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so it's not okay to be white, apparently
is it proof enough that we are right by their reactions?
Shame it wasn't a black guy
the absolute state of (((society)))
Come on own up, you were specifically told to wear fancy dress at night.
>posting a flier is illegal if it is against the narrative
>posting a flier is encouraged if it is in favor of the narrative
wew media
he did no crime
>saying it's ok to be white is now a hate crime
Nope. Get out shill.
Yes! Israel could do with the multiculti they've been forcing on the rest of the world.
these are shills
Yes. Nice!
>t. spook
I’m literally rolling on the floor laughing right now. I mean seriously though? You’re telling me that THIS was the best you cock-eyed little spergs could come up with? When will you realize that we live in a new era. The white man is going extinct, and it’s BEAUTIFUL. For too long you have colonized, enslaved, raped, and pillaged the minorities of the world, and your comeuppance has finally arrived. Nobody wants you, nobody needs you. There’s nothing you can do that will change the public’s opinion, either. So why don’t you just give it up? Enjoy what what little time your pasty asses have left, and accept the inevitable.
You people are absolutely pathetic, I almost feel pity for you. Almost.
This is absolutely fucking hilarious.
It's like jews got bored of being in power for 70 Years & decided to expose EVERYTHING for the World to See.
This is literally the best thing we did after november 8th 2016.
Whatever nigger lol
Looks like the dead Jew pile just got 10 Feet higher
If it's so pathetic, what does it say about you and your lot that it's working?
Sad thing is, it won't matter.
You can show facts to the deluded, but that won't change his views. All you can hope is that the braindead masses have not become too big.
Oh shut up you dumbfuck nigger cunt.
History repeats itself, get ready to get thrown out of yet another country, if we let you leave.
Good man whoever did it keeping yourself concealed.
What a fucking disgrace it's gotten to the point that this is a necessary safety precaution.
user, not in your school, pls for your sake
Although, the microscopic lens effect of a small group of people being more susceptible to the message is advantageous, keep to the streets.
On a public school ground?
And we will continue to do all of those things. Whatcha gonna do about it?
>Sup Forums literally has more influence than the DNC
Put them up in black face
Some fucking faggot put up neo nazy ripoffs of the iotbw all over Victoria fuck this shit was quality too. Now (((they))) are asking everyone to rip. "Similar" posters down. Who the fuck was it !!
Being white is not a crime
Wear a mask Pol said. Don't get your fingerprints on the flyers Pol said. And here I thought you were being paranoid agoraphobes. Pol is always right.
The saturation
>I’m literally rolling on the floor laughing right now. I mean seriously though? You’re telling me that THIS was the best you cock-eyed little spergs could come up with? When will you realize that we live in a new era. The white man is going extinct, and it’s BEAUTIFUL. For too long you have colonized, enslaved, raped, and pillaged the minorities of the world, and your comeuppance has finally arrived. Nobody wants you, nobody needs you. There’s nothing you can do that will change the public’s opinion, either. So why don’t you just give it up? Enjoy what what little time your pasty asses have left, and accept the inevitable.
>You people are absolutely pathetic, I almost feel pity for you. Almost.
I’m literally rolling on the floor laughing right now. I mean seriously though? You’re telling me that THIS was the best you cock-eyed little spergs could come up with? When will you realize that we live in a new era. The white man is going extinct, and it’s BEAUTIFUL. For too long you have colonized, enslaved, raped, and pillaged the minorities of the world, and your comeuppance has finally arrived. Nobody wants you, nobody needs you. There’s nothing you can do that will change the public’s opinion, either. So why don’t you just give it up? Enjoy what what little time your pasty asses have left, and accept the inevitable.
You people are absolutely pathetic, I almost feel pity for you. Almost.
Wow, I posted in a thread earlier about safety and some sperg basically told me that it doesn't matter
If you're gonna do this;
Stay. Safe. Don't get caught. You will get hunted down if you don't act with caution
>dozens of "youths" storm a BART train in Oakland and rob everybody onboard
>police refuse to release surveillance footage because it would "perpetuate racist stereotypes"
>Sup Forumsack expresses first amendment protected speech on poster
>surveillance images immediately released to media
right ..
Wow he's actually not being a faggot for once
maybe don't trespass doing weird shit in the middle of the night if you don't want police attention
This, call them out on the double standard.
>It's a yet another radical christian terrorist (white)
What a shocker
I think we should nuke the US and leafland,just to be safe.
Well pushing shit like this only Serves to Wake the White Man Up, mister cuckflag.
See: The Rise of EthnoNationalism after all the interracial propaganda is pushed everywhere
So BLM posters also result in police investigations? Or they don't because the ideology they represent has establishment support?
>It's a yet another radical christian terrorist (white)
Wow! Cool! Yea I'll take radical white christian terrorism any day. Seems rather mild if you ask me compared to the alternative!
And you seem rather stupid.
It's not okay to be white. White race is just a meme.
>That pic
>meme flag
Imagine being so insecure about other races getting attention and fair treatment that you think white people are going extinct
It sure triggered you
Every news article followed by a normie or alt-lite asking why it is even a story, is like a little Trump election victory all over again.
It's like Christmas.
Energy food pellets from Kek.
Everyone will be extinct,do not fear.
The children of the dawn are coming
Hope user didn't leave fingerprints on the tape.
thats right goy. be a good little coward.
Is there any reason I should needlessly reveal my identity, my fellow white neo-nazi aryan 14/88r?
This was our most successful propaganda yet
Trump better get that martial law started and lock up all leftist scum so this shit can be fixed
Imagine being so insecure about your race that when the dominant race gives you the ability to go to school and get jobs easier than everyone else you still chimpoutb, then kill eachother at unprecedented rates, and then demand more because you know you'll bever measure up collectively.
i like the idea of energy food pellets from kek
>meme flag
To Argentina?
Or print yourself out a paper Pepe mask
Why would you fucking care. OH NO PEOPLE FOUND OUT WHAT MY POLITICAL BELIEFS ARE. Sounds distinctly like a certain group of people. hmmmm.
you didnt do shit faggot
K.I.S.S. keep it simple stupid , was and is Goebbels key.
Actual shill
typical leaf
You were the printer markings fag?
I commented on that thread the doxxing would only come from cameras and eye witnesses.
Dress like the pic related
Do it pre dawn
>I'm not buttblasted, this wall of text proves it!
this ones gud
t. nose
Because I don't want to get doxxed, fired, alienated, and harassed? If I can avoid all that, and do the same thing, why wouldn't I? You act like a big badass, but you probably haven't done anything at all. If you haven't noticed the left is hunting us down, and we don't have the resources to bail each other out every time something bad happens. You really are a moron if you think you're safe if you get caught putting these flyers up in the current climate. You might as well say Christopher Cantwell was good for us.
>waiting for the one guy to post one with a swastika on it and ruin this entire Sup Forums charade.
>You've heard of "It's Okay To Be White," now get ready for:
The clip in question
Tucker covers IOTBW
We've reached national TV media
You have failed already in your head.
I wasn't the one talking about printer markings. I'm skeptical about that. I said to hide your face if you know there are cameras around and do it discreetly. Don't arouse suspicion of course, but if there's nobody around and you're not sure if there are cameras, just play it safe. Reminder that there's a part left that exists for the sole purpose of bringing right-wing people harm. Don't give them that opportunity.