We join our posts in prayer for our nation and our race tomorrow, that the wicked plans of our bolshevik enemies will not prosper. In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord we bind the principalities of spiritual wickedness in high places, and we rebuke the vile planes of the (((enemy))). May the patriots of the land come forth and drive them from the streets. May Soros, the Rothschilds and the Clintons, as well as all other agents of degeneracy who have brought this dark plague of Africa and the Caliphate upon us, face justice and be rendered powerless to exact their insidious schemes upon our nation any longer. We ask that the demonic stranglehold of jewry and marxism shall be broken within our American and European homelands, and may antifa be irreparably and eternally BTFO out for all time..

We ask this Lord, in your most mighty name..


Other urls found in this thread:

Anyone feel free to continue, the pulpit is open.

This reminds me that I really need to get back to God, and probably ease up on the porn too. We'll be fine tommorow though.



sorry friend
Sup Forums is a pagan board

Pray to Odin then.

Well said friend. Pax Christi!


Amen and pax vobis


For God and country.

>using Nazis to advertise Christianity

Guess how I know you're not a Christian.




> Jesus Christ
Sorry, this board is for whites only.

Nice meme flag, Israel

Death to all Jews, they are responsible for usuary, Bolshevism, and the murder of our Lord.

May honourable white men regain total control of our homelands, and free our women from the lies of degenerates.

14 words brothers.

You guys had better not fuck it up tomorrow.

That would be like natsoc and communists uniting lol. How about you fuck off from Sup Forums and keep praying like a worthless christcuck that you are.

>Wehrmacht soldier


I was 16 once too, user

One day you'll understand, and anyway we all believe in the 14 words here. Stop trying to drive a wedge between white brothers.







Christians are NOT our allies. If you are redpilled on the history of Christianity and still insist of loving a jew in the desert, then you are a TRAITOR. No comprimises, no conformation, we cannot afford to lose OUR holy land by having trust in people that never have contributed anything to the well being of the european soul and soil.

You and all the other christians can go move to pissreal (your holy land) and be happy worshiping yahweh. Instead of destroying Europe.

Do you realize you would be laugh out of the Third Reich for ranting like that..? Christ is a living btfo of jewry and His entire life and message is a rebuke of the degeneracy therein..

Most of us have grown up past this face a long time ago user.. We all hit that edgy pagan metal phase but pragmatism will lead you back to White European Christian civilization and chivalry which compromises the bedrock of who we are as a race, and fought back the mongol, moorish, and saracen horses while your stone age pagans stacked undefended villages.

Christian rulers (slaves of the Jew) did allow Jews to take over the banking industry by banning usury for everyone but jews.

This phase* rather


The only good Christian is a dead Christian.

The Christian Hitler myth is so easily dispelled but no matter what christkike natsocs always scream and shout "muh table talks is FAAAAAAAAAAKE" as though table talks is the only source that mentions Hitler's views on religion.

Fucking EVERY source that's written by close associates and friends of Hitler corroborates with table talks, table talks is far from the only reliable source that mentions Hitler's beliefs and his views on Christianity.

This video is the end of the fucking discussion. Adolf Hitler definitely was not a Christian.

you're not fooling anyone, synogogue of satan

You fool Jesus said turn the other cheek not repay evil for evil. Do not engage the antifa. Just stay away.


"We will have to deal with Christianity in a tougher way than hitherto. We must settle accounts with this Christianity, this greatest of plagues that could have happened to us in our history, which has weakened us in every conflict. If our generation does not do it, then I believe it would drag on for a long time. We must overcome it within ourselves."
-- Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler; Speech to top leaders of the SS, June 9, 1942 Berlin

“National Socialist and Christian conceptions are incompatible. The Christian churches are build upon men’s ignorance; by contrast [National Socialism] rests upon scientific foundations. When we [National Socialists] speak of belief in God, we do not mean, like the naïve Christians and their spiritual exploiters, a man-like being sitting around somewhere in the universe. The force governed by natural law by which all these countless planets move in the universe, we call omnipotence or God. The assertion that this universal force can trouble itself about the destiny of each individual being, every smallest earthly bacillus, can be influenced by so-called prayers or other surprising things, depends upon a requisite dose of naivety or else upon shameless professional self-interest.”
–Martin Bormann

Many people due to misinformation, mistakenly believe that Nazi Germany was friendly to Christianity. This is not true by any stretch of the imagination. For those who are utterly confused, this ebook proves beyond any doubt that not only were the Nazis anti-Christian, but the Third Reich Leaders were actively working to destroy Christianity, both the Catholic and Protestant Churches.

Is there a space marine chapter that's actually christian?

This is the worst arguement I have ever read..

>Christians don't do bad thing
>Jews did bad thing instead
>Christians enable jews by not doing bad thing

Grow up, Sheldon.. Shave your neckbeard, start reading books instead of watching out-of-context Varg video clips. Don't be a virgin brigand, be a Chad knight.

This board needs to wake the fuck up. Look around! Christianity is mocked, shat on, discredited constanly, but every other religipn is equated with race and is shielded from criticism! Christianity is the jews biggest enemy. We need christian natsoc now!

Lefty pol is at it again

I'll pray

I'm not a Christian but I really admire your faith guys. I'm tugging and pulling on my foreskin and spitting phlegm in there

Amen.. Just look at these kikes LARPing as neo-pagan neckbeards swarming this thread right now simply because we're praying for our race and our land.. These crypto-jewish pagan teenagers are worse than antifa..

They care nothing about the 14 words --they just want to rebel against their Christian parents for not letting them go to the concert.

You guys are idiots. Jesus said the temple of God was within. In other words you hating people allows satan a foothold in the earth. Wise up you fools.

We don't hate people, we are protecting our own. Nice try, schlomo.

Yes. Anyone with eyes knows that christians are kikes main target. These guys are retards just looking for a reaction. Table talk was acknowledged to be fake by the JEW who wrote it. Its the only sauce on antichristian bs, and it contradicts everything he ever said. Its strange how he was just pandering to faith to get votes but he never contradicted anything else in private.
Deus vult brothers

>God, please kill the kikes.

t. everyone

don't forget the muslims are still fighting the crusade

rad threat bro

shut up fag jew

t jew


Yeah. Where are your dragons?

hi jidf








He was Catholic too by the way. :)


Hail Hitler

Sieg Heil

Grey Knights or Black Templars


apparently you forgot about thou shall not kill

“He that is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone

murder is not warfare son




Just to clarify though, be nice to nonwhites, we're equal to them.

would jesus want you to kill someone?
that`s not what jesus would wanted
good or bad no one deserves to be killed
what happened to your morals? is killing people really necessary??


>is killing people really necessary
Sadly yes.

None of us want to fight, we just want to be left alone to be comfy and shitpost.
But when traitors are determined to destroy your culture and race what is a man to do?



And by the way, this will be a time of peace. Killing is necessary to make it out of here, but not to innocents, Antifa, protestors, etc. I'm probably crazy and I'm probably not God, but if I am it's important to remember that the violence and bloodshed far off in the future in the Billion Year's War will be necessary to save someone very special from Infinite, Eternal Punishment. It's a mixed bag, but we'll be alright.

>posts donbass anti-fascist resistance fighters
>supports fascism


In the name of the Father, Sin, and Holy Ghost
>sign of the cross

talking to yourself is not madness, remind your self when you do that drinking alcohol, jerking to porn etc etc. is fucking shit, it fucks you up physically and spiritually.

>supports fascism
[Citation Needed]

Reminder that right-wingers will burn in hell forever. Jesus was a comrade, see pic related.

DEFINITELY A SHILL look at the image name, no normal Sup Forumsack would do such a thing. Every nazi knows to treat them humanely, but they sure as hell are not equal

In all seriousness though, don't hurt or kill anyone tomorrow. I certainly don't will any deaths, although Karma has different plans and I wish I could stop her right now but I can't. I don't know if I'm god, but it's better to hold hands rather than commit murder because you misunderstand me.

Commies hated christ. They've dug up a nuns dead body and put it for display in spain. Even in Soviet Russia they attacked christians. Just stop

Wanting to kill leftists who oppose Trump and his ((((Goldman))) buddies is quintessential fascism.

Funny you don't quote all the pro Christian sentiments in mein Kampf.

I wonder (((why)))

I'm not a shill man. I'm the man in the mirror. Am I God? I don't know. But I will Peace, Love and Psychedelics. Be nice to each other tomorrow. Have discussions with each other. Find common ground. It's not so hard. We all want the same thing.

well if you want to live in a fall out lifestyle be my guest
call me a cuck but i`d rather have reasonable discussions than fighting, that doesn`t solve anything only brings more chaos

It's not for trump we fight, but for our race.

Righteous justice is very much needed these days


>fall out lifestyle be my guest
Where do you think we are heading if we do nothing?

>captcha Bike Lane
too soon

Listen to this man.


Fucking kek

And which race is that m8? If Trump gave a shit about the "white race", how come he hasn't even started with the wall yet - one of his main campaign promises?
