and agree
She should, she's the best the Dems still have at this point.
But she won't be. Most likely the party will double down on Elizabeth Warren and ride the identity politics express off a cliff. Hell, given how corrupt the party is at this point I wouldn't even be surprised if Hillary forced herself on the party again and ended up running in 2020.
Someone like Tulsi who actually wants to clean up the party will get curb stomped by Soros, the Clintons and all the other corrupt assholes that have run the DNC into the ground.
She's even hotter with scars and little gray hairs.
I wanted to vote for him. He wouldve uncucked the fuck out of the dems. The socialists can manipulate the democratic party because its filled with women and yes men cucks, but if someone like Webb ran the party they would be forced to come out of hiding.
Friendly reminder
She is one of the few superdelegates who had voted for Bernie at DNC. Everyone there assumed Clinton to become madam president and Tulsy spited to her face.
And of course, Steve Bannon is her huge fan.
Sup Forums's main platform is now support for a white ethnostate and also equal pay for native american women.
DNC needs to die a hard and painful death. I don't give a fuck about a vaguely attractive brown politician.
tell those cunts at the res to quit taking boomer money then faggot.
DNC kys
>i don't care about my appearance
good luck getting bitches then
There is no pay gap.
It is an EARNINGS gap.
Stop being so fucking lazy and work more
I did this and my skins fine.
I'm in Hawaii. I heard from some rich guys that she's basically fucked here. She's blacklisted by both the DNC, they cut her funding because she walked out the convention, and locally because this state is corrupt and incompetent. She's one of us just because she's not one of them. And strangely she's cfr. She's sticking around.
>my brothers wife and soon to be baby's mom posted this on her FB today but it was about latinas
>and give it back to you... the people
She is zit face.
the makeup and video filters are excessive. I hate fakeness. Will never vote for a democrat even if she pretends to expose the CIA arming isis
>super delegates should be eliminated
Never gonna happen
Pretty sure she's cia revealing Hillary's state department was doing such fucked up shit that Kissingers crew was pissed about it.
I would make tea with her used tampon