>poltards still deny climate change
>because lefties believe in it
That's the only reason you deny it, because it's heavily promoted by lefties.
Poltards still deny climate change
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Remember all the dying forests, melting of the polar caps, sour rain and Ozone depletion and how they didnt happen?
Climate change is only the next big thing in terms of making money with scaring the public.
I thought it was global warming and only deniers say climate change? I wish lefties could pick something and stick with it
>i fully deny climate change
>I think climate change is happening but not due to man
>i think manmade climate change is happening but we're powerless to stop it
>i think manmade climate change is happening but the countries responsible for it are the least likely to do anything about it (china/india)
>I think manmade climate change is possible to reverse if western countries all band together and do something but it would be an immense operation never before seen and the logistics and economics of it are too great to properly discuss in this fashion
there's a reason we dismiss anything climate related.
you don't have a solution. you just want to shout at people who disagree with you. and since 'not wanting to pointlessly shout at people' is disagreeing with you, you have a wide variety of people to shout at
fuck off
how can they predict this shit if they couldn't predict that it was going to fucking snow and rain today a week ago? they SAID IT WOULD BE NICE. FUCK THE WEATHER PEOPLE.
I deny it because it's always hot in the summer and always cold in the winter. Nothing has changed in the 25 years I've been alive.
> woah let's tax the air clean or we'll all die goyim
it's fucking glaringly obvious that oil companies are denying climate change so they can make money.
prove me wrong.
I like cars and driving. Lefties want to take this away from me. One of the few joys I still have left.
They infested my games and now they want my internal combustion engine. Fuck em all.
Yeah I'm going to watch An Inconvenient Truth with my kids one day as a monument to scientific hubris.
Holy shit, a leaf nailedit.
Agenda 21 retard
Only retards deny climate change. It was fucking 77 degrees today in my town just outside of Boston. And it's fucking November, nigger. This is going to be the warmest winter ever and it's coming behind one of the hottest summers ever.
There's two type of climate change.
One is the fact that man-made greenhouse gases have at least some effect on the global warming and cooling periods of the Earth. To what extent this happens, we are not 100% sure; therefore, more research needs to be conducted, more variables need to be controlled, and more experiments need to be undergone before we start changing our energy policies, especially when it comes to taxing our citizens. And because this issue is politicized, we should at least be aware of the bias within any elitist scientific "consensus", especially considering these people rely on government grants and are pressured to admit certain things or lose their job. This is the viewpoint most skeptics have.
The other is a doomsday apocalypse scenario parroted by what are essentially cultists, who are absolutely unequivocally sure that the ocean levels will rise to tsunami heights within the next couple years. These people believe there should be no argument whatsoever with this and they will shame anyone who questions it as anti-science. They will parrot consensus numbers and scientific elitist groups' talking points like religious dogma. They will demand action now that involves heavy taxes and immediate cessation of energy production they deem not environmentally-friendly. They picture coal plants like cartoonish 19th century industrial factories just chugging black smoke into the atmosphere and they want to replace all of these with windmills and solar panels, and they don't care about the costs involved, because the EARTH IS DYING MAN AND WE NEED TO SAVE IT.
This is what climate change skepticism is all about. It's not outright denial vs. Science! (tm) facts. It's level-headed critical analyses vs alarmist doomsday rhetoric.
blah blah blah blah blah why are you here
it's gradual change vs apocalyptic change
it's manmade vs natural change
it's fixable vs it's fucked
it's us vs it's them
it's expensive vs it's easy
there are a fucking shit ton of sub-arguments, and people are so goddamn ADDICTED to arguing on the internet that if they find common ground in one aspect they will hunt for an aspect they disagree on just so they have someone to yell at and belittle for not thinking the exact same way as them about a worldwide, immense, complex subject.
Only liberal idiots think heavier than air particles fly up high in the atmosphere.
stop insulting science by calling that piece of anti human propaganda garbage 'scientific'. it's not, except maybe for the amount of social engineering that went into make people people their outrageous predictions, of which exactly none came true.
replace your sarcasm detector, yours is dead
America is one of the least polluted countries in the world. Go see what to chinks and russians did to the ice caps near their territories. Dubai is literally having its skyscrapers burst into flames and the entire arab gulf region had to cut working hours because of the increase in temperature levels over the past decade.
Then why isn't the bottom layer of the atmosphere (that we live in) all the heaviest gases? Instead it's a mix of mostly N2 and O2, which are lighter than CO2. By your logic we'd live in a layer of CO2 and die.
We want to watch the world burn
It needs to be a lot hotter for that to happen
The cucks are trying to cool it off again
You are no better than any leftist with that mindset. The world we leave to the future generations is more important than our lives. All of the problems our race faces today stem from businessmen and career politicians with no mind for the future.