>evolutionists will try to tell me this thing came from wolves
Evolutionists will try to tell me this thing came from wolves
Other urls found in this thread:
>what is genetics and selective breeding
>someone will try to tell me op is a person
pic related
>nonsensical autistic evolutionist screeching
evolution =/= selective breeding.
Learn2 science, newfag.
Within 10 generations of darkness the gallant dancing fruit fly will become an inbred blind tapping rapist.
Kikes have been fucking their own sisters and daughters while wondering nationless from between 60 and 80 generations depending on who you ask.
Not even creationists will argue that wolves aren't the ancestor of all modern dogs. In fact, super fast speciation from a limited number of kinds is absolutely necessary for creationism; all within a space of 4000 years or so too. Really gets the neurons firing.
This is a fat atheist with glasses posting making a non-sensical retard argument that not one christian has ever made, to make his idiotic ideology initially more reasonable, which will cave after 3 minutes.
Why the fuck can't the right just dump these kind of retarded superstitions, while the left are promoting anti scientific bullshit we should take advantage to promote accurate and rigorous science.
Yes, they do.
are you a 12 year old? do you not understand what breeding is? you could find 500 videos on Youtube explaining this process.
"kinds" is largely meaningless, avoid using this term because creationist can and will use it at their advantage.
Reverse psychology 101
Evolutionists also believe humans come from fish.
>before: dog
>after: dog
how hard is it to understand? selective breeding speeds up "evolution" because of human intervention, look what they are doing with foxes in russia
No retard, it came from a paramecium.
Seriously though, evolution is undeniable, buts it's not what you think. The dna changes are not random. Humans didn't evolve though, we were genetically engineered by aliens. Why are you guys so far behind?
fortunately for us (((white people))) we know it's all part of gods plan
Humans have just one race though.
evolution has never been proved on the macro scale dumbass
That's micro evolution, retard. No species has ever evolved from one into another.
disgusting, bread dogs are fucking scum and that whole social circle deserves to be boiled alive
Consider my almonds activated.
>evolutionist will try to tell me that this is our ancestor
>Breeding Bullie dogs.
Just fuck my life up senpai.
>Evolution can prove that niggers and non-niggers are separate species
>Refuse evolution because of muh sandnigger religion
>bread dogs are fucking scum
How can you say no to this?
Hold the fuck down, you can't just claim someone is false flagging just because what they say is retarded.
"that not one christian has ever made"
Awful lot of conviction for something so hard to prove. While ill admit creationist do (generally) believe that dogs were selectively bred from wolves by humans and did to some extent "evolve", they've made very similar (and retarded) comparison between other animals with the same structure "you're telling me x evolved from y (show image comparing the two)."
Dude what the fuck.
Do you know what time it is? It is too late to be baiting Americans. Go to sleep or fuck your gf or whatever.
the poor thing is wanting to die just like OP's pic
no they won't
>what is breeding
>I don't live long enough to see a processes take place, therefore it doesn't happen
brainlet logic
no, they'll say we share a common ancestor with that
No, that's not the right fish you idiot.
Why are you trying to contradict a thesis you never even tried to study?
>"kinds" is largely meaningless,
Oh yeah, I'm aware of that. I'm just using creationist terminology to argue their point.
poor doggo
Can you imagine the US is also doing selective breeding with humans?
I-ts not the r-right fish!
>I have no evidence whatsoever to support my nonsensical theory so I'll just pretend it takes millions of years to happen so that no one can ever prove me wrong
brainwashed sheep logic
>t. believes in everything (((scientists))) say
Look up domesticated foxes, dipshit. Not only did it happen, but we've recently done it with another canine.
*Species not race
Engrish never fails
Show me a single thesis trying to prove that humans evolved from herrings.
Trait selection, go take some Bio courses.
Why do you think you look like your parents?
Why do you think breeding is a thing?
there is no such things as "evolutionists" it's called not beeing in denial of science.
the "-ism" is your thing, creationism.
and letr me add: you're a dumbfuck
Yes I look like my parents who are humans. I don't look like a fish.
>what are fossils that show transisitons
>to dumb to begin a process and take it to it's logical conclusion.
Don't you have some coloring books to finish up for you "special classes"
Alright, the problem is that they can beat you with it harder you can beat them, because they don't care about being dishonest, and it's hard to show they're dishonest unless you impose they use the correct terminology.
I'm really disappointed it's not a picture of her pissing in a dog's mouth like the thumbnail lead me to believe.
Show me how yuh fossils prove one species evolving into another
except majority of science is made up shit with no proof. Evolution has been debunked. Creation has not.
I figured you wouldn't have an argument.
It's not evolution it's selective breeding, and this is what will happen to white people if we mix with others
It became jewish
Race: a population within a species that is distinct in some way, especially a subspecies.
>search "definition of race as a noun"
The dutch should be gassed
I figured you wouldn't understand my post and be able to extrapolate the argument that is presented.
>toadline bullies
Wish I hadn't googled that. They are purposely breeding severely deformed pit bulls and selling for thousands of dollars! Kek curse them, death is too good for those fuckers.
>more autistic evolutionist screeching
haha i thought this too :)
WTF even is this? Bone girth smashed and slammed?
*smacks lips*
>nederlandse protestant uit boerendorpje denkt iets te weten over wetenschap
Dat bait do
Yes, that's a race. There are more than one race among humans.
That's because noone can argue with "God created everything 200 years ago including all fossils and written records and everything."
Domesticated dogs aren't an entirely different species than wolves, retard. You're making most Americans look intelligent, that's how bad this whole thread is.
Your argument is "the process takes too long to be observable, therefore you can't prove me wrong". Oh how fortunate you don't have to provide a shred of evidence for your bullshit theory,
Nah dude that's a fucking gremlin.
>to dumb to begin a process and take it to it's logical conclusion
like how scientists thought everything revolved around earth or spontaneous generation?
keep drinking the kool-aid retard
No, dog breeders will try to tell you this thing came from wolves. Pretty sure they actually started with some kind of large angry rodent though.
We observe bacteria evolving into new species all of the time doofus
but I think I might have to explain the process of this
in Evilution if you saw a Monkey and a Human skeleton then you go and find another skeleton that doesn't fit in with either categories but has exactly only the characteristics of both then it is what is known as a transitional fossil
Evilution is considered by all 1st world and developing countries as a biological fact and a historical reality even in the US creationists are a minorty
but go ahead and tell me that all these scientists are just acting like lawyers and its the majority practicing the conpsiracy and not the minority
Evolution is change over times.
Evolution in a biological context is the change of a gene pool over times, regardless of whether the selective pressure is nature "or" humans.
mudshit detected
No we do not. It only evolves into other types of bacteria you cretin.
6000* years ago. Carbon dating is a hoax, but the earth itself as well as the oldest of fossilized trees point to aprox. 6000 years.
We can observe spontaneous change in DNA replication regarding bacteria. Sure, "micro" evolution, but it's the same process across the board. That's why we use bacteria in an attempt to understand evolution. But, sure, go ahead with "nah das different, das micro and macro," retard.
By that logic, if I breed a black man and a white woman then the child should have superior physical strength, intellect, an above average 8" cock and be 6'4 minimum?
>we wuz tuna
I can't believe that those poor dogs are real.
>Evilution is considered by all 1st world and developing countries as a biological fact
Muh (((science))). Good goy, follow the leader.
You can get a cold more than once in your life.
>Other types of bacteria
Bacteria isn't a species you dumb cunt. That would be like saying primates are all of the same species. It's a type of living being. There are hundreds of thousands of different species of bacteria.
>He doesnt know about selective breeding
>He doesnt believe in eugenics
Oh look, another good science goy with no argument.
bullshit, majority of science, except social science is ONLY advanced through the scientific method. thats why its called science. because of the scientific method.