So i've seen a lot of comments from US- citizens about this, but i am really curious what Latinos and Japanese or Chinese people think of Europe and the mass immigration from muslim countries. Also, do your national media report on migrant crime? Such as the sexual assaults all over Europe, especially Germany. Of course everyone can reply to my question, i was just curious what our image in Japan and Latin America is.
What do you Non-Europeans, especially Latinos and Japanese, think of the European refugee crisis?
We laugh in disbelief, still can't comprehend why you did all of this. Some people I know postponed their trips to Europe due to the recent attacks.
European immigration issues are reported in Japan as well.
I also know Japanese that it has become disastrous.
Every country is more painful than the priority of its own people, being hijacked by the left wing liberal.
Japan experienced this immigrant disturbance 70 to 80 years ago and it was very painful.
Even today we are under the bad influence of that time.
Nevertheless, Japan began to mass immigrants.
In the near future, Japan will be like Europe.
This is so embarrassing i swear. Everybody thinks we've gone mad
It's absolutely insane, I visit Europe every year and many cities no longer feel European, the amount of attacks is alarming. Europeans need to wake up fast or Europe as we knew it will be lost forever.
>In the near future, Japan will be like Europe.
Be like old Europe, not new Europe
I feel kind of jealous since it's very hard to enter Europe as a educated, white Brazilian, while uneducated African and Arab refugees are welcomed.
But, then again, the whole point of current European hysteria is about worship of the "other", the most different from the normal the better. White Latin Americans are simply too boring, what they need to prove themselves they are good and progressive is a family of 30 inbred Somalis.
Worst think that ever happened in (almost) all Europe
Went to Prague and it was nice and pleasant, lot of locals sharing stuff with you. Although many gays and commies
Then went to Paris ... Is funny how Muslim/Africans can easily destroy one of the most beautiful cities in the world
Tbh you fuck up big time, I understand having more legal residences for high qualified refugees. But open it to EVERYBODY is absolutely insane
I visit nearby cities too (Paris or Brussels) and yes it's not the same anymore. 20 years ago when i was a kid you barely saw heavenly armed police officers in the centres or arab speaking migrant groups sitting on the most beautiful city spots
Here people is very racist so white people are seen as better than the rest, yet look at how you treat yourselves inviting Muhammad to rape your girls, it's sickening and pathetic.
But if you ask about the normies they still see the old continent as an utopia.
As a Puerto Rican in NYC it feels good cuz our stock has risen cuz at least were not Arab right guys?!..but seriously Europe fucked up
You were always above Dominicans. Who all Puerto Ricans in my area (North east Jersey) fucking hate
Dude i would prefer Latin Americans (even MILLIONS of you!!) or Japanese people over here. instead of them. You barealy see Latinos or Japanese making trouble in Europe.
Im 32 and I remember white Italians and Irish being racist as fuck when I was 15 16.. now they are cool as shit as long as I keep the reggaeton low because i think they see the real enemy is islaming a bit too close for comfort
A government-funded programme like this would actually be very useful in western countries today. With 'white' nations being as diverse as they ever have been, a programme aimed at educating young people about the history of their country would help to unite them and decrease division along racial or ethnic lines.
Kek you remind me of this
Was meant to
Why do you banana fevela countries insist on moving to our countries?
Seriously, Brazil, Argentina et al are absolutely disgraceful 'countries' you have express kidnappings, you have hood rats armed with military weapons and then you have the audacity to want to bring your fucked culture to previously untainted lands.
Fuck off and fix your disgusting mess before trying to make more elsewhere. All of you are equally culpable in the shameful state of Latin America, it's a beautiful and rich continent. Every time a beaner sees a border they just have to cross it. Wtf.
If we deport all those Nigerian, Turkish, Pakistani, Indian, Australian and American SUBHUMAN trash then we will be fine
Enjoy your Lebanese instead lol salaam
Kill them all, let God sort 'em out.
Atleast we’re not white autistic overweight betas.
Unnecessary problems.
A wonderful opportunity.
Thanks to all of you for your input. You know what the funny thing is? People who support the mass immigration are starting to accuse the Press (and i mean press with good reputation, such like the german newspaper SPIEGEL) to be liars. They even start to accusing the police of lies and racism. You get that? Pro-refugee people don't believe ANYONE anymore when they read about migrant crime. These people are living in their own bubble world. It's so insane, i started to believe maybe I AM the crazy one here.
White people truly are the only people who have this pathological need to tolerate and welcome.
i dont care that your family is being raped.
damn i never saw this story. Of course i feel bad for him. Chileans are lovely people, i met a lot of them in Greece.
I do manual labor so a lot of my coworkers are hispanic. They all say racist jokes complain about black people, hate muslims and laugh when they see chinese people lol
This sounds awful but it's absolutely true, there is a deeply sick repressed sexual thing going on with the "refugees welcome" crowd.
We just had a Cuban baseball player make fun of a Japanese baseball player for having slanted eyes.
Thank you for confirming my point. 3rd world rat holes are that way because of their citizens (you)
Pic related.
What I don't get is why any traditionalist Europeans fight it anymore. Yes, yes, Islam is alien to your people. I know. Deus Vult, etc. etc. Still though, you have an opportunity to dispose of your disgusting faggots, whores, and effeminate useless men. Why is this so bad if even your governments and churches want it?
Good thing they beat him for looking like an Arab, they shouldn’t let fucking sandiggers to invade latin american countries, chileans got their shit together that’s why there’s barely immigration there and all the commies got killed and thrown off helicopters.
I cant wait to see what the reservations are going to look like in Europe once the Caliphate happens. Or, Maybe I can.
I think that a government has to protect their own citizens before taking in people from other countries, although at a smaller scale, we're getting swarmed with Venezuelans over here, and it's a mess, bunch of criminals and overall bad people.
This is not a matter of tolerance, it's a matter of not destroying a countries culture and beliefs just because muh racism is bad.
Fuck I wish Europe just vanished out of existence
Same, hopefully our soft headed countrymen stop buying into their bullshit
i managed to "red pill" some people, especially girls. Usually, if i ask them why they think it's good that young men from deep patriarchial and islamic countries are comming to Europe, i NEVER get an answer back.
Europe and especially gernany, sweden and the UK are fucked. maybe even beyond repair. I weep for the destruction of your countries and cultures but in the end I am just happy that we will never have to deal with this shit
pic related
we have the same problem here,but with """""""latin brothers""""" like colombians,peruvians, bolivians and haitians
fucking bachelet stop ruining the country goddamit. And remenber everybody, never vote for a fucking sucialist por la ctm
I am baffled
I mean, why the fuck would you do this? your countries were literally what others look up to
Nowadays I dread my country copies anything from europe or america
damn and i thought Colombians and Venezuelans are like brothers and nice to each other
Pretend like your people wouldn't migrate into a society that was technologically and economically advanced well beyond yours. They beg you to come and bring as many as you can. They give you a place to live and money to spend. They treat you like better than any other citizens. You would not do this because of honor or something? I doubt it.
As I said before, I do not understand why this is still being fought. European states and church leaders want their people to adopt Islam. This is absolutely clear. The Pope himself washes the feet of the faithful Muslims.
i'm jealous of Japan lmao
Only the Colombians are returning to their country after they invaded us when Venezuela was not a socialist.
Like Serbians and Croatians, or French and Germans, or British and French, or... perhaps neighbors do not get along so well.
I fucking hate venezuelans, they’re fucking up every latin american country and food with their filth, I believe the (((cia)) purposely demolished venezuela to cause venezuelans to migrate and flood other latin american countries as part of their multi cultural immigration agenda. there’s a lot of sandnigger looking people in south american countries all of a sudden and I believe they might be venezualans and there’s a shit ton of mudslime sandniggers in venezuela and they migrated to every latin american country so I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s isis sleeper cells cause of the venezuelan immigration.
Singapore here. You Europeans are idiots for allowing it to happen.
holy shit. Guys you should really get your shit together you all are Latinos believe me we Europeans clashed a lot with each other but believe me since those Arabs are just...i have no words really
I concur, we've been flooded with Venezuelans recently, now I know why Americans complain about Mexicans.
Chink reporting in
Our (puppet) media does rarely reports much about international matters, when it does, it's usually very shallow (e.g muh racism).
In my opinion, the EU shouldn't have bent over to UN obligations to take refugees. The UN has always been spineless and only serves to further interests of major players. Hell, other arab UN countries didn't take refugees either, so why should the EU do so?
And the "refugees" do not act like refugees at all, they think they are entitled so much as if eating rations is worse than living in a civil war.
Im a chink and everyone in my family is aware of muslim migrants and the destruction they bring. The one true answer is to kill them, muslims will never assimilate as they are all inbred and their religion promises them utopia if they die for the cause. The west is too PC and wouldnt do shit besides complain when muslims eventually outbreed everyone and flood every single country, if every country was more like China, islam would have been extinct already.
yes we are...
stop calling them this. they are mestizos. they are not latin
China has faithful Muslims in its borders so you are wrong my friend.
lmao true
A sandnigger admitting that he lives in a shithole, that’s a first.
Good luck forming a jihad in the PRC with their gestapo human rights violation and other 1984 tier shit
same, I’ve been starting to support trump because of it.
Explain that to the Venezuelans that clean my windows and sell their low quality fruits and vegetables on the streets
sorry dude. It's latino for me. Don't know a lot about mestizos. "Latin" is the ancient language for me. What is a Latino for you ?
Who would not admit this? Are not all migrants staying in Europe for this reason? Few are so devout that they would spread the faith in some backward poor land. Everyone wants to spread the dar al islam in comfortable means. The fact that European parliaments and priests are welcoming this and facilitating the process is only cream on the cake.
Not all of us are mestizos, we are called "latinos" because we speak Romance languages which originated from Latin.
Not for long. Your kind is being driven out.
the problem is, we chileans aren't as loud as the haitians or colombians ( plus they are niggers, with all that corresponds ) ,and with the peruvians and bolivians ( with the pacific war thing and other stuff ); we are too culturally different to be confortable with each other, thats why you'll never see a unified latin america
i know why it is. it's just stupid and makes spics delusional
In what timeline?
because you have
If only you could speak proper spanish now
You've brought plenty of destruction too, and the solution is the same for you ant-folk as it is for them.
Why it makes them delusional?
I would not advocate such things. They are pointless. Islam promotes large families, other cultures are not so prolific. There is no need for violence. But all the same China has and will have a large Muslim population and in a generation Islam will be majority across the rest of Europe and Asia. I think there will be less hostility from China then. They will want peace with the rest of the world as they do now.
Days like these I am glad your country is tearing itself
This timeline, but they exist as an extreme minority in very specific areas only.
>you have to teach animals not to rape
why are we not outright killing them in the streets again?
Nonsense propaganda from westerner medias. The Chinese faithful are still numerous in their province of Xinjiang. And have been for centuries.
>Here people is very racist so white people are seen as better than the rest, yet look at how you treat yourselves inviting Muhammad to rape your girls, it's sickening and pathetic.
spics think they are white. you go to your country and there's white people on posters everywhere. the news anchors are all whites. you then have these little brown people looking in the mirror thinking they are white too
I will slit your throat if we cross paths
101% han military police presence and arabic being pushed out daily there.
>you then have these little brown people looking in the mirror thinking they are white too
Yep, it's called America
This all really gets to me
So, just as in the US? Doesn't that make you as delusional as them?
if you could have a decent economy so you niggers stop coming here
>wanting to be white
Why would I want to be the niggers getting curb stomped everywhere?
I am happy enough not being a nigger
Allah forbid that I should be so unfortunate as to reside in Balkans. Europe has much more comfortable places with more welcoming governments and people. Bosnia are also untrustworthy.
>we just need to socialize our new slave caste
cool story, they won't work like you want them to
How will I get a nippon waifu then?
Europe owes nothing to muslims or africans. Africans received their railroads, roads and universities during european colonization and they just let everything rot. Muslims could just decide to stop killing each other and then they wouldn't have to flee other muslims.
By letting every muslim and african in, they're just ruining their countries for europeans and for africans/muslims alike. There will soon be no welfare state left to support nor immigrants nor the few europeans that will remain.
Is there a story about why islam is in Xinjiiang? I would like to read it from both "sides".
let automation kill your jobs and cause a economic crash, it'll be painful but it will eliminate those faggots who are pushing for japan to increase immigration because muh declining population, need mo workers for dat GDP
I want to bang that dyed blonde turkess
That's what I think
step foot in any of these and you'll be murdered.
no need to be coy. Just a fair warning.
You guys should just purge all the rapists. They are sinners of high degree and should be treated as such.
They do this all the time. It has no major impact on the population. Tell me why that is? Perhaps a story told to westerners? I wonder this.
Funny :)
As a non-European I am glad we are leaving.
Xinjiang received the blessing of Islam from Turkoman invasion in the 9th century. Various Chinese empires have tried to remove such influence but never succeed very well. It is a far flung province with very fertile and faithful people who are resourceful and keen.