The alt-right is a movement to subdue every non-white on the planet and kill/enslave them right?
That's how I see it desu.
You guys seem to express alot of hatred all the time. I feel that once the minorities are kicked from all white countries, you're going to launch a world domination campaign and maybe a few nukes too.
You probably won't kill the Jews though. They're your buddies.
Is the alt-right a genocide movement?
Day of the rope nigger
alt-right and antifa are both controlled by the Jews
Only such a place as Sup Forums is always right.
we wouldn't know.
we're the right, not the alt-right.
you have to go to reddit and other normie sites to find the alt-right because the alt-right is a normie movement.
>The alt-right is a movement to subdue every non-white on the planet and kill/enslave them right?
Spear for yourself faggot. Richard Spencer is our guy.
cool blog bro
Richard Spencer is a dupe they rolled out to build the narrative of the alt-right. He's as much of a listless nobody as your typical commie.
The alt-right is fictional, fake, a total media fabrication but by all means believe whatever you want about it
The alt-right isn't fictional it's real.
>Everyone is a Jew
Nice try antifa.
We have to believe in someone. Richard Spencer can be our Hitler.
I'm not antifa. Spencer is a dope and no Hitler. He's a useful idiot of the Jews, and you would understand that if you looked in to his background and history. I have no doubt he means well, but he doesn't actually accomplish anything beyond getting even bigger idiots to go to stupid AGITPROP events and manage to survive without holding down a real job.
You still belive the kill all non whites meme your retarded the only thing we wanna kill is fags and jews
I'll take ALT - Vice for $ 200 Alex
how you feel is irreverent fagot
Sup Forums is a board of peace
Why are you saying this?
Shills detected.
>hurr durr we're the based trump populist movement with no real goals xD
Because that's what it evolved into after initially being a board of love and peace. The point of this was to implant the meme ahead of Sup Forums being used like the internet hate machine had been.
Spencer is a spokesperson and visionary. He's never likened himself to Hitler.
how much MSNBC do you consume on the daily, OP?
>I feel that
Into the trash it goes, sage
The Alt-Right is a non-egalitarian movement which rejects multiculturalism and instead makes the argument for distinct nation states populated by singular groups (as opposed to multiple). It is pro-peaceful separation, not genocide.
Go back to your own countries that's all we care about
But whites don't stay in their own countries. Why do whites get a free pass to colonize other countries?
I never said he had. Read the thread, you illiterate nigger. He speaks for himself and envisions fantasies as a go-between for the Jews to control the Shabbos Goyim who are too dumb to perceive the world and ultimately lead to another Nazi vs. Communist fake D&C operation.
That's a lewd kitten.
Holy shill
For an alt righter, you sure suck a lot of dick.
Not sperging out about Jews 24/7 doesn't mean they're "Jewish owned" or controlled opposition. Where's your proof for any of this?
The Jews are promoting him. Up until the alt-right narrative concocted during the Trump campaign, Spencer was a minor and somewhat disregarded character in a old dessicated movement.
Now he's the alleged figurehead for an alleged army meant to clash with antifa. It's as Jewish as it gets.
Even if that was true (which you have no proof of), why would it be an inherently bad thing? Listen to the guy speak. He's intelligent, eloquent, etc. He know what he's doing. Best representative we've had in a long time.
I would hardly call him eloquent. I don't know who you mean by "we" but I would call him a weak and vulnerable representative who is clearly in the process of being set up to fall.
If he's your representative that's fine. I suppose that might make us fellow travelers or something of that ilk. But on the topic of alt-right and antifa, the answer is to crack a beer and watch it play out from the comfort of your front porch or your battlestation.
azuki is best catpanion
this is not up for debate
>Drue gommunisms neber been dried :DDD
Because they've earned it